View Full Version : Feel Like I'm Going Backwards

10-30-2011, 10:53 PM
I've been suffering from anxiety for a while. I've been involved in CBT which has helped a great deal. For the moments when I just couldn't get my anxiety under control, I would take .25mg of Xanax. However, I am now pregnant so medicine for anxiety is of course out of the question for the safety of the baby.
The last 2 or 3 days have been really tough on me. I have gone a while without any big anxiety or panic but the last couple of days I haven't been able to keep it at bay very well. I keep getting a pinching sensation in my left upper chest. I have no other symptoms of a heart problem (my pulse and blood pressure are fine, no nausea (other than what comes normally with pregnancy), no sweating, etc.) so I keep trying to tell myself I'm fine. However, every time I get that stupid pinching pain, I start to get really nervous and anxious. Also, since this has been going on for days, I know it's nothing serious as it would have already happened.
Any one out there have any advice on how to calm myself down? I really wish I could take my Xanax! It's so frustrating to feel like I had come so far and now I'm getting anxious again.

10-31-2011, 12:18 AM
Might not work, but this has helped me a bit, I use ice packs when i am anxious and just try to lay down with one on my forehead and i guess because i start concentrating on the coldness of it, it distracts me. I normally lay there for 15 minutes or so if i can, and also just do a guided anti anxiety meditation twice a day. I am a bit the same at the moment, as i nbormally use valium, but have a severe sinus infection at the moment so i am on anti dizziness and nausea tablets, which i cant take valium at the same time as, and today is my 6th day. Hope you are feeling better xxxxx