View Full Version : Felling lost

11-01-2011, 01:18 AM
I've been suffering from anxiety and depression for a number of years now and recently my anxiety has gotten the better of me. I feel like I need a place outside my circle to talk, I'm not really sure why the idea has kind of been stuck in my mind all day. Basically I'm scared to venture out, like going out to meet friends is causing me mass anxiety. I think this is break what little friendships I have left. I also think my therapist might tell me not to come back, which just makes me more anxious and feel more pressure to do things. I don't know if anyone will read this or not. I just feel lost right now. *I realize that I misspelled feeling I don't know how to fix it *sigh*

11-02-2011, 02:13 AM
There are loads of people here to talk too, i have the same problem, my anxiety and agoraphobia has led to me losing pretty much all of my real life friends, but now i have an amazing support network of people in a similar situation via the internet, and it really has helped me so much. If you need someone to talk to or anything, im here, just let me know x