View Full Version : Anxiety = IBS Trigger?

10-22-2011, 08:19 PM

I recently went to the doctor, got a rectal exam, then got a colonoscopy. My colon is normal. My doctor said before the colonoscopy that IBS could be a possibility. Here is what is happening to me:

Before I go to school (or anywhere else now it seems) I have a bowel movement, then I get very anxious. I have to go to the bathroom between 5-15 times now before I leave. It used to go away when I would get to the bus stop or school, but now it just doesn't go away. It started when I had diarrhea one day, and almost went in my pants! Then for a couple of days after that, I had diarrhea at school. When I get home, I'm fine. I'm missing a lot of school, and this is my senior year!

Could this be severe anxiety triggering IBS? Can anyone relate? What kind of medication should I ask my doctor about?

10-23-2011, 02:25 PM
Hi, yes it could, i can't say that ive had exactly the same happen but if i was anxious over a situation or something my ibs would kick off. i don't know if there is a med for it but def speak to your doctor about it.


10-23-2011, 06:02 PM
Anxiety definitely causes diarrhoea. This is a problem that I used to have before getting on a plane, bus or going into a meeting. A bowel movement is just one of the anxiety symptoms designed primarily to make you lighter so you can run faster to escape the danger. Hence the phrase "sh#T myself" . Many animals like birds still do when presented with danger so they can fly away faster. .

I found that a diarrhoea tablet called Imodium (Loperamide) works really well. It was recommended by my doctor and I would take a tablet about 30 minutes before the event. It just calms the stomach down and I could get on with my day. Even though I have now overcome the problem I still have the imodium in my car for that just in case event.

Just remember that you are safe and the likelihood of soiling you pants in very unlikely.

10-24-2011, 12:00 AM
I definitely remember getting mega diarrhea during panic attacks. Since you are going so much, please take something to replenish your electrolytes. A gatorade type drink and lots and lots of water!