View Full Version : does anyone here also experience hallucinations?

10-20-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi, I'm 19 and have been suffering from depression for about 3 years(untreated) about a year ago I started to have anxiety attacks when leaving the house, now I have them when I think about leaving the house- although I can and do do this, I have extreme anxiety and paranoia about doing so. About 5 months ago I started to hallucinate, I see shadows of people coming out of the walls (this happens at night time) and I feel like they are there to harm me. I have suicidal thoughts but manage to stay on top of this and still live a partially normal life, I go to uni have a bf etc, I've been to the doctors who put me mirtazipine, but this made me worse, I have had two mental health assessment and am being seenn by the early intervention team, it seems like these hallucinations are not sa sign of a mental health disease- but are obviously very scary and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this and how to get through it?

jon mike
10-23-2011, 05:13 AM
Yep, I've hallucinated, more often than not before I fall asleep, just laugh at it, I do, the more I laugh, the more it fades, sounds simple dosent it :-) does work though x