View Full Version : Any Help is Appreciated

11-06-2011, 09:07 PM
I have recently begun experiencing extreme anxiety and jealousy in my relationship with my fiance. I know that these feelings are irrational but I am powerless once the anxiety infection sets in. Can anyone recommend any ways to reduce the anxiety and fear? I have an appointment to go see a therapist, but need some advice for the interim.


11-06-2011, 10:42 PM
Have you tried meditation or anything ? (i know it sounds silly but it does help a bit sometimes) there are some really good guided anti-anxiety ones on you tube. Have you spoken to your gf about it yet?

11-07-2011, 07:44 PM
Have you tried meditation or anything ? (i know it sounds silly but it does help a bit sometimes) there are some really good guided anti-anxiety ones on you tube. Have you spoken to your gf about it yet?

I have not tried medication yet. I have my first appointment with a therapist next week and am hoping he can give me something to at least take the edge off. I have spoken at length with my gf, sometimes in a not so calm manner, about all of this and she sees this as lack of trust and is taking it hard. It has really begun to wear on our relationship and that just fuels my fear and anxiety.

11-08-2011, 11:45 PM
Hold on. Let's look at this from a very logical point of view. For a relationship problem, medication may not be the correct route.
Is your fiance worthy of being trusted? Are you sure they are irrational fears? Does she flirt with guys, lie to you, etc.? Maybe it isn't all you. You don't trust her, so what? She needs to act worthy of your trust. But you can't be paranoid. You can't be too controlling and overbearing because you can lose her. Don't freak out and yell and go crazy, ok? Talk about it with her with a marriage counselor. Not a psychiatrist. A couple's counselor. Being in a counseling session will be a great way to get it all out in the open and you can see where this is all coming from. Is it all in your head, or is it partly her. Maybe there's abandonment issues, who knows. For all we know, your gut is telling you red flags. It's too big. But I suggest a couple's therapist and get it all out and find out what's the problem.

Good luck!

11-09-2011, 06:50 PM
Hold on. Let's look at this from a very logical point of view. For a relationship problem, medication may not be the correct route.
Is your fiance worthy of being trusted? Are you sure they are irrational fears? Does she flirt with guys, lie to you, etc.? Maybe it isn't all you. You don't trust her, so what? She needs to act worthy of your trust. But you can't be paranoid. You can't be too controlling and overbearing because you can lose her. Don't freak out and yell and go crazy, ok? Talk about it with her with a marriage counselor. Not a psychiatrist. A couple's counselor. Being in a counseling session will be a great way to get it all out in the open and you can see where this is all coming from. Is it all in your head, or is it partly her. Maybe there's abandonment issues, who knows. For all we know, your gut is telling you red flags. It's too big. But I suggest a couple's therapist and get it all out and find out what's the problem.

Good luck!

She has never given me any reason at all to think she is not worthy of my trust. I understand that medication may not be the solution, which is why I am going to speak with a therapist.