View Full Version : panic attack or seizures

10-21-2011, 12:41 AM
i had a seizure 13 years ago a grand maul seizure but havent had one since and i take dilantin everynight
about a month ago mr dr said i had a panic attack
and now i get a electric feeling numbness or tingling in left side of my head
and sometimes the left face goes numb a little bit or tingling feels like goosebumps in left side of head
im convinced im having a seizure
even thinking about it makes my left head numb and tingle and i get sick to my stomach and have to go to the bathroom
but mt DR says no way its a seizure because he said its a anxiety disorder that i devolped
i have suffered with migraines since i was little could they be silent migraines when the back of the sides of my head are hurting..

current medicine i am taking

dilantin-300mg--13 years

antentinol for blood pressure-3 months

benicar for blood pressure-1 week

xanax 0.50 2x a day-1 week

10-21-2011, 01:52 AM
if you are really worried , i would try getting a second opinion from another doctor if thats possible. I must say that I get a weird feeling, it feels like an electric shock in my head and then seems to travel down through my body and makes my hands and feet tingly, and often get numbness and tingling in my face (not so often now though, i used to get it all the time) and i also get migraines. I had all my tests done and when the doctor told me it was from anxiety, i never believed it, but over time i came to realise it was true, and since then i have been able to ignore it better as i know nothing bad is going to happen. It could be making it worse that you are worried about seizures, so the anxiety symptoms get worse (that is what happened with me, my worst fear is going to hospital and getting dizzy, so as soon as i would get the electric shock thing i would freak out and make it so much worse until i would begin vomiting and getting blurred vision)
I have never had a seizure though, so definitely get a second opion if you are not sure. Best of luck xxxx