View Full Version : Comfortable!!

10-21-2011, 01:15 PM
Well I am not sure what i really have, if i do have anything but i need clarification to fix my problem.
Since i was a kid i had some anxiety in situations where i felt weak or unwanted, but it wasn't very obvious for me cause i looked at it each situation on its own, But for the last 2 years, it has gone much worse, i got very sensitive around people and i started loosing people, i had tension headache and till now cant fall into deep sleep, but what is worse is that i lost the feeling of being comfortable around almost anyone, even my closest friends and family i can feel that i am still not 100% comfortable thinking of things like "am i normal with them". However lately i have tried writing those situations, and it got a bit better, but i still feel i am not 100% normal which is translated into my mind to doubts about my friendship. Even this can be handled, but when the anxiety strikes because i felt threatened in a situation or from someone, i start thinking of those doubts gets bigger to things like are we really friends.
I know alot of people, and i am not extra nervous in interviews or discussions, but when i meet someone for the first time i get a bit tight and nervous. And if i know the person already i have this conflict of being friendly or keeping my space to keep respect, especially at work.
I really need to pay attention to other things in life other than thinking of social situations, sometimes i feel that if i didn't think of this i wouldn't have anything to think about, i also want to feel comfortable around my friends and family.
What is this??

10-25-2011, 06:45 PM
I don't know what it is. I can tell you that there is no such thing as normal. I strive for perfection, which I know doesn't exist--but I still do it. For going to sleep--what I have found that helps is on iTunes the have like guided relaxation or guided sleep. It makes my mind focus on that instead of whatever else happened during the day. I tend to take everything negative from the day and replay it over and over in my head. I feel like a failure that I am not good enough. Its something that I am working on. I guess my suggestion is not to self diagnose and maybe just go see a counselor. Maybe its just a time in your life where this is okay. Hope that helps :)