View Full Version : some advice i guess?

11-06-2011, 12:00 AM
Why am i posting on here? for some advice i guess. here is my story.

im 21 first started to get anxiety and panic attacks at 14 but by 18 it started to become a slight problem. I moved away from my family (chesterfield to leeds) because i knew this in my situation at the time would help and it did. But things are starting to get to much, iv had a lot of time off work but recently tried to go back but now im just ringing up sick all the time again. Work at the moments coursing more stress.
i get panic attacks normally once a week or so
anxiety day in day out and normally i have no idea why or that i was even worrying its like i dont even know what im thinking.
the symptoms i normally get are
stomach ache
head aches
belly ache
diarrhea or constipation
shakes, electric shock type feeling and muscle spasms
feeling sick faint or dizzy
problems sleeping
a lumb in my throat or tightness in my chest
problems breathing
im not sure if my heart beat changes it feels like it does but never really checked my pulse
numbness or pins and needless
blurred vision
sometimes it feels like the floor below me is moving
always feel week in arms and legs
sholder tightness sometimes
sweating just randomly in a day not even when i feel anxiety
then there's a list of emotions that could go on for hours. but the ones that really stand out for me and i find the hardest to deal with are feeling like everything's not real or frustration

iv tried
i think it was Phenelzine something for high blood pressure
and recently started on sertraline and the doctor offered me Diazepam

i dont know what to do any more iv had this long enough to know when i can deal with it and how but lately its becoming increasingly harder its like il never get rid of it. im waiting on another Councillor to talk to but in the mean time i have my mum, boyfriend and his mum who i talk about it too. i can tell my boyfriend everything so i have people to turn to. Its just that i honestly feel like i cant cope anymore. i wont be able to live the way i do at the moment anymore. but i also dont know what would be the best thing to do

Any advice?
is diazepam something i should consider?
should i leave work again till things seem easier?
Any ideas what i should do?

11-06-2011, 06:55 PM
definietly see a psychologist just to get yourself on the right track, and also to have someone to check in with on your progress. I take diazepam also, but very rarely for anxiety (currently i only use it for migraine if it absolutely neccessary) for me, it didnt really help all that much with my anxiety, but everyone is different :-)
Copuld you maybe speak to your work about any other options such as fewer hours or something and see how that goes while you work with a therapist, and the make a decision on if you need to leave work once you have given it a bit of time?
I ahve all those symptoms too and know how horrible it is, but i think my anxiety has got a bit worse since i stopped working xx