View Full Version : The Practice of Not Adding 2nd Fear

11-02-2011, 04:22 PM
A big part of overcoming anxiety is understanding that adding fear to the fear makes everything a whole lot worse and extends the panic. If you'd like, how about this thread is for people that want to make a commitment to not adding 2nd fear to their anxiety and you can talk about your progress. Of course, that means no 3rd, 4th or 5th fear.

The practice: When you feel the anxiety feelings and symptoms come on, you would just let it be. Lose the fight in you. Don't fight it, but just let it be. Letting the 1st fear happen, but not adding any fear to it. The first fear already happened. Let is pass over you. Just be like a floppy rag doll and let all your muscles loose and just let it happen. If you want, you can go make yourself a calming tea like chamomile or something. But no matter what, you do NOT add 2nd fear. You are committed to not adding fear to the fear. Wait for it to pass. "I must get out of here!" "I need to do this or that!" "Where do I go?" "Oh my god! HELP! HELP!" Those are 2nd fear. I mean if you really need help of course get help, but we are talking about anxiety here, not a real serious medical condition or your house burning down or a huge earthquake.

Come back on this thread, and then let us know what you're experience was like. This is a great way to begin healing your nerves.

What would you rather have? You get anxiety creep up on you once in a while, then you chill out and let it pass then back to your life.
When you feel anxiety creep up on you then you flip out and go into a massive panic?

If you are into it, then come on here and let us know you will be committed to the practice. Let's make it a fun game.

Good luck!