View Full Version : Hi everyone

11-01-2011, 06:15 PM
Hello, my name is Grant and I have been suffering with anxiety disorder since I was a kid. Only in the last few years has my anxiety manifested into something debilitating. This condition has really affected my lifestyle in that I don't see friends as much as I want to, I don't do things that I would like to do and I generally feel hopeless.

Today I am going to see my GP hopefully to establish a mental health care plan for seeing a psychologist, and hopefully get prescribed something to take the edge off the dreadful thoughts and feelings that I am having.

I really feel alone at times even though I have a wonderful family and a loving girlfriend, I just feel at times that they don't understand the feelings that I am having and that is why I am here. Hopefully to find some comfort in talking to other people with the same feelings that I have, and work towards a resolution to my problems.

Thanks :)