View Full Version : aha, thats cool

11-02-2011, 06:47 PM
Hi everyone,

for those of you who read my welcome entry know that I have just registered to this forum, and to all those who haven't I would like to say hello, my name is Harly :-).

I have been suffering from anxiety for 5 to 6 months now. My anxiety is not limited to one topic inparticular, I will over-think and obsess about basicly everything my mind comes to contact with. I have looked around this forum and read something here and there, and I gotta say that this is a very good forum. Through this forum, I have been able to put things a little bit into context, especially your compiled list of symptoms helped me. Cuz I pocess nearly all of the mind/feeling symptoms: fear of: death, dying prematurely, death of loves one, losing control, undetected fatal disease, doom and so on and so forth. And just reassuring yourself that they are symptoms(not real).Though I still have a troubleling obstacle. For me, these fears adopt OCD like symptoms and I can't avoid trying to figure them out, I just can't let them go(and they can't be figured out). The obstacle has to do with my overly hightened consiousness that I for some reason refuse to let go, making it impossible to fall a sleep. This consiousness seems to have a goal of desensitizing me entirely through constant philosophy, and now I have just realized that the "I" is an illusion, a biological reaction(also stated by severel philosephers), which means feelings towards other people doesn't make as much sense as they used to because there is no you, and so there is no them. Nothing matters, and what should I do in life?It's an adopted evolutionary advantage, and now my initial fear of killing my loved ones is on full throttle. Fear of being a sociopath. Haven't panic'ed yet, but wouldn't call it a strecth to say it's imminent.

Anyone have tips to overcome eksistensial thoughts like these, could anybody alternatively offer a different (maybe possitive) view of the "I" that we have(or think we have) because from inside looking out your probably the most subjective person, and I can't stop focusing on the negatives, the things I could fear about?
Any answers will be much appreciated :-)

11-02-2011, 10:22 PM
What is the I? Is that your false sense of identity or your ego or your soul? Even if you find there is no I, what is the "you" that finds no I? At some point there is some underlying entity. I call this your individual soul. That individual soul is connected to all souls, and lives on past death into a new form. How could you destroy conscious awareness?

When Buddhists talk about The Void, I believe what they mean is "Void of any intrinsic reality." not just nothing. It is void of the illusion, but it is your soul, which connects to the Universal soul. It isn't an idea, or something in your brain. It is your true essence. Your body now is a sprout out of that essence. It is eternal, and it never dies. I think this is very positive.

11-03-2011, 03:10 AM
Well it didn't end so bad, I did eventually fall asleep. Right now I'm pretty much fine. It seems like It always gets worse at night. Like if my brain loses the ability to filter out some things when I get tired.

Yeah that's actually a very good point Panic Cured, allthough I find these topics scary at the moment, I gotta say that they are really fascinating at the same time.

11-03-2011, 04:33 AM
What's scary? Every philosopher or spiritual teacher, Eastern philosophy, book ,movie, etc., has always seen this as very beautiful.