View Full Version : Magnesium deficiency

10-24-2011, 04:06 PM
Hi all i just wondered if anyone had come accross anxiety being caused or made worse by being deficient in magnesium? I have being exploring anxiety more and this theory popped up!

10-24-2011, 04:48 PM
YES! I wrote about this in my panic techniques thread.
I suggest 400-800 mg of Magnesium chelate a day. Magnesium Glycinate, citrate or taurate. Magnesium Citrate can cause diarrhea. Magnesium Glycinate is easy to find. No Calcium supplements until the anxiety gets better or the magnesium stops working. I now take a little bit of calcium chelate to balance it, but when your nerves are on high, I think doing away with calcium, which tends to overstimulate the nervous system, is a good thing. Magnesium relaxes the nerves. There is debate whether we need extra calcium anyway, especially is one drinks milk. I take it now, since my anxiety is better, and I like it for the balance.
I believe everyone is deficient in Magnesium on some level. I currently take 400-800 mg a day with 200 mg calcium. But in my panic phase I stopped all calcium supplements.

I order supplements at iherb.com