View Full Version : Anxious and scared all day everyday.

11-08-2011, 09:38 AM
Hello everyone,

I have been struggling with depression for 3 years and anxiety for 2 months. I have been having scary disturbing intrusive thoughts, I am tired of them and scared. They make me feel crazy! I hate them, I wanna die and off myself because they make me feel disfusting, weird and crazy. And I have non stop what if thoughts also, like what if im crazy, what if im okay with these thoughts, what if this never ends. I hate this, am I okay? I am really scared and only 16 years old! I. really think killing myself is a better option then living like this, I want to so bad

11-08-2011, 09:13 PM
killing yourself isnt an option because you still have your full life ahead of you! You will feel better one day and imagine of all the good "what ifs" you would be missing!!! you feel very bad right now but you have to work on it and eventually you will be better and be happy that you didnt resort to such a thing! i had bad anxiety while i was 16 for a while then it went away until i was 18 and now that i am 20 i still have it but i am trying to fix the problem!

you will not always feel this way!

11-09-2011, 02:49 AM
You need to understand that this time in your life one day will be a distant memory and you will be ok again. Even better than before. You are very young and it seems like what you're going through is everything but it is just a short time in your life. I barely remember 16. Please call the suicide hotline and tell them you need help right now immediately. Tell them your friend told you that you must have help right now. Tell them I am forcing you. What you are going through is 100% curable! You're just a kid. You have a very long beautiful life ahead of you. Call the suicide hotline right now, buddy.

11-09-2011, 07:23 AM
hi, ive been right where you are trust me it can be turned around you won't feel like this forever. You do need immediate help so ring the hotline!!!! but other than that have you been to a doctor? you need to there are things that can be done honestly you can come through this you won't always feel this way. Speak to someone.


11-15-2011, 06:20 AM
How are you? Are you doing ok?

11-18-2011, 10:30 AM
I feel like I am still going crazy, I am scared, this is the worst it has ever been. Has anyone ever felt this bad? I feel like I am going crazy or already am and I hate this, will meds help with this because I will be on meds soon

11-18-2011, 02:49 PM
I can only talk from experience but meds helped me alot and still do! Have you spoke to anyone about how bad it is? You will come through this, BELIEVE!!!!

11-19-2011, 06:43 AM
You said you are in LA, right? Do you want to meet me? I'll sit and talk with you. Give me a call.

11-20-2011, 09:56 AM
i can relate to how you are feeling, i too am very depressed, and suffer extream anxiety, and agoraphobia, i lock myself away from the world almost 24/7 in my room, my hygine and social life have suffered and my health is too, but yesterday i was at an urgent care clinic cuz of a bad panic attack, and it took just the right doctor with the right attitude i guess, he just came across very sincere and caring and suggested i talk to the mental health team, they now are going to be meeting with me weekly as well as setting me up with a social worker to help me with some issues im having with drug coverage and stuff. dont do the suicide thing, ive thought it, but ive come this far through so much crap. maybe a little further and i'll make it out. anyway hope this helps, it helps me to get it out more and more

11-30-2011, 10:55 PM
hey overwhelmedteen i know what your going through as im having both a gastrointestinal problem and anxiety problem so im getting beaten from 2 ways and im finding it extremely hard to deal with it also i too have suicidal thought i spent an entire day researching painless suicides and quick suicides because i thought it would eventually to that. I hope it gets better as i don't plan on doing it but its gotten too the point where i have even planned it out which scares me cause its like another person controlly me to commit suicide but remember it will get better.

12-01-2011, 05:54 AM
hey.. i'm going through the exact same thing as you.. i know how bad it sucks.. i have the same thoughts, what ifs, what if i'm okay with these thoughts, etc. go talk to someone. i bottled my emotions up for a month before i opened my mouth and now i have a support group of friends who i know i can turn too when i need it, as well as a therapist i trust. find someone you trust and talk to them, it really helps!
good luck!