View Full Version : Panic disorder blog displaying how I deal with my anxiety day by day

10-20-2011, 10:19 PM
Hello my name is Dwayne Curry and I'm a 22 year old college student and I suffer from panic disorder. I've been posting videos on youtube almost daily if possible to track my progress as I try to beat this. By no means am I an expert but I'm just telling people how I deal with day to day panic and pass along tips i get from my therapist that have been successful for me. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I hope everyone here one day will be able to as well to live as normal a life as possible. If you could support me and take a minute to watch a video or two it would mean alot. I'm not hoping to change the world I just want to reach one person who's going through the same daily struggle i am and let them know it will get better. Everyone have a blessed day on the forums.


Currently on 20MG Paxil (everyday between 6-8 pm) 1MG Xanax as needed (used to 3 a day until i start seeing a therapist now i i take 0-.25 a day) Forgot dosage but I'm also on Lopressor (maintains blood sugar and may be a helping hand in panic attacks)