View Full Version : Anger problems?

Slammed Vdub
10-27-2011, 10:06 PM
From the start of my OCD and anxiety, i have seemed to feel more easily angered and more anti-social like i dont want to be with anyone, not even my girlfriend. This feels like my life is going downhill and im slowly loosing my mind. :(

10-28-2011, 02:22 AM
I have a short temper and low tolerance for anyone who causes me any stress now too, i find it best to just tell my partner i need a break for a couple of days and we will sleep in different bedrooms. I am totally honest with my partner and i am very lucky he is so supportive,
I think whats important to remember is that we are easily stressed and in an anxious state, so sometimes we need a little break to rest and regroup our thoughts. When we are anxious too it pretty much normal to want to avoid social situations at times (i know i certainly do!)
You arent going downhill, just try to take one day at a time, and get a good support network around you and keep on going!
Have you tried any therapy yet?