View Full Version : Really scared! Reassurance please..

10-23-2011, 05:14 AM
I have been having this problem for a while now and it has scared the crap outta me, well it all just got worse tonight. I have had intrusive thoughts, every night I would cry over it and be scared and shaking. Tonight I started having those thoughts again and it triggered a panic attack, haven't had one in a while, and I thought I was going to act on those thoughts even though I know I would never. I am not really thinking of them right now, im not crying or freaking out which makes me feel guilty and sad, I feel like I should cry but I cant, then I start obsessing over it again, I have OCD with these thoughts

Is this all normal?

10-23-2011, 06:09 AM
Im still scared from that panic attack, it was scary. Anyway I feel guilty becaause im not crying anymore, I feel like I should be crying and sweating and freaking out over these thoughts but im not now, all of a sudden too. Is it my OCD ? Im scared but im telling myself otherwise making me think im crazy

10-23-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi, i know how you are feeling they are horrible and a big part of my anxiety! It got so bad that i wouldn't be left alone with my kids for fear i would act on them! You won't act on them the fact they scare you says that. Its a thought cycle that you need to break, thought pops in to your head it scares you, you dwell on it it scares you all the more and boom panic attack! Its hard to break but you can do it trust me! Each time a thought pops in your head stop what you are doing recognise the thought dont try and push it away. Tell yourself i won't act on this thought its just a thought it means nothing to me and carry on what you were doing. It won't work straight away but if you do it everytime over time it will. You need to remove the fear out of the thoughts to break the pattern. Hope you feel a bit better soon.


10-23-2011, 03:25 PM
I know, I've been having fear of these thoughts for months now and I have learned it comes with Anxiety and I have gotten over the thoughts really but I have a problem with catastrophic thinking and I start thinking what if im crazy or what if im not scared of these thoughts and I am crazy, It scares me. And when I try to cry and I can't then it makes me feel worse and I get scared. Can you just reassure me im not crazy please..

10-23-2011, 03:53 PM
your not crazy i promise! You have to accept that all these things are anxiety for them to get better i think,i used to worry that i would do these things then that these wern't thoughts they were voices in my head and then of course i was then schizophrenic its crazy how these thoughts can escalate isn't it! Have you spoke to a counsellor or somebody that has really helped me just talk through things because i really bottle things up, even if you dont think you have issues it really helped me.

10-23-2011, 04:17 PM
I have a therapist/psychologist, I didn't get to see her today which really bummed me out, I really needed her today.
So im fine right, im not crazy?

10-23-2011, 10:47 PM
What you are describing sounds like a typical panic attack.

Crazy people don't ask, "Am I going crazy."

They talk to the cracks in the sidewalks and hear voices from the birds talking to them telling them commands and accept it all as normal. This is just how they are. Crazy. You are asking if you're crazy.

You have got to slow down. Don't add more anxiety to the anxiety.

I know exactly what your going through. I was convinced I was taking my mind to places that only the most clinically insane have ever gone. I thought either I would end up completely insane or my head would explode. I described it as a feeling of having multiple brains doing summersaults over each other.

Please read my post about the techniques I used to cure my anxiety.
For now, try your best to not add fear to the fear.

10-23-2011, 11:04 PM
I haven't had a panic attack in a while so when I posted this I was pretty scared. Anyway, one thing that is hard to get over is my "what if thoughts" AKA catastrophic thinking. Also for some reason, im always scared and anxious, is this because of my Generalized Anxiety Disorder? I will be scared and anxious but I cant find a reason why im scared and anxious sometimes, is this because of my GAD? Btw PanicCured, thank you!

10-23-2011, 11:10 PM
Well how about you list your "What if?" thoughts right here and let's go over them. What do each of these thoughts mean to you? And then ask yourself, "Well, so what if this happens? Then what?"

10-24-2011, 07:32 AM
Intrusive thoughts are what sent me to my counselor in the first place, and we are getting to the route of them. Doesn't mean they are gone, but I know they aren't really what I want to do. I am also happy to see that fear of the thoughts mean I won't do them. I really thought I was losing my mind and after a month or so of talking and exploring I am seeing where they are coming from, and so on days when you have an appointment I encourage you to go, and see her. Take care of yourself first and worry about others later, that's what I am working on doing. :)

10-24-2011, 03:35 PM
I love hearing how you are exploring your thoughts and trying to find where they are coming from. That is part of true healing. Instead of jumping to medication to dampen the thoughts, you are looking at them straight in the eye. Good job!

10-24-2011, 06:43 PM
PanicCured, I have thoughts like "what if im in a dream right now?" "what if I have another mental disorder?" "what if I really am gay?" (this one I get when people at school call me names like that) Also I do feel like im in a dream, its hard to explain, I am not alone appearentely because I have read posts where lots of people feel like they're in a dream or nothing is real, will this feeling ever go away? It scares me and also makes my stress/anxiety REALLY high.

forwells, thank you, that really helped (:

10-24-2011, 07:19 PM
These are age old questions such as what is the meaning of life? Is this a dream or what is life? There is nothing wrong with tripping out on life. Life is a trip! Even science does this, telling us life is made up of atoms then subatomic particles and mostly empty space. These are intelligent questions.

I think people that go through life like robots have a mental disorder.

I've also asked myself if I was gay. Turns out the answer was no, but I asked it.

Do you think maybe you are awakening to your spiritual path, by any chance? Seeing there is much more to life than the box you may have grown up in?

10-24-2011, 10:16 PM
I thought that too, I think my drug use did that, made me appreciate stuff more but its a weird feeling. Look up other peoples post though, people with Anxiety don't feel the same, hard to explain. What do you mean "People that go through life like robot disorders have a mental disorder." ??

10-25-2011, 01:49 AM
Oh sorry. I just meant that people who go through life without asking these type of questions and ever think out of the box, in my opinion, is kind of crazy.

How are you feeling now?

10-25-2011, 01:37 PM
Im a little scared, my depression is worse than my anxiety now, and I cant get rid of what if thoughts like what if im schizophrenic and stuff like that, im not though but I cant get it off my mind

10-25-2011, 01:43 PM
hi everyone, im new to this so im sorry if i ramble on abit! ive had anxiety for the past year but about 2 months ago i got put on 10mg citalapran, but im still having constant symptoms. ive been feeling extremely weak in my legs and arms, its almost as if i cant move them without it making a lot of effort, i keep getting weird dizzy spells where my head feels heavy and foggy, it just feels like im about to pass out. ive had others like a tight chest, tremors, puke quite often, diahorrea and sometimes i just feel petrified when i feel like this because they can last 24/7 for days on end. ive had blood test done which all came back clear, but no other tests so far. i just dont think i can accept this is all anxiety, it just doesnt feel normal. i can see a lot of people from just reading this forum have the same problems :/ does anyone have any tips for dealing with these physical symptoms? any help would be much appreciated!x

10-25-2011, 03:32 PM
I suggest downloading this:


10-25-2011, 10:25 PM
Forwells, thank you so much! Thanks for the reassurance and tips and advice. I will make time for meditation, its really hard for me though. And also as for the schizo. Thing, its really hard to get over, because I have a really bad problem with carastrophic thinking/what if thoughts. Its scary, I hate it

10-25-2011, 10:51 PM
Forwells, I hope pretty soon that I will be good at meditating :) so meditation really does work and for how long after you do it? Once again, thanks for all your help, PanicCured, thank you too!

10-26-2011, 02:12 AM
I've just posted something about intrusive thoughts myself! I was diagnosed yesterday with having them, and by the sounds of it have very similar experiences to yourself, I'm 19 and visualise brutal acts that involve me somehow, they are very scary but until yesterday I just thought it was me going mad and they were my own thoughts, although my actions were never influenced by the thoughts it is terrifying, even now! You'll be ok just stay strong and know you're not alone with this. X

10-26-2011, 02:17 AM
Thank you daydreamer1, I got over them a few days ago kinda, I know I would never act on them, anxiety makes you think these. I got explained why you get these thoughts from anxiety but I forgot what it was. Now I need help with a new problem that I stated above, what if thoughts.

10-26-2011, 04:38 AM
Hi i found relaxation tapes help i listen to them in bed at night and i have never stayed awake to the end!! As your mind starts to relax these thoughts and symtoms ease abit as your mind and body arn't so tense! Cbt therapy really helps to with thought patterns and such like.

10-26-2011, 05:58 PM
Alright im starting to get anxious for no reason every day but I think its because of my Generalized Anxiety Disorder, thos sucks :/ Im starting to get intrusive thoughts and lots of "what if" thoughts. These are scaring me again :(

10-26-2011, 08:03 PM
Check it out. Remember when you first started this thread? You needed reassurance right? Did any of your fears from that day come true? You felt something was about to happen. You felt really indescribably weird and you wanted to make sure you were ok. Did anything actually happen?

No and nothing ever does happen.

It's a bluff. You are being bluffed!

10-26-2011, 10:33 PM
PanicCured, thank you! But anyway I know for a fact I would never act on them but the thoughts still scare the hell out of me, just thinking of them makes me feel like I am crazy. And I have been getting a lot of "what if thoughts" these are bothering and coming up more than my other problems. My main what if thought is "what if I am schizo." Its really scary to think about ): And when I dont think about it, it scares me, its hard to explain. Like for example, peoples theories are if you think about it or are aware of it then you dont have it, so if im not aware of it I scare myself and start thinking uh oh am I? It's hard to explain, anxiety and depression is taking over my life, im scared )':

10-27-2011, 02:40 AM
The odds are you are not schizo! If you do go schizo, there are meds to help you. Either way you are fine. But I really think you know that you are not going schizo! Grab the reigns of your mind and stop letting your thoughts control you. You control it.

Watch your thoughts. Your brain goes "What if" this and that. Watch it. Don't follow the thoughts. Just watch the What if statements. Be the non judgmental observer. This can be your meditation for now. Just watch them and don't grab on to them. They are just thoughts.

When you have moments that you feel good or "normal", write down or record your self telling you how all your worries from before were nothing and you were just being bluffed. Let yourself know you feel ok now. Then listen to it when you start panicking again.

You're ok buddy!

10-28-2011, 12:37 AM
PanicCured, thank you so much, you really have helped me! It's weird though, I haven't had a problem with any scary thoughts today and last night. The only real problem that is scaring me and makes me sad is the derealization I feel. I feel weird. Anyway I haven't had a big problem with intrusive thoughts and other scary thoughts. I think them and then think to myself I am fine and that I need to calm down, im fine right? Just want some reassurance... thank you for everything though

10-28-2011, 02:35 AM
That thought, "Am I ok?" Those thoughts led me to doctors, hospitals, ambulance rides, blood tests, X rays, echo grams, EKGs, and a whole lot of agony. Like when you're in a relationship and you keep asking if they love you or if they are cheating on you or how many guys they slept with.

This is DOUBT. Conquer your doubt. The point is not that you need to be reassured you are ok. The point is to not even have to ask the question.

10-29-2011, 05:14 AM
I am scared easily though, I hate feeling like this. I keep getting intrusive thoughts again and what if thoughts. They're really taking over my life and they're scary. Help me please, I need reassurance

10-29-2011, 01:51 PM
You need to be brave. Don't add the 2nd fear. Obviously you are ok. This can go on for years if you'd like it to. You can keep feeling like something is off and keep asking if you are ok. Do you want this to be your life? It can be if you want it to. Look at this entire forum. Filled with people scared and wondering if they are ok. Can't you see how ridiculous this all is? Please sit back and look at it all and then laugh about it. We can assume that most everyone here is ok and they will be ok and nothing will ever happen.

Read my techniques thread again and start implementing some of the methods. Start taking supplements to calm you down and feed your nervous system.

It is very possible your nervous system is set on high, enabling you to get scared so easy. This means you need to calm it down and reset it. Little by little you can get past it, if you keep focusing on getting better. Calm your breathing down. Watch your thoughts. Your intrusive thoughts are not you. They are just thoughts. They have no power. The more you can step back and observe them the less they will come.
This whole thing is a process and it begins by taking the first step to be brave and be determined that you are going to get 100% better and heal yourself. Use your will to combat the fear.

I suggest you find a therapist who specialize in anxiety and talk to him/her. Don't be cheap. Just go.

You are ok. Find the answers within yourself!

11-01-2011, 01:54 AM
Thank you, I just had an episode and I feel like it didnt even happen. It happened without me knowing because I woke up panicking and then I just cried in my moms arms all night. I really am tired of feeling like this.

11-01-2011, 05:45 PM
I suggest you seek out a therapist that specializes in anxiety and panic and see this person 2 times a week. Tell them everything you are feeling! Also, I recommend David Johnson's Freedom From Fear program. Email him and ask to skype with him on a video chat. He's a great help! You need to focus on healing.

You will get better. Hang in there!

11-05-2011, 12:05 PM
Thank you, yeah I am seeing a therapist that is good with anxiety and depression. These intrusive thoughts make me feel crazy though, I was close to killing myself the other day because they make me feel crazy and scared.

11-05-2011, 04:00 PM
Listen buddy, you sound like a great person and I don't want ANYTHING bad to happen to you. Please get in touch with a suicide prevention group.
In the US it is: 1-800-273-8255 If you are not in the US google suicide prevention hotline in your country or city and call them! NOW! Not tomorrow or next week or when you feel sad, right now while reading this post! I mean it! You are not going crazy! You have anxiety and maybe depression. But these things that can go away, but you are talking of killing yourself, and we can't have that. When you get past this and you look back on today, you will not believe you even entertained the idea of killing yourself over ridiculous thoughts!

Call the suicide prevention hotline NOW and tell them your story. Ask for immediate help even if you are not feeling suicidal now. Then go find the necessary place to go to to get help. You need to go to a professional. You may need medication for right now. That is totally ok! That means you must go to a psychiatrist. There are psychiatric departments at most hospitals. But buddy, go see someone that specializes in this NOW! They will help you!

Call them NOW: 1-800-273-8255

You are great and you are worth it and don't ever do anything to hurt yourself. You WILL get past this. You must see this moment through. Hang in there. Be patient. Look towards your future without this holding you back.

Please call them.

11-06-2011, 11:12 PM
I called a suicide hotline, I wanna join a suicide group though, that'd help. Also I am really anxious and scared, I feel like I am crazy again. I can't stop crying. I wanna end all this so bad! Am I okay? This feeling doesn't feel like anxiety, I don't know what this feeling is. Maybe I am just really anxious and I don't know it. I am scared. I feel empty and scared, like I am going crazy, help me and educate me please, I am super scared.

11-06-2011, 11:21 PM
Yes I am still here, and yes I really need to chat really bad please
No I don't know where it is

11-07-2011, 03:09 AM
I messaged you my phone number. Call me.

I suggest you tell the suicide hotline that you feel so awful. Please call them again. You must call them again!

You are NOT going crazy! You have some issues that you need to work through and you need some medication for now. Meds are here for this type of reason. Get on the meds, calm a bit down, work through the problems whatever they are, then later you can slowly get off the meds.


You have to just trust me you will get better. Just be patient. Trust me. Do not even think of hurting yourself. You will get past this if you just hang in there.

11-08-2011, 09:28 AM
I got your number, I see you are in LA as well! When can I call you? I am scared, havin non stop what if thoughts and inrusive thoughts. I hate them, im really scared

11-08-2011, 11:36 PM
Just call me whenever you want. If I am busy or too late I will turn off my phone or not answer it. You can call me 24/7.