View Full Version : Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-22-2011, 04:20 PM
I am not sure where to start. I should have joined a forum as long time ago to talk about what I am experiencing with others that understand. I am 34 years old. I am married to a good man and we have three healthy beautiful children. The last baby was a surprise but a welcome one. When I find out I was pregnant in December of 2009, I was already having some issues with a swollen lymph node in the back of my neck. They had sent me to have a biopsy done after noticing it and a goiter with nodules on my thyroid, They would not do the biopsy when they found out I was pregnant because the surgeon did not want to put me to sleep. He said the size of the lymph node was not all that impressive and the nodules appeared to be benign so he saw no reason to risk miscarriage. I felt better about everything since the surgeon did not appear concerned. As the pregnany progressed, there were some obstacles we had to overcome. They told me in the inital ultrasound that the baby appeared to have a small head and that we would need to repeat it. I was a little anxious about the welfare of the baby but all in all handled it really well. Later in the pregnancy (which I had gestational diabetes and high blood pressure throughout), I was placed on bed rest because the fluid level around the baby was low and the blood flow from the umbilical cord was restricted. I laid around for weeks and each week had a doctor appt. hooked up to a fetal monitor, had an ultrasound and then spent 1-3 hours in labor and delivery being monitored and then sent home. Finally, my baby boy was born via c-section and everything went textbook during delivery. While in recovery I felt what can best be described as a sudden rush to my head like my bp was rising. My husband ran to the hallway and grabbed the doctor and she came in and assured me it was from the meds they had given me and all would be good. After a while I did feel better. While in the hospital, I had a severe leg cramp and headache (which I immediately blew into a blood clot or aneurysm). They came and checked me and said I was fine and the headache was from the spinal tap they had done. Two days after leaving the hospital with my son, I felt anxious and sick to my stomach. I had bouts of diarrhea and could not sleep. I went to my doc who said she thought I had a little post partum (keep in mind I never thought of harming the baby or myself, just anxious and had no clue why). I had two children already one of which was now 9 and the other 7, why was I worried? She gave me xanax and zoloft for maintenance. I took one xanax and went home to nap. I felt better almost instantly but continued taking the zoloft for 2 months with no more problems. I thought it was over. I went back to work and then two months later, I got sick with a sinus infection and ear infection. I was given a steroid shot and some other meds. That was on a Friday. Come Monday, I was extremely dizzy and felt a pressure in my head I couldn't explain. That was 10 months ago and I am no better. I keep the dizziness 24/7 accompanied by a tight feeling in the base of my neck. I also have probably 3-4 headaches a week. I find my jaw feels tight even when I don't think I have been gritting my teeth. I have aches and pains in my thighs mainly as well as ithcing on my hands, feet, and legs. When it is itching there are tiny bumps and then after about 15 minutes, they are gone and the itching stops. I feel extrememly fatigued after a bad episode and I get overly anxious thinking I am dying. I have been to the ER 6 or 7 times with various symptoms. I have been to the cardiologist and had an EKG and stress test which I passed with flying colors, gastroenterologist where they did a CT scan with contrast and I passed, two endocrinologists which checked my hormones, thyroid, thyroid antibodies, adrenal glands, and pituatary gland. They were all fine. I have been to a neurologist which sent me for an MRI which I passed and several CT scans of the head. All normal! I have had more blood drawn in the last nine months then some people will their whole life. I have had urinalysis and stool samples taken. I have had colon hydrotherapy and been to a chiropractor. I have taken vitamins, supplements, steroids, beta blocker, and zoloft again for 6 months with no change in how I feel. I do not drink caffeine, I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, anything!!!! Could this all be anxiety and if so what will it take to work????????????

12-06-2011, 05:47 PM
It seems that you have definately followed the correct path at this time, you have been checked and everything is OK, anxiety can cause a lot of symptoms things you would not believe can be "all in your head" I would recommend going to a psychiatrist for evaluation, you may need a different med, but if the doctors say that all your physical symptoms are fine then it could possibly bee from anxiety, best of luck!

12-09-2011, 12:48 AM
Hey there Siren. After reading your post I had terrible flash backs of the worst of my anxiety problems... Granted, I am a male and was not pregnant :)... but all of the problems that you have been going through since the birth of your baby are very similar to the problems I have had and the doctors visits and the tests that I had done... the whole end of your story could have been my autobiography. Since you have been to the doctors and they say you are healthy, you will probably have to go back to them and have them give you a different medicine. I had to try a couple different things before I found something that worked at all. Once I found a medicine that worked, thats when I started taking vitamins and supplements and finding the things that kept me calm, because until I had that something that started to help put my mind at ease I was just in a constant state of panic.
Its important to remember you are not alone in this, and look to this site for help. I have said this in so many posts but when you are struggling take a look at they symptoms list at the top of this forum, once you go down the list and realize that you have EVERYTHING on the list, you will feel a little better.... That's actaully how I found your post tonight, for probably the 20 millionth time I felt horrible today, so i looked at that list and compared all the things I was feeling to what was on that list. Once I felt a little better I thought I would look and see if I could offer advice to anyone else :) I hope you feel better and good luck!