View Full Version : panic attack or seizures

10-21-2011, 01:55 AM
had a seizure 13 years ago a grand maul seizure but havent had one since and i take dilantin everynight
about a month ago mr dr said i had a panic attack
and now i get a electric feeling numbness or tingling in left side of my head
and sometimes the left face goes numb a little bit or tingling feels like goosebumps in left side of head
im convinced im having a seizure
even thinking about it makes my left head numb and tingle and i get sick to my stomach and have to go to the bathroom
but mt DR says no way its a seizure because he said its a anxiety disorder that i devolped
i have suffered with migraines since i was little could they be silent migraines when the back of the sides of my head are hurting..

current medicine i am taking

dilantin-300mg--13 years

antentinol for blood pressure-3 months

benicar for blood pressure-1 week

xanax 0.50 2x a day-1 week

my dilantin level has been low for 13 years it has always been but the dr's have not changed my dose becaus ethere has been no seizure activity .
all these symtoms started after smoking a joint of wicked X potpouri " fake weed" sold at smoke shops.
smoked it for 2 weeks with no problem out of a small pipe then rolled joint and had bad trip which is why i now have this anxiety.. felt like i was very dizzy and nauseted and panicky . now when i think about this event that happened a month ago i get nervous