View Full Version : Hi fellow victims of anxiety

11-02-2011, 04:46 PM

My name is Harly. I'm 20 years of age, just coming of my 20th birthday 30 days ago. And as you may have guessed, I suffer from anxiety. I go to the equivelent of High School , I have a wonderful girlfriend, I like sports(soccer, football, basketball, swimming), socializing, poker, animals, education(believe it or not) and competetion in generel heh.

Allthough I will not go into too specific details at this time, I will say that about 6 months ago I quit smoking cannabis, when I finally realized that it made me crazy, literally. It then significantly worsened when I stopped and I then admitted myself into a psychiatric hospital from which I was discharged roughly 4 ½ months ago. I have been diagnosed with anxiety resulting in a delusional psychosis. My paranoia include: fears of spontaniously dying, my loved ones dying, that I lose control and kill myself, kill others, do evil things, fear that it is I who would want to do these things and that I won't be able to stop it (illogic?), fears of the universe collapsing within minutes, fears of being totally unimportant in the spectrum of life. And in general I'm kind of just trying to take it slow, one day at a time, hoping to outlive this thing, as I do realize that my mind is poisened with this negatively nuanced way of looking at the world and I shouldn't act on lifechanging things when you are somewhat as clear minded as a camel.
My goal in life: Peace in mind, body and soul.

I'm slowly recovering and looking forward to get to know you all :-)

Beforehand I might aswell apologize for my English, Danish is my mother-language and is as such the language I use in everyday life :-)