View Full Version : I'm not sure what's happening

10-28-2011, 04:46 PM
For starters, this doesn't happen at all during the week - for some reason I'm very comforted by the idea of having school the next day (I don't enjoy it that much).
I'm 16, go to 6th form, and have recently started getting feelings of what I think are anxiety. Basically, when my parents go out and I'm left alone, I get slightly worried for no apparent reason. Then I know that the feeling is going to get worse, so I get scared of this feeling coming over me. I try to go out when my parents aren't at home but even with friends I know that I have to return so I get very scared and almost panicky. This is only just started happening - I used to love having the house to myself but lately I get worried for nothing. For example, right now (my parents are home), as I started writing this I was fine. Then something reminded me of it and then I'm scared again. Then I get scared of it happening again and so on. I have these changes of emotion every 10 seconds or so. Please tell me what's happening.