View Full Version : legs too fatigued to exercise

11-07-2011, 06:14 PM
Hello to all

So after being in remission for almost a decade my old pal Mr. anxiety has decided to say hello again. I had an extreme case of anxiety that had me living with a family member and out of work for over a year in my twenties. My symptoms were extreme and I had a lot of trouble believing the doctor that it was anxiety that was causing me to waste away. By the time I finally got on the right meds I was completely out of my mind and I literally looked like a former shell of myself but in the end I beat it and eventually made a complete recovery after a few years of medication and some healthy lifestyle changes.
This last summer I was working very long hours and started feeling stressed out all the time as well as feeling fatigued in my legs and low back. I thought maybe I was just getting older at first but Then I started having fears of muscle disease as my symptoms worsened . Before I new it my anxiety was threw the roof and snowballed until I was in a place I had not been in a very long time with a bunch of other symptoms. I've taken some time off of work and started on some meds. This time is different because I know what to do but one thing that is also different is my symptoms. I've never experienced muscle fatigue, burning sensations like this from anxiety. In fact one of the things that got me back to myself the first time around was exercise. So far I am unable to do much running because my legs fatigue so easily and after I run they're fatigued and sore for the rest of the day. I wanted to see if other people have experienced this from exercise due to anxiety. How long did it last? Did the meds make it go away? ect

11-09-2011, 07:30 AM
hiya i get alot of muscle tension in my legs they ache so bad sometimes, i get it in my face and jaw to! I used to find the ached the same whether i exercised or not,so try doing some exercise walking or swimming maybe. I found that once i fully accepted it was my anxiety causing it and relaxed about it it eased abit, have you tried any relaxation cds or tapes most of them have a muscle relaxation part in but listening to my tape before bed really helps me.
