View Full Version : CBT worked for my Anxiety disorder.

Ray J.
11-07-2011, 12:10 PM
I was diagnosed Anxiety Disorder, it was something similar to GAD i think, i didnt have depression but I was a bit sad sometimes. I didnt have any panic attacks, but i had moments with really high anxiety. And what worked for me is CBT. It was CBT with Psychiatrist. It took me about 3-4 months to get my old life again, then i got some downs again. Now I am pretty good and i am getting it even better and I am sure that i will reach full recovery soon. I had an ``iron will``, and great faith in myself. And besides classic CBT, i worked on my interpersonal and emotional needs and problems, i also faced my deeper fears (that sometimes can be hidden), and overcomed them. I think that is also very important part of ``salvation``. With strong will, self confidence and faith in yourself i think anyone can get better this way, so if someone is in doubt to use CBT. My advice is to use it, it will not be easy, but it is worth it. Good luck. :)

11-07-2011, 03:37 PM
3-4 months, wow. I've been doing CBT for years. It has helped, and quite a bit, but I am so far from being 'normal'.