View Full Version : Here I go again- any ideas?

10-27-2011, 02:29 PM
A little background: 6 years ago I had anxiety for about 4 straight months. My anxiety usually comes on after I haven't realized that I've been under stress. The stress causes some physical symptom that lasts and then I become a hypochondriac wondering what's wrong with me and that's when the anxiety starts... which never helps.
During that time, at one point I developed pain on my right side and became extremely nervous it was either my gallbladder or kidney. After blood work and an ultrasound came back negative, my doc said it was just muscles and I took a multivitamin and relaxed enough for it to clear up.
I've been practically anxiety free since then, with just the occasional panic moments from time to time in certain situations. Never anything bad.

The problem this time: Two weekends ago, I was urinating pretty frequently or not feeling completely empty. Wasn't too worried just yet. That Saturday, I helped an aunt put down a new floor rug and I lifted a couch and coffee table, and I KNOW I did it completely wrong, even though I didn't get any immediate pain.
Monday I went to my doctor about the urinating. Test looked like I had a UTI (I did just get my "friend" but she still felt like that was it). Took antibiotics for 3 days. During that time, my right shoulder and right side became pretty sore but I figured it was from the furniture lifting. I don't have my gallbladder anymore- removed last January due to "sludge".
Friday came and I still didn't feel right with my urination and I was still sore. Doc tested me again but urine came back clean so she sent me for an X-ray thinking a kidney stone... but it came back clear. She still insists that's what it is, though, and I've been drinking water like crazy- but nothing has changed. I felt fine urinating-wise for a couple days. Today... it's kind of back, but is it just me?
I saw my chiropractor yesterday, and he mentioned that it's been known for doctors to look for kidney stones when it's just muscles and nerves. At this point, I really am achy all over- upper back, side, front under my ribcage where my gallbladder used to be, and still my shoulder. Chiro adjusted me and told me to come back tomorrow if the shoulder still hurts. It does. I still hurt everywhere but I haven't calmed down yet!

Sorry for the book. I was just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts. I'm not sure if I should go back to my chiro tomorrow to get massaged a bit again or do I go to my doctor and have her run an ultrasound. I keep thinking the worst things: cancer, kidney disease, my liver isn't working without my gallbladder, even appendicitis. But I keep trying to tell myself this is exactly what happened 6 years ago... but it's also 6 years later. Yet I'm only 31- sometimes I feel like a 60 year old.

Thank you in advance for any help.

10-28-2011, 09:18 AM
Hi im 27 and feel 60 all the time!!! im no doc so can't really help you with your symtoms but i have to diagnosed myself with collapsed lung etc etc when all i did was pull myself! i do get lots of aches and pains spec at night but i think its down to being tense all the time! One thing i have learnt is anxiety can make many weird things happen to your body that you just wouldnt believe and usualy when i accept its anxiety related they seem to ease off. I do urinate alot when im anxious to even if i dont think that i am! Have you tried any relaxation techniques or anything they can really help long term!


10-28-2011, 02:46 PM
Yeah, the thing is I *know* what anxiety does, yet my brain in these situations still goes, "But, what if..." :rolleyes:
I think it's because I don't have my gallbladder, so I think my body is just going to disband and my liver and pancreas will just give up. I keep thinking of all these things, then I tell myself to shut up, that I'm OK, and then it's rinse and repeat next time my brain goes there.

I'm *trying* a little Zen that my chiropractor suggested. Haven't really gotten into it yet- last night I tried and the cats wouldn't leave me alone. But I feel much calmer (so far) today, possibly because I did go to my chiro again and he adjusted me a bit and gave me some exercises to do for my shoulder. That's one of the reasons why I want to believe this is all just tense/ pulled muscles- because my should has been hurting just as long. I feel like it would be a huge coincidence. It was just that my doctor sort of insisted that it just couldn't be just muscles. Not something to tell someone prone to anxiety, lady.
My chiro actually told me about another patient of his who pulled his back really badly, yet the hospital was looking all over for a kidney stone.

I don't know. I may still go to my regular doctor Monday if there's still pain somewhere, especially if I still really feel something under my ribcage. Just to be sure.

Thanks. Nice thing about these forums is you don't feel so alone.

10-28-2011, 03:22 PM
Yeh i get the "what if" i can usually say ive had this before i know its anxiety and move on! The amount of things ive diagnosed myself with or gone to the doctors with that don't amount to anything when i get there!! Relaxation really helps in the long term so stick at it! No that comment from a doctor wouldn't of helped me either!!! I did get put on ad's to help calm me down which im still on. Yes these sites are good for making you realise your not alone!


11-12-2011, 02:25 AM
Was just reading your post as have a similar problem. Mine all started when I had gallbladder problems, back ache started and eventually had it removed, however have had odd back pains since. Have told the doctors (or anyone who will listen) about it but everyone just dismisses it as muscular. I have now noticed that the pain gets worse when I am feeling stressed which then starts my anxiety off. I convince myself it must me connected to my liver or pancreas due to the previous gallbladder problem and had an ultrasound scan last October. All okay apart from a couple of liver cysts that I only found out about accidentally. This too played on my mine, as everything does. Anyway my back is again playing up, same pain but now radiating to shoulder and spine etc. I too consulted someone, first an osteopath then someone who did massage and specialised in trigger points (another thing I found on the internet!!). She also told me it was muscular and stress, bad posture and even that it was caused by me being a "reverse breather", so I don't even breath properly (looked this up as well). Anyway, it is still causing me pain and I am totally stressed and can think of nothing else. This has now had a knock on effect and is giving me indigestion, another thing that happens in times of my anxiety. Have been to the doctor twice, he has agreed for me to have another scan - put my mind at rest he said! However, my mind is far from at rest and I think everyone is getting fed up with me being miserable, which is again not helping. I go aound and around in circles, but still believe everything is connected to my initial gall bladder problems.

I wondered how you were getting on now and if you are still in pain or have you found a solution?