View Full Version : Terrified

10-24-2011, 07:24 PM
I'm 26 years old and so scared and in tears at the thought of dying and leaving my children.

I'm scared I have oesophagal cancer, even though I'm only 26, I have the symptoms but logically I know there are many other causes if those symptoms. The only one I don't have is the trouble swallowing, but there's something in my oesoghagus and I can feel it. Something is wrong with my thyroid, I had blood tests and an ultrasound done last week and am going back to the doctors to discuss it in a few days.

I'm just really scared, almost inproportionate to the situation. :( Help me please.

10-24-2011, 10:52 PM
Omg Im new to anxiety and still trying to deal with the symptoms myself but whats going on in your throat is my biggest symptom you are probably fine just like i am even though i cant see past my fears and think rationally

10-25-2011, 01:51 AM
One thing I would do is never try to self diagnose, especially on the Internet. It is only a recipe for more stress on yourself. As my doctor told me there is no censorship of the Internet so there is a lot of false information. I have not looked up any symptoms for about 12 months now and am much better for it.

I have had a lump in my throat many times. It usually was anxiety related. You doctor would have looked at your thyroid because it is on either side of your oesophagus and thyroid function is always something they look at with anxiety.

My advice would be try not to worry. There is nothing that you can do till you see the doctor and you probably find that the energy you have put into worrying was for nothing and that you are fine. The hardest part of anxiety is to stop turning everything into a catastrophe . Just remember that anxiety is telling you stories that are usually false. Question what anxiety is trying to tell you, like "where is the proof for what i am thinking", "what is the likelihood of what I am thinking will actually happen"..

Good luck with it and I'm sure you will be fine

10-25-2011, 01:55 AM
Let's hope for the best. Most thyroid problems are easily treated with simple medication. There is no proof that you have cancer, so let's hope for the best. If you don't smoke, I think the odds are very good that you don't have esophageal cancer.

There is a symptom in Chinese Medicine called "Plum Pit Qi". This is the feeling of something being lodged in the throat that can neither be swallowed nor ejected. This is said to result from emotional upset due to circumstances that the person figuratively cannot swallow. If you feel this is you, the Chinese herbal formula for this is Ban Xia Huo Po Tang. If you want to buy this, find a GMP certified brand.