View Full Version : Claire Weekes- Pass Through Panic -Free Download

10-24-2011, 12:01 AM
I highly recommend downloading the file below. Dr. Claire Weekes was an Australian general practitioner who was one of the pioneers in treating anxiety and panic disorder. She passed away in 1990 so I don't think there is anything wrong posting this for free. I really don't think she would mind at all. I actually got this for free too. It is an 8 part radio series she did from Australia. I am not sure when. I think it is very well worth listening to. Keep in mind that this was made more than 20 years ago, but you will still find it very comforting and helpful.

I posted a zip file of this here: EDITED * Yes, actually although she has passed it is still copyright protected material, but it can be purchased via iTunes.

It will be free to download until Oct. 30 then it will be gone. It's a mp3 zip file of 2 CDs. I don't think there will be any problem with copyright laws here. She has been gone for over 20 years. It will only be up for download until Oct. 30 anyway. What's important is that people get to hear it. It is stored at yousendit.com, and is a totally safe file free of virus or anything. Also, I am not affiliated with this in anyway, nor do I make any money off this. I just think her philosophy is very important for sufferers to learn about.

From Wiki:
"She described in her books the three main pitfalls that lead to Nervous Illness. They are sensitization, bewilderment and fear. She explained that so much nervous illness is no more than severe sensitization kept alive by bewilderment and fear. Dr. Weekes analyzed fear as two separate fears; the first fear and the second fear. She explained that first fear is the fear that comes reflexly, almost automatically. The patient usually immediately recoils from it, and as he/she does, he/she adds a second fear to the first. Second fear is the fear the patient adds to the first fear. Examples of second fear are "Oh, my goodness! Here it is again! I can't stand it!. It is the second fear that is keeping the first fear alive, keeping the sufferer sensitized, keeping them nervously ill."

I would love to hear your thoughts on these recordings.

10-25-2011, 05:03 PM
Oh great you deleted the link. Why wold you do that? This is a very helpful download.

10-25-2011, 05:11 PM
It was deleted for the precise reason given, but it is a great recording for people to purchase legally.

Sorry, we can't allow distribution of protected material through the forums in any fashion.

10-25-2011, 05:44 PM
These were made in cassette form in the 80s. Claire Weekes passed away in 1990. I don't think you would get any legal ramifications.

10-25-2011, 05:57 PM
Oh WOW! I had no idea. I really thought noone cared. Ok. Thanks for telling me. I really did not know about that. Guess her family wants to make residuals off her work.

11-09-2017, 02:40 AM
Can I bump this thread please?

I did PM you PanicCured but I see you're offline x