View Full Version : Help with sleep needed please guys!!!!!

10-26-2011, 12:23 PM
Hi all

I need your help, I sufferred earlier this year with severe anxiety. It started from a severe virus and led to extreme anxiety. They think whatever virus I had affected my brain somehow. It was absolutely crippling at one point.

Anyway I'm a lot better now but what really still bothers me is sleep of lack of. At my worst I went nights and nights without any sleep at all. And I was trying to hold down a job. I was put on zopiclone to help. I'm now trying to get off this but it's hard.

I find I still worry about not sleeping. If I don't drop off to sleep straight away then makes me panic and want to take more pills. I worry if I don't sleep one night it'll put make me anxious the next day and the put me under major pressure to sleep the next night and so on. I just want to be able to sleep like used to. Without the stress. I find every night a struggle. Not sleeping is the worst type of torture.

I worry I'll never be the same again. I can't even sleep in the same bed as my partner :(

10-26-2011, 04:08 PM
well you are seriously stressed about not sleeping before you even find yourself not being able to sleep its a visious cycle isnt it! Take some time out before bed to really try and relax (i know its hard) warm bath hot drink read a book then listen to a relaxation tape! i found i was never still awake by the end of the tape! it may not work straight off but keep at it every night and you'll see it starting to work! Also try and not put the pressure on yourself just say to yourself hey ho if i dont sleep tonight there is always tomorrow it doesnt mean il feel any more anxious tomorrow. My cbt told me about breaking the thought patterns to slowly break the cycle! Hope this helps


10-26-2011, 05:45 PM
I am exactly the same, i start getting anxious at 4pm, and all during the day i can get through the panic attacks, but when it gets close to bedtime, i cant get through them. I ahve had to start settling down at 6pm (eating dinner at 4pm) and keeping quiet an relaxed as possible ans sometimes do a quick you tube guided meditation to help a little. I was taking 1-2mg of valium before bed, but started taking panadol instead to 'trick' my mind into thinking i had taken something to help. I dont sleep in the same bed as my partner either, but i figure that its best to get this sleeping thing under control first.
It is boring settling down at 6pm, but it really seems to help me. I dont know if you get dizzy in bed as well (i think i get this because i am panicking) but i have jjust tried stemetil (its for nausea and dizziness) but it will also make you drowsy and is non habit forming, im on my second night of that tonight as i dont want to take any valium anymore, and last night wasnt so bad at all, i was still anxious, but got through it pretty well and fell asleep within an hour.
Hope this helps and good luck xxx