View Full Version : Took my first step forward.

Slammed Vdub
10-30-2011, 10:44 PM
Well im 19 have had pretty bad anxiety for around a year or so. Very scared of illness and death. I have had horrible head pressure, pains, chest pains, stomach pains etc. About a month ago it got very bad, so bad it was hard for me to see my girlfriend. And on top of this i felt more easily angered than ever. This has felt like an all time low for me. I mean i used to be very social, many friends i loved attention and going out!! What happened?! i never got that.. I never got what sent me into this spiral.

Now onto the "step", i am not very social anyone more i used to be. There was an event last night called Spirits of the past in a local museum which is basically a 1700-1800's village of very famous houses that you go through but this was Halloween themed. Very cool acts and events, pretty scary at parts. I was terrified to do this but i forced myself to go through with it because i thought it would help me step up. Each room i went in it all came back to me, the head pressure, nausea, and for the first time; like the room was moving, like collapsing. I kept taking deep breaths and i got myself through it, and i loved it! I mean my anxiety sucked, but i feel it was a step in the right direction to my freedom once again. (however the one act of a mental guy who killed a old man scared me because im very scared of going mental.) But i feel that forcing myself through this was exactly what i needed. Lets hope i was right and continue to explore out. Cheers if your read it all!

10-30-2011, 10:54 PM
Slammed, it sounds like you're making progress! Great job! Keep your head up and I'm sure you'll beat it!

10-31-2011, 12:14 AM
Thats a great step foward ! keep up the great work :-) I love hearing about stuff like this x