View Full Version : i just want peace

10-26-2011, 12:43 AM
Does anyone have any other suggestions then taking medications. I cannot take meds. I have had anxiety problems for a long time. I have talked to a therapist and that did help temporarily but i can't talk to him anymore right now. I feel embarrassed calling him back to talk. I need support from somewhere but when i talk to my husband he really doesn't help me. I'm tired of feeling hopeless and i don't know where to turn.

10-26-2011, 07:27 PM
Hi Rose,

Try what got me off meds permanently. CBT and the TEA form exercise in particular. If you counter your thoughts in the TEA form everyday you will learn to eliminate the thoughts that cause your anxiety and feel a lot better. Read the CBT/TEA form book by Sam Obitz called Been There, Done that? Do This! (www.tao3.com) It's a short simple book and very encouraging. Make sure you spend time doing the TEA forms for ten to twenty minutes everyday and I think you will notice a big difference within a few months :)

Good luck and you can do it!