View Full Version : Worried about my state of mind.

10-24-2011, 07:00 PM
All my life i have had mood issues depression of some kind. Its a family thing. My great uncle killed himself and my dad has had 3 break downs in which he was in a bipolar state first. Last year he cut his wrists over it.

I have tried mirtazapine,citalopram, and peroxetine which is current. I also tried another one which i cannot remember the name and all i can say is i never felt so high before. From what i have read about ecsasey that is what it felt like. Only lasted a night though.

I was on 20mg which seemed to work at first or so i though. After a while i couldnt sleep and had lows again. I though the 30mg would help but they made me worse. So i went back down to the 20mgs within a week i went into a mania state which on friday i came down from and had a extremely low weekend. Im still poorly now. I seem to be rapid cycling with my moods on the peroxetine. Its what i like with the other antidepressants though.

I cannot sleep at the moment and am up and down. Not up into a euphoric state but up as in out of it and numb but stable then back to feeling depressed.

I have done therapy and seen a shrink he was the one who put me on mirtazapine and sent me on my way and said i wasnt bipolar and said it was anxiety.

Its more than anxiety. Seeing my doc again tomoz and will lay it down this time.

Anyone been through this and been told they are bipolar?