View Full Version : new to the forum, suffered for 6 years with anxiety

10-27-2011, 02:12 AM
Hello everyone,
i have suffered for 6 years with anxiety with only having a few panic attacks and up until now i have managed with it really well, i would have the odd bad spell and then be fine for 4-6 months but recently i have been feeling really anxious and constantly feel anxious in my chest with racing heart and tired and just dont feel myself, i feel that im not breathing properly and cant take a big enough breath and i just keep working myself up, i also feel like my head feels really weird either a tight band round the back or forehead or tingling around the back. i have been to the doctors and they have refered me to see a mental health doctor but could take a while so dont know what to do until then?
please help x

10-28-2011, 09:25 AM
Have you tried relaxation techniques these can really help your body and mind calm down a bit you can get tapes cds apps even podcasts now so you can do them anywhere! breathing exercises would prob help with your breathing to i get problems with my breathing going funny to!


10-29-2011, 12:38 PM
Thank you for your reply, i do find that relaxation helps me but my main feeling of this funny breathing is when im out or at work so panic as cant just stop working or where i am and lay down lol, im so fed up of having bad spells of this, i wish it would go forever x

10-29-2011, 04:29 PM
I know, its like you know in your head its anxiety but convincing your mind at that moment when it has got you is a nightmare. Have you tried any counseling or cbt therapy thats really helped me but i am on meds to. I would say cbt has helped the most its about understanding thought patterns and working to change them. As ive accepted anxiety for what it is tell myself they are just feelings they will go away i found it started to get easier to cope.


10-30-2011, 02:35 AM
thanks again for replying, you sound very similar to me, i have been referred for counselling but just waiting on my appointment, they have given me diazopan while i wait but have only needed to take one. what is cbt training, dont think i have ever heard of it

10-30-2011, 02:45 PM
i have suffered with it about 4 years it started after my 2nd child was born but i just went to the docs got anti depressants took them and it went away i took them for about a year and a half and then stopped and i was fine. Then after the birth of my 3rd baby i felt anxious instantly after her birth and with irrational thoughts but i ignored it until she was 7 weeks old then one night i had a massive panic attack and made my hubby take me to A&E had ecg and everything was fine,then the two weeks that followed were the worst of my life i basically had a nervous breakdown and they put me on ads which im still on and diazapan to calm my body right down i took them for about a week and i havnt had one since (7months ) but i do still carry them with me! I went to talk to a councellor which helps and then cbt which is cognitive behavoural therapy it can be a one on one session or a group one its your choice i had one to one and they help you challenge and change your thought patterns. It was really good for me, i still get anxious its a work in progress but i feel alot better and i handle situations better.


10-30-2011, 05:33 PM
Just on the meditation at work or whilst you are out I have learnt, well still learning to meditated whilst sitting and walking with my eyes open. This way you can meditate anywhere, anytime. I also use Mandala's that I bring up on my computer screen at work and meditate to that during my breaks.

I personally have found that CBT, ACT therapy and mindfullness have been most beneficial to my anxiety. The techniques let you get control back of your thought processes, and give you the tools to stop struggling with unpleasant thoughts and feelings.

10-30-2011, 11:00 PM
Try a breathing technique. It's nothing you have to lay down for at work. Just count your breath in and count your breath out for the same number. For instance, I count to 4 because that is what is comfortable to me in my normal breathing pattern. This does a couple of things...it allows you to focus on something other than your panic and take your mind off of it. It also allows you to balance your air flow which just makes you feel better in general. Sometimes anxiety can make us hyperventilate without even realizing it. As you practice this breathing technique you will get so good at it that you don't even realize you're doing it. It really does help me. Best of luck to you!!!