View Full Version : Techniques I Used to Overcome My Panic/Anxiety Disorder

10-19-2011, 11:54 PM
UPDATE- May 22, 2013:
It seems that some people misinterpreted this entire thread and what I was trying to accomplish here. This is what I did to go from severe panic, anxiety and agoraphobia to panic and anxiety free. I live a life were no anxiety holds me back at all anymore. I tell you what worked and what didn't work. My goal here is not to brag to you, but to inspire you to create your own journey from where you are now to where you want to be. Your journey will look very similar to mine, but you will need to individualize it. Of course you can't do everything I did because your situation is different and you are not me. But the healing path is generally very similar. Many people do not even know there is a way past anxiety and just learn to cope with it, rather than overcoming it. Stop organizing your life around anxiety and start pushing through it to restructure your life to be anxiety free. Use this as an inspiration and even as a template for you to do the same. Your own healing path will have it's own aspects and will not be exactly like mine, but you can use it as a general guide. I also expect you to do your own research on the different products and approaches I mention. But what you will need to understand is:
1) You can overcome an anxiety disorder no matter what anybody tells you.
2) You must get on the healing path not the coping path and keep moving forward on it.
3) It is not exactly linear and there will be bumps in the road.
4) You must use your WILL to overcome FEAR
5) No human is perfect, so it is normal to have some fear, anxiety or worry once in a while. The problem is when it is at a disorder level were it debilitates your life or you have to plan your life around it.

Good luck and enjoy!

If you are suffering with anxiety and panic, this may be the most important post you ever read. Although it is long, I guarantee you will find at least something valuable here. It isn't the be all end all, but I just want to help as best as I know how:

This time last year I was a mess. I was having severe panic attacks multiple times a day, was scared out of mind, and I could barely leave my home. I remember how hard it was to just walk outside of my apartment building to buy water. I couldn't get into an elevator I was so scared. I had to have someone in my living room waiting for me, just so I could take a shower. I remember thinking walking from my bedroom to the toilet, was a huge deal and I was scared to do it. I was in more hospitals and ambulances I can count. Now, I lead a totally normal happy life, with no panic attacks. I am completely med free. I work out at the gym regularly and go out often. I even drink alcohol again. I hope that if I share some of what I did, I can help others in need. Also, I hope that I can relay hope to those that feel they have none.

If you haven't been checked by a doctor, go do it. Just find out how your health is so you can rule anything out. Get the full on work up. I don't mean "OH MY GOD GO TO A DOCTOR!", I mean go get a full on check up just so you know where your health is at.

I am assuming what you have is anxiety...

Dear Sufferers:

There is not just one thing I did that fixed this problem, and it didn't just happen one day. I don't know exactly why or how I got better. I did so many things. But there are a few things I did that I think were indispensable.

Your nervous system is set on high. It's all set at such a high level that very little things can trigger your symptoms. I suggest you do what you can to little by little, slowly calm and nourish your nervous system, and cultivate peace of mind. What you want to do, is get your nervous system calmed down, so your body doesn't go right to adrenaline rush super fear mode so easily.

Drink chamomile tea. The only side effect I know of, is if it is taken in too large of doses, it can cause skin irritation and itching. I have yet to reach that dose.

1) I ALWAYS knew I would get better. I NEVER get panic attacks now and I KNOW I never will again. My body just does not go there anymore. Imagine if you could say that? Well, you can. But you first and foremost have to never ever ever accept that this is something you MUST learn to manage or deal with. We all feel fear at times. This is natural. All beings feel fear at times. But there is a difference between rational fear and anxiety disorder. I am better and many others are too. There is no reason you can't be also. ALWAYS know there is a way, and it is a healing process. It took me a year of healing to get better. It might take you a lot shorter, maybe longer. Regardless, if you treat this as something you can overcome completely and keep on trying, you will find that light. If ANYONE tells you that you can only mange anxiety and not cure it, ignore them and don't follow their advice. They have given up to the ununderstanding medical community that is far from understanding what we go through.

2) You must understand that doctors most likely can't cure you. I suppose there are exceptions to this rule, that's why I said most likely. But generally speaking, if you take medication for life, you are not cured. You are maintaining. Benzos are incredibly addicting. I know. I became hooked on Klonopins. You may need medication for the time being. If you are on them, it's ok. But what you MUST understand, is that the true healing will most likely not come from Zanax, Klonopns, Zoloft, Prozac, Welbutrin, etc. If you are on these drugs or not, the truth remans the same. That truth is anxiety needs to be healed at its source, not just managed. Use drugs as a temporary way to give you the strength to do the real healing. But they come with a price. Addicting and side effects. ALWAYS taper off meds even if the doctor tells you they are non addicting. Taper off very slowly.

In my personal experience, keep going from one doctor to the next caused some OCD and anxiety symptoms in me. There needs to be a fine balance of doing what you need to do to get better, and not getting too caught up in the constant searching for the next miracle cure. There are things you need to do as you can't just forget anxiety, but there needs to be this balance of getting healthy and still staying in the present moment.

3) Understand completely in its entirety what the mechanism of panic attacks are. They are a natural fight, flight or freeze system inherent in your body to help you in dangerous situations. The problem is, the disorder is when this mechanism is alerted when it shouldn't be. Then you add the 2nd fear. Ok, your scared. You start freaking out. Then what do you do? You add the 2nd fear. That 2nd fear keeps the whole thing repeating and going on. Work on having the courage to not add the 2nd fear. Understand this is all just one big glorified adrenaline rush. You have become a slave to your biochemistry.

4) Understand that your nervous system has crashed. Your nervous system has become ultra-sensitized and this is why you feel like a walking adrenaline-time bomb! This is not a permanent state of being! This is something that can be fixed! You need to nourish your nervous system and calm down. This is the healing I am talking about. Actually rebuilding and regenerating your nervous system. Once you are not so sensitized, you won't be so quick to panic. The body is always trying to heal itself. As you calm down, you will allow this to happen naturally.

5) You are NOT going crazy! I pushed my brain and my thoughts as far as they can possibly go. I twisted my mind in knots and watched the walls cave in, the world melt, and felt like I had 7 brains doing summersaults on top of each other. I was convinced at any moment my head will actually explode. It ALWAYS faded! These feelings always faded. Don't add 2nd fear to it. Just watch it and it will pass. Noone stays permanently like this. It WILL fade. Ride it out. Let it go. Let it pass. ALL THINGS MUST PASS!

6) Retrain your breathing! This I attribute to the most important technique of my healing. Learning the Buteyko breathing method. I do not endorse this, or get paid or affiliated in any way. This is all from the goodness of my heart because I can't stand to watch people blindly battle their anxiety without the proper tools. Do you feel you cant get enough air in? Do you yawn and sniffle a lot? Do you want more and more air? Assuming you do not have a heart or lung problem, this is your CO2/O2 mechanism offset. This is too complicated to tell you all about this here, but there is free info on the internet about Buteyko breathing for anxiety. It is mainly used for asthma but it works for anxiety. Patrick McKeown's book Anxiety Free, Stop Worrying and Quieten the Mind, was my main source for this. I promise you, I do not make money off this or am trying to sell you anything. He was certified by Buteyko himself so its a good read and it came with a meditation mp3 I used to practice 2 or more times a day. Basically, you breathe less and create a tolerable air hunger. It is contrary to what we've been taught of course. That is why it works! Breathing too much makes this whole fight or flight mechanism much worse! In some way or another, look into Buteyko breathing for anxiety. I basically used to use the MP3 that came with the book or I would just do as a meditation relaxing my mind little by little, trying to get my breathing less and less. Until I felt a slight but tolerable air hunger. I would keep that for as long as I could. Usually about 30 minutes. After some time, the CO2 would get rebalanced in my blood, and Oxygen would get delivered to all my cells I would get warm and feel incredible. I would feel my body nourished by oxygen like never before. It is always important to breathe through your nose! I Would do walks with my mouth closed and breathing through your nose. That helps to rebalance the carbon dioxide as well. There's a bit more to it, so I hope you tale some time to research it yourself.

10-19-2011, 11:55 PM
7) Supplements- Dos and Don'ts:

This is very important because you are rebuilding your nervous system. As I stated above, the body is always trying to heal itself. This is called Homeostasis. So by calming down and cultivating new behaviors, you are allowing the healing to take place. But I strongly believe supplements can add tremendously. Also, you must eat nourishing foods. Cut out the junk food and fast food.

The problem is, I took so many things, it's hard to know what worked and what didn't. What I do recommend everyone take is a magnesium supplement. A highly absorbable one. Magnesium chelates. Not the Magnesium oxide put into multi-vitamins. My favorite is Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Taurate and there is now a Magnesium/ Glycinate/Lysate too which I think is the best one. I highly recommend at least 400 mg a day. This is a very safe mineral and really calms the nervous system. Read about it!

Also, STOP taking calcium! This is too stimulating to your nervous system. Stop taking it until your anxiety is under control. There is debate whether or not anyone should take calcium at all. I am not sure. But for now, STOP calcium supplements. Calcium in food is good.

I took fish oil. Lots of it, but I found it was giving me heart palpitations. I thought it caused it but still not sure. This is probably rare but it did seem like it at the time. I would suggest not to take fish oil. I would go for a high quality flax oil. Omega 3s are very important and you can get this from Wild Alaskan Salmon, as I am not big on farmed fish, butter, milk and meat from grass fed animals have Omega 3s too. Avocados are excellent fat sources.

Don't take Valerian root unless it works for you. For me, I felt like utter crap, as melatonin. Melatonin made me fall asleep then I'd wake up 2 hours later feeling like crap! Both these made me feel worse! If it makes you feel good, then keep it up.

Are you drinking 3 strong cups of Chamomile tea a day? No? Then you're missing out! Add mint if you like. Make a Chamomile, mint, lavender blend. See if you can get lemon balm too. You can add some organic raw honey.

I took Acetyl L Carnitine and Choline. I don't know if it helped or not, but it made sense because Acetyl choline is involved in the stress response, so I tried to rebuild my storage of them. To be honest, I don't fully remember why I took them. Something to do with replenishing GABA and Acytl Choline. Also, to help me with klonopin withdrawal and depletion. Please do the research yourself. I am not sure about them.

I took Biotin. I think it helped. Not sure. I think it was for the depletion caused by klonopins. I don't fully remember why.

Passion Flower Extract. This was calming without the side effects I felt with Valerian. It's the extract you want, not just the flowers ground up into powders than shoved into a capsule.

GABA. I took Pharma-Gaba which was a naturally derived form. I think it helped rebuilding my brain chemistry. Look into this. I think it was good.

I took Suntheanine. The best form of L Theanine. This was to calm me and nourish my nervous system. Look into it.

DO NOT TAKE B VITAMINS UNTIL YOUR ANXIETY IS UNDER CONTROL! This can be extremely stimulating in this sensitized state. Hold off for some time. I don't mean don't get it in food, but don't take B supplements until you have mellowed out a bit. B Vitamins in food are good. Someone write that they B12 deficient and need it. If that is the case, take what you need.

I believe milk thistle extract is helpful in helping your liver detox. I think green drinks such as Barley grass juice powder is extremely healthy and cleansing. Spirulina can be way too stimulating right now. Green Magma Barley Grass rocks!

KAVA KAVA- I liked this a lot. Kava extract tincture. I have read that Kava can be bad for your liver. I have also read that isn't true. I still am not sure. I took a lot of it for 1 month and I 'm fine. Loved it!

Linus Pauling won 2 Nobel Prizes. He also advocated large doses of Vitamin C. I did the Pauling protocol for a little, but this was towards the end of my anxiety era. Read about this guy. It's pretty interesting. Vitamin C powder (Pure Ascorbic Acid), Proline, Lysine.

Are you getting enough sun? I recommend Vitamin D3 supplements. 3000-5000 IU per day. Vitamin D3 you get from sun or supplements. This is crucial for your body working properly and I have even read research showing a link between low Vitamin D3 and autism.

Basically, you can see I was consuming lots of pills. This isn't even all of them. Sometimes I would take a few, then move on to others and stop with the previous ones, and sometimes at the same time I would consume a lot. I am sure some helped and some didn't do much. I strongly advise you to research natural remedies for nervousness, to calm you, for anxiety, panic and to help nourish your brain and nervous system. But take the Chelated Magnesium and chamomile tea. The others, research them yourself and see what you think.

8) I did acupuncture and took Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has formulas that calm the spirit. Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan or Suan Zao Ren Tang can be a helpful formula. There is a website Eastern Essentials that sells a Calm and Relaxed Formula, based on those 2 Chinese remedies, that is one of the best supplements for healing anxiety around. It was very nourishing to my nervous system, and very calming. It is an incredible healing supplement and I highly recommend the Heal Anxiety Package offered on their website.

I took homeopathic. I still do not believe homeopathic works nor do I recommend it. Actually seeing a homeopath was quite expensive, and I did not feel like it did anything. Just my experience, others may have a different one. I do believe acupuncture works though.

9) I had Rescue Remedy in my pocket all day. The spray kind. To be honest, this may have been a placebo. It really did seem to work though. I was spraying it on my tongue all day, and I felt it helped. It helped me learn to reach for something natural instead of klonopins. It may or may not be a placebo. All I know is it helped me.

10) I saw a psycho-therapist twice a week. You must learn some cognitive skills to deal with this, such as CBT. You need to learn to modify your behavior and be able to openly express this with someone. It helps because we tend to feel embarrassed to show others our weaknesses. But after sometime, I did feel like there wasn't much more the therapist had for me. You will probably get to the same place where you have just learned all there is to learn about panic and anxiety. It gets boring after a while. At some point, you just gotta be like, this is stupid. I'm over it!

11) Anxiety Programs- I did The Charles Linden Method, Panic Puzzle and Freedom from Fear, Panic Away and who knows what else. Anything I could get my hands on. What I recommend the most, was anything Claire Weekes did, especially her CDs and Freedom From Fear. Claire passed away some time ago but she was one of the leaders in this field. She called this, "Nervous Illness". See if you can get your hands on anything Claire Weekes did. This guy David Johnson in New Zealand produced a program Freedom From Fear. This was my favorite and I loved it. He admits though, that he just expanded on Claire Weekes ideas. I do not make money on this or affiliated with him in any way. I am just telling you something I recommend. In my darkest hour, he even sat there on a video skype call 3 times with me helping me totally for free. He really cares. Of course, I did buy the program first. I recommend going to the David Johnson Panic Free Freedom From Fear Website and watch his free video. I promise I am not trying to sell you this. But his free video is nice. If you decide to buy it, you wont be disappointed. Charles Linden Method, had great stuff too, and at one point it was totally what I needed. Then I moved on to David Johnson's program. All of this helped me understand what was going on, but they were all just stepping stones. What's funny is I got a free copy of Charles Linden's method, and I emailed him asking a question. He said he wouldn't help me unless I bought the program. He said my friend who gave me the program free broke the law. I wrote him back saying is that all you care about? What about helping someone in need? Then his wife emails me saying how dare I call her husband uncaring when he is helping children all the time and doing all he can for others. Whatever! Still a good program.

Amelina Linsdale, The Psychology of Panic and Fear. This is a great ebook and I believe you may be able to find it for free on the net somewhere. I think she has also passed away and someone named Ryan something now owns the rights. Maybe you won't find it for free. Not sure. Good book though!

Panic Away did not work for me. Basically you tell the anxiety to get worse and worse and then it's supposed to back down. Yeah, it has some value. All the programs out there have some value, but this was unable to stop my panic attacks. I suppose it may work for others. Reducing my breathing and becoming a floppy rag doll, and completely letting go and not adding 2nd fear, helped me more than anything. But what's important is you keep trying whatever it takes to get better and never give up.

12) Anxiety and Panic is a bluff! Its the biggest bluff we have ever come across! A screaming toddler with no substance. Just a lot of hollering and screaming and teasing that leads you nowhere! It's a twisted game. But the nightmare you are living right now, can soon become a thing of the past and you can be totally normal. Actually, better than normal. Where anxiety means as much to you as an ex boyfriend or girlfriend you broke up with 10 years ago. You just don't think about them. It doesn't matter. IT'S A BLUFF!!

13) Learn to laugh at yourself. This is all a very bad joke, but nonetheless, it is a joke.

10-19-2011, 11:55 PM
14) Realize that there is no safe place or safe person. Having said that, there is no unsafe place and unsafe person either. It's just places and people. Crowds are no more dangerous than quiet areas. Actually, if you think about it, its probably safer being in public then inside your home. I was always afraid if I went out I would drop and noone would help me, but in reality, you would probably be helped by lots of people if something happened outside. I had the most wonderful people come to my aid when I panicked in public. This brings me to:

14) You're not a freak! You're not weak! You do not need to be ashamed! I had a complete massive panic attack in a shopping mall all alone, where the guy from the juice bar came by and held my hand while I cried on the floor in pure agony. People gathered around and some thought I was having a heart attack. An ambulance came and there were people surrounding watching with cars going by watching. 2 strangers came in the ambulance with me for support. After hours at the hospital, they told me I am fine and can go home.

You know what? Who cares! That event sucked, but you know what? It's ok. Noone remembers and noone cares. I sure don't care. Now I just think like, "What the hell was I thinking?" Don't worry. Are you laughing at this story? You should be. It's funny. What a moron I was, right? haha, it's ok. My life is completely different now.

15) You must cultivate courage. I know how hard it is to be alone or go out sometimes. It's like you are frozen in fear. I know. I really know. But you must look fear in the eye and know it's just fear! Baby steps. But do the steps. Use your will to overcome fear. It happens slowly, but if you keep going for it, you will get there. I found getting the right amount of sun everyday helped my mood a lot. Don't get too much sun, but the right amount of sun on as much of your body as you can expose.

17) I highly recommend no alcohol whatsoever until you have recovered. I found the next day, my adrenaline is out of control and it brings on palpitations and anxiety big time. Just tell your friends you're taking a break. Getting healthy.

18) Reduce sugar tremendously. Don't drink caffeine. No black or green tea either. Your new drink is chamomile and/or mint tea.

19) F*CK IT! Sometimes you just have to smile, wink and say F*CK IT! There is much more to life than this. F*CK IT!

20) Fake it til you make it! You feel nervous out with friends or at the store? Do your best to keep your cool. Don't wait until you are all better before you go out. Going out and forcing yourself out of your comfort zone is the path to getting better. If you totally break down in public and freak out and lose it, hey, I did! I'm ok. I didn't lose any friends over it. If you see someone having a full on panic attack in public, don't you want to just help him? Will you judge him and laugh at him? No, of course not. You would wanna help the person.

Everyone has her or her own healing path. Stay on it. Create new pathways in your brain. Override these crapy ones with new ones. Instead of automatically wanting to stay in bed, force yourself to jump out of bed. Instead of being scared of enclosed spaces, force yourself to go there. Create new neural pathways.

Find a hobby to focus your attention on. Play an instrument, do photography, paint, draw, whatever! Take your focus off yourself and into something else.

Do charity work! Give to those in need. Take your mind off your troubles and help those with much worse troubles than you.

If you have kids to play with such as a niece, nephew or son or daughter, go outside and play fun activities with a kid or kids. I found playing frisbee with my 5 year old niece took all my worries about myself away. Watch how they just want to play play and play.

ALWAYS know that this takes time. It took me about a year. That year went by fast. If I knew then what I know now it could have been quicker. It doesn't matter. All that matters is you keep moving forward and don't look at the time. People get cured of cancer, hepatitis, stokes, heart attacks. You think you cant overcome anxiety? Or what Claire Weekes calls, "Nervous Illness".

Remember, the fight or flight response is a built in mechanism part of your biology. Your brain tells that you're dying so you are motivated to run from the saber toothed tiger. Look around you. Do you see a wild animal about to pounce on you? Your brain has mis-calculated the danger. Retrain it.

And most important, please smile. Don't take it all so seriously! And please, learn to say, "F*CK IT!"

Good luck!

10-20-2011, 12:23 AM
Thank You for this :-)

10-20-2011, 04:48 PM
Nice post, thank you! I agree with a lot of it, and can tell you from my experience a lot of the supplementation is pretty spot on. B-Vit's were just killing me anxiety wise.

My healing (as with many others) comes when they can finally see the 'bluff' as you put it. Sometimes it takes CBT, meditation, external release, or education.

10-20-2011, 04:55 PM
the B Vitamins bit is a bit hard for me as i was hospitalised for extreme B12 deficiency which went undetected for 12 months prior. I now have to have monthly B12 injections into muscle as i cannot absorb it, but i do remember at the hospital the doctor told me that being low in B12 can bring on anxiety (i had no problems before this) and also that being deficient attacks your nervous system, thus making you extremely anxious/panicky etc. I guess this one will only be a problem for me, as normal people who absorb B12 from usual food sources (red meat) would not need extra B vitamins. I might ask my doc about this too because the doctor at the hospital was extremely uneducated and didnt seem to know much about most things LOL thanks again, i can check this one out too now and keep moving forward :-)

10-21-2011, 04:29 AM

The Buteyo breathing technique takes some time to understand and be able to implement. I suggest you read a little about it first. It's too much for me to post. You can find the info. Its out there. You are using your mind to slow your breathing. Not forcing anything. It's little by little, a little slower, a little less, then a slight air hunger. But tolerable. It is not forceful. It's a practice. Actually, we are supposed to breath very light in a resting state and ALWAYS through the nose. I can't emphasize reading more about Buteyko and the techniques.
It is not an oxygen deficit. I really hope people aren't misunderstanding me. The point is breathing out less CO2 so there is more CO2 in the blood which will in turn release more oxygen to your cells. Like when you sleep your breathing slows down a lot. This isn't an oxygen deprivation.

If you have a diagnosed B12 deficiency, don't mess around. Supplement it as the doctor tells you to. But get tested again to see if you still need it. Not all people get anxiety from B vitamins. It is really just something that can add to anxiety for some people. It can stimulate the nervous system. It can, but it doesn't mean it will. I don't know if all B vitamins add to anxiety or just some of them. B12 may or may not be one of them. What is wrong with your body that you can't absorb B12 from a steak? Try and cure that, if possible.

Good luck!

10-21-2011, 09:38 AM
Thank you for this...Looking for all the info I can find on natural supplements to get me through my day.

10-21-2011, 02:45 PM
Hey Panic Cured, I am missing an enzyme or something that prevents the body from absorbing the vitamin through food or tablet form, that why i have to have the injections. Apparently it is very common in older people, but not people my age, that why they never bothered to test me for it, and why it got to the point here i was unable to walk and was in a wheelchair for a period (it can mimic the symptoms of MS) Im still going to check out with the doc about this one, and some of the other tips you have given as well :-) Its very helpful to be able to get advice from someone who has overcome this, plus it gives us all hope :-)

10-21-2011, 05:08 PM
I could be wrong but I don't think B12 would overstimulate the nervous system like the other B vitamins.

10-24-2011, 04:05 PM
I forgot to mention that I was meditating a lot during my healing. Sometimes multiple times a day. I would combine Buteyko breathing with meditation or just let go and meditate. I also did yoga 2-3 times a week when I could.

11-13-2011, 08:09 AM
Yes, thank you for posting this. The only thing that worked for me was applying Dr. Claire Weekes advice.. At first long ago it seemed too simple... I'm fully recovered, I still get a surge of panic once in a while, but I accepted it basically said, ok, bring it on..It disappeared as fast as it came, and haven't had a flash of fear since.. Recovery takes a while, that's the key.. Give it as much time as it takes.. It maybe months or years, but it does go away and you become a much stronger person as a result.. I'd be happy to share my experience with anyone who's interested and how I recovered.. Glad I found this thread..

11-14-2011, 02:14 PM
hi , a small question in relation to the big picture but you say to cutndown on sugar, does this include fruit as it has sugar in it or is that ok because its natural? thanks

11-14-2011, 04:13 PM
Eat fruit. Maybe less fruit late at night, but of course eat fruit. I read that biting into a very cold apple can help stop panic attacks. What I meant was too much sugar can be over stimulating. Of course a bit of raw honey in tea is ok. Just don't over do the sugar.

11-21-2011, 05:46 AM
thank you for for this post, i right now am at the poit where u were, i,m terrified to leave my room, ive taken to watching the same movies just because they are familiar and comforting, alot of times i cant sleep unless im watching the lord of the rings or reading a fimiliar book. i stay in my room like i said most of the day every day, ive become a convict of my home. Although i do have to leave the appartment once a day to get methadone from addiction issues, i scurry back as fast as possible and hide basically. i saw a shrink once or twice, he said it sounds like a little mix of GAD, PTSD, and agoraphobia, from what i told him but really i didnt even tell him the whole truth cuz like you said im afraid the men in the white coats and butterfly nets are gonna come. but im willing to try what i can, since this last saturday, i had a massive panic attack to the point where ny heart was actually skipping beats, see recently ive been having other health issues, some of wich im sure are related to my mental state, others are impossible to relate to it and im undergoing testing right now, see i have swollen part or growth of some sort in my neck, and other symptoms that can be related to something thats not that bad or in my mind its gotta be cancer, i say that because i jump to the worst case scenerio and then i feed it by loking up the symptoms of like hodgkens, or lymphoma and i dwell on it until im in panic mode, plus i get drug coverage from the government cuz my costs are in the 600$ a month range and im currently unemployed. and i got a letter saying they are gonna cut me off unless my doctor fills out some invoice, but i imidiatly jump to 'he's not going to and im gonna loose my coverage' and then the two things collide, i guess thats the 2nd fer thing you mention and next thing i know im in the urgent care bulding with a pulse of 150bpm pale as a ghost wondering when my hearts gonna say enoughs enough. but this doctor i saw this time really reached me i dont know why i guess it was his personality or the way he carried himself but he was young nice and took the time to listen to all my fears of my physical state with sincearity and one by one got me to a point where i was like, what am i doing here this guy must think im nuts, buut he didnt, he hooked me up with the mental health team and im gonna be in contact with a social worker to help with the drug coverage thing nd will be meeting with a councellor once a week. plus ive decided to give my shrink a 2nd chance. anyway the point is ive had a little spark of hope started in me, i mean yesterday i actually came out of my room for an hour and watched football with my dad, that was like the equal to sky-diving for me right now, although i know he's very concerned and wants to help but is just unsure of how, hes gonna come with me to my doctor's appt this week for support and to give his observations so the doc dosent think im jusst saying all this to get him to fill out the drug coverage form. im currently taking clonazepam 3 times a day, the .5mgs and 40mgs of celexa, but im still a mental mess. i just hope i can get where you are one day. it just seems like a big dark tunnel, see id rather be in a small burrough thats fimiliar where i can meel the walls around me its open spaces and stuff that freak me out. but i guess ive talked enough for now. im gonna look into the Buteyo breathing technique and see what thats all about cuz sometimes i finde myself short of breath and my chest feels heavy and no matter how deep i breath it gets worse and my hands get tingly, it the opposite of what ive been taught the deep breathing thing should do. anyway thanks again foor the post and i'll be trying some of your suggestions. fingers crossed

11-21-2011, 11:21 AM
A few things:

You have addiction issues and you are on methadone. My guess is heroine? Now you are taking a highly addictive substance, Clonazepam, AKA Klonopins. You have panic disorder on top of withdrawal, and will maybe have more withdrawal once you try to get off Klonopins.

You are going to have to be patient.

For Klonopins, do not take them unless you absolutely need to! Don't take it as a "Might as well" kind of thing. Those things hook you fast, and you may even find at some point they don't work as strong. ONLY take them when you really need them. If you have been on them for over 2 months, or feel withdrawal when not taking them, when the time is right, and you want to get off them, I recommend a very slow taper cutting the dose very small, 1/8-1/16 and stabilizing every 2 weeks, then cut again, and repeat.

What you want to try and get clear is what is withdrawal and what is anxiety. They both can seem similar.

About your agoraphobia, I had this, and I no longer have this anymore. I know what it's like. It is really weird and you can't get people to understand it unless they been through it. It's really really bizarre! But let me ask you this, has anything bad ever really happened once you left your comfort zone? Have you collapsed? Did your heart ever stop? Anything? If no, then you must get this clear in your head that it is a bluff!Go and push yourself to leave your home as much as possible. Why is your home safer than outside? Why is any place safer than any other place?

About your heart, I don't know what you have exactly, and go get it checked out, but my heart skips beats sometimes and has for years. Some arrhythmias are dangerous and some mean nothing. All the docs say it's not an issue. Now I work out pretty hard, and I get my heart beating super fast in squats and deadlifts. My target heart rate zone for maximum fitness is up to 155 beats per minute. That means at 150 beats a minute, is considered a very good way to strengthen my heart. Past 155 is like a sprint. David Johnson os Freedom From Fear program, told me when you feel your heart beating really fast, think of it as the lazy man's exercise.

If you breathe a lot, and almost are hyperventilating and you feel your jaw and hands tingle, that is probably from too much CO2 being breathed out. I was in a hyperventilating state all the time before I read about Buteyko breathing.

I know what it's like to barely be able to move, let alone leave your home. It's like you are a walking time bomb, but you have to trust me, that you need to fight this fear. When you are in the middle of a panic attack, it's so hard to see it as just that. I know how hard that is. All you want to do is call an ambulance. But you need to reevaluate has anything ever actually happened? Panic attacks can't last that long because you only have a certain amount of adrenaline to go around. And after, you may shiver for a bit, but then you calm down. Then you realize it was all a bluff. Then it repeats. At some point, you have to man up and say enough! Get your nervous system calm, so your body can recover.

Get everything checked out at the doc, if all comes out normal, then move on. If there are problems, than take the appropriate measures to get better. Focus on your recovery from addiction, and live each day as you want to take full advantage of this wonderful gift of life. One day, we all will die, but while we are here, let's make the best of every moment.

11-21-2011, 03:12 PM
yeah the agoraphobia is the worst, i litteraly shake when im not in my room, but ive been taking baby steps to come out as much as i can cope with for now, today i stayed out and cleaned the appartment for an hour or so and tonight me and my dad might go play some pool like we used to back when i was a teen, with the addiction thing it was oxycontins after 2 surgurys on my arm where a plate was put in then it started to shift cuz of bone growth causing severe pain and the doc thought giving a 17yr old 160 40mg oxy's was a good idea. ive been sober for 2 years now but ive been on benzo's for a year and a half, started with ativan as needed but then switched to klonopins everyday. but im gonna talk to my doctor about switching to diazapam to taper slowly once i get my health issues sorted, cuz theres been alot going on, and no doubt im sure some symptoms are due to my mental state but others are not, my mind cant trick myself into beleiving theres a lump in my neck, its like i have 2 adams apples, and its painfull adding to my anxiety, like i said my brain goes automatically to the worst, its gotta be cancer or something like that. then yeah its just a nasty cycle. i checked out the Buteyo breathing technique and practiced it today with some calm insturmental music on when i found myself wound up and it actually really helped, basically i have to disract myself or i get lost in my mind like a dark tunnel and i stumbel over bad thoughts, the what if's, the could haves and should haves, but i find this forum theraputic to just spew it out cuz i know the ppl reading have similar things or had going on in their life and know im not some nut. i also get this sharp pain in my left chest dunno if its my heart or lung but again my thoughts go to lung cancer or copd, its a nightmare. but im starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel, anyways your main post helped and i took some good suggestions outta it. i hope to be where your at sometime in the not too distant future, i want to be able to go back out and enjoy life instead of being afraid of it. one day at a time like they told me in re-hab. i'll be keeping a up to date kinda journal on this thread maybe and express every so often what ive done and how i did it and maybe it can help others too, cuz you'v already helped me, thanks for the post and reply, its good to know ppl out there understand and care enough to reach out to others that are suffering.

11-21-2011, 07:53 PM
You have the most important part fo all this, and that is the will to get better, so you eventually will be!

You are most likely addicted to Benzos which can cause anxiety in themselves for the amount you've been n them, especially in between doses. When I was getting off Klonopins I used http://www.benzobuddies.org/ to help me. When the time is right, post your story on that site and have them help you.

You may have a thyroid issue, which is the lump in your neck. If so, it's easily treatable. Go get everything checked out.

When you go out with your dad, just know, what's the worst that can happen? You have a panic attack. I had them in public a few times and here I am. A panic attack is just a fight or flight response inherently built into your biology as a survival mechanism.

11-22-2011, 07:25 AM
lol thats the thing i actually had my thyroid destroyed with radiation 2 years agot because i was extreamly hyper thyroid, graves deseise its calles, i just had an ultrasound done a week and a half ago and they said theres no thyrooid tissue present, thats why the lump is concerning, i take synthroid daily now but my dose is stabilized, i know this cuz i had bloood work done too and my t3 and t4 levels are right where they should be, so its not anxiety due to too much thyroid hormone, its just scary cuz i've been loosing alot of weight and i sleep like 12 hours a day, although the sleep i can probably attribute to the anxiety cuz after so long of being reved up in anxiety mode your body needs to recoup, im going in for more testing to see whats going on in my neck, lymphatic nodes are swelling up too ujnder my chin with no pain, wich if it were a virus or bacterial infection they usually are sore, so there are concerning symptoms but i feed the fire by looking up the worst case problems and dwell on them. my dad had to work late so we unfourtunatly didnt get out but at least made myself go out to the living room and watch some tv out there for a couple hours to get out of my room, im trying little steps, today i gotta get testing done on my heart again, not looking forward to it but like you said, its probably safer in public let alone a medical building, its unfourtunatly a waiting game right now with finding answers to the physical side of things, in canada we get health care from the government but the weels turn slow, i gotta wat till next march for an mri on my abdomin, ive had pain there ever since i had my gall bladder out last year, so you see for a young guy ive had alot to deal with health wise and no doubt that adds to my fears of "whats next?" but im trying. and looking for ways to help me cope.

11-24-2011, 05:10 PM
well saw my doctor today and like i fiigured alot of my symptoms were from the anxiety, and also because ive been on the same dose of klonopins for so lonng he said im going through tolorance withdrawl as well most likely, but my pituitary gland is acting messed up wich he said hes gotta researh, cuz hes never encountered what mine is doing before, so they upped my celexa and klonopins for now to ease my anxiety for the short term and im gona be doing some aggresive councelling to help with the agoraphobia. then hopefully when my anxiety eases off a bit we can start the taper from the benzo's. all one step at a time, its been a rough day though, my hearts been jumpin all day, so im gonna try to sleep a little once my meds kick in and start a fresh day!

11-25-2011, 12:02 AM
Dylan, I am going to give you some tough love now:

I highly recommend you do NOT up your dose of K-Pins. Your doctor's advice sickens me! As if getting off Benzos is so easy. My friend, those drugs are very serious and it can take you a year to get off them. If you take them long enough, it can cause permanent effects. Screw anxiety! Anxiety won't kill you. Don't get addicted to Benzos over it. You don't just cut the dose for a few weeks and boom your off them. If you take them for 2 months, ok. But long term on Klonopins will take you a long time to get off them and the withdrawal can be horrible! Doctors always underestimate this, and I am sick and tired of them throwing out these drugs like it's candy! Not to mention the withdrawal from your SSRIs. Oh did the doctor say they are not addictive? Go google search people withdrawing from Zoloft. The doctors are lied to by the drug companies. They call it "Withdrawal Syndrome". But Benzos are straight addicting!

It's ok to be on meds in the short term. I was and now I am not. But upping Klonopins, a highly addictive substance, after you have already been on them, if I remember correctly, for over a year, I will not and can not support. Think about what it does? It stimulates GABA receptors so you feel better. It doesn't help your heart, your lungs, your liver or anything. It is not a vitamin or mineral. It doesn't prolong your life or heal you. Do you really need this drug? Well, now you need it so you don't go into withdrawal, but I would be more for starting you on a slow steady taper instead of upping it. ANXIETY will not kill you! Your pituitary issue, that needs to be addressed and you will take care of it.

I would like you to join the people at http://www.benzobuddies.org/ and discuss this with them of starting a slow taper. The more Klonopins you take, the higher the dose, the more withdrawal and rebound anxiety you will get, prolonging you getting back to normal. I was on 2 mg doses. What are you on?

Weekday crazy
12-18-2011, 04:16 AM
Thanks! Everything helps :)

12-18-2011, 08:31 AM
you couldn't be more right.......Saying F*ck it couldn't be more right on the money. Everyday I wake up in a panic. So I get out of bed and get ready for the day. I make a point of leaving my house at least once a day even of it's just to go get a diet coke minus the caffiene. I have been on klonopin for 20 years but in that time have only had the dose raised once. I am now trying cymbalta. I have been dealing with this crap off and on for 30 years. When it flairs up I go back into therapy because I have usually have issues i haven't resolved. Once I work through those things get better. I can go for 7 years and be fairly normal and then it will start to build again.
I had to let you know that I really like your view on the whole thing and I'm going to start drinking the tea ASAP. Thanks soooo much

12-19-2011, 03:52 AM
Also, DO NOT drink diet soda because Aspartame (Nutrasweet) is horrible for you! You should only be drinking herbal tea or water, or some type of vegetable juice!

12-28-2011, 06:58 PM
Thank you for this post...a lot of great information there. :)

01-06-2012, 11:20 AM
Really really great read.

I suffer from driving/car travel anxiety, so some of this wasnt direct to me. Can anyone suggest any other useful websites too, as well as this.

John Campbell
01-09-2012, 03:28 AM
Great post.

In addition I'm a big fan of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (Albert Ellis).

You may be 'awful-izing' i.e. being very frightened of some things, without really thinking them through and facing their reality?
"It will be awful if grandma dies." People do die. So say to yourself "It would be nice if my grandma lived forever, but not end of the world if she dies."
"It will be awful if the people here don't like me'. Instead say "It would be nice if the people here like me, but not the end of the world if they don't.'

You may be doing some exaggerated thinking?
"My daughter is very likely to be taken away by someone in the next hour - it happens to everyone, all the time!"
"I am a very un-safe mother, and I take no care at all over my daughter!"
See that your thoughts are unrealistic and exaggerated, and replace them with more reasonable ones.

You may be holding on to false beliefs about yourself or the world that are stopping you recognise, face and think through your real sources of anxiety?
'It is only what is inside me that matters for my attractiveness to men'. Instead say "It is both what is inside, and my outside appearance, that matters for my attractiveness to men. I can try to look nice, and maybe someone nice will be attracted to me."
'I am self-reliant, self-actualised etc; it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks of me'. Instead say 'The truth is I have an ape brain developed for living in complex tribes for 100,000's of years - if I was not accepted by the tribe I would be cast out, and if I was on my own I would die - so, like it or not, I am affected by what other people think of me, and if the tribe accepts me.'

You may be demanding too much of yourself?
"I must look amazingly good!" Instead say to yourself "It would be nice if I was the most attractive-looking woman in the world, but it's not the end of the world if I am not."
"I must save the world today", etc etc

You may be demanding too much of others, or of the world?
"It would be nice if everyone was nice to me every moment of my life, but it's not the end of the world if not.'
"It would have been nice to have had perfect perfect parents, but it's not the end of the world that I didn't."
"It would be nice if the world was perfectly just to everyone, but it's not the end of the world that it is not."

Go for it - attack the faulty thinking!

01-18-2012, 05:12 PM
Hi guys! I'm new here, but well acquainted with anxiety... I read through the post and found it very helpful! Thanks much PanicCured! :) I am also interested in the role supplements play in reducing anxiety symptomology. I am currently taking Celexa and find it very sedating and also causes weight gain (no fun!) so I am going to try and wean myself off and try supplements. After doing some research, I believe Passionflower, vitamin B1(thiamine), and B5 (Pantothenic Acid) might be helpful. I will also try the Chamomile suggestion!

Anyone else have any luck with any of these supplements or any others?

01-28-2012, 01:11 PM
Great Thread - Thank You for your advice!

I have not completely conquered my anxiety - but i have seen big improvements over the past years. I really do believe that this is something we can overcome, but its a matter of how hard we try or how badly we want it. Are we consistent with our efforts?

Consistency is huge. If we put the effort in one day, but don't try again for another week or 2 then the improvements will be very slow.

With anxiety, it is definitely much easier said than done - but keep pushing on. ANXIETY WILL NOT HARM US! we must remember that. It is not permanent, and it will pass.

Anyway, i used to drink chamomille tea but was concerned that there was caffeine in it...........can anyone confirm this?

I take a B vitamin from GNC called "Stress B with C" - and i take it usually when i feel anxious. It actually works to calm me down.

Does anyone know which B vitamin is actually the best for anxiety? B1, B2, B12 etc.?

A banana also works wonders for me when im anxious.....i guess due to its B vitamin components.

01-31-2012, 01:49 PM
wow great information! thank you so much for taking the time to post all this for us

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 05:12 PM
great great stuff mate thanks a lot.

03-06-2012, 09:08 AM
I'm here to help!

03-12-2012, 04:06 PM
14) Realize that there is no safe place or safe person. Having said that, there is no unsafe place and unsafe person either. It's just places and people. Crowds are no more dangerous than quiet areas. Actually, if you think about it, its probably safer being in public then inside your home. I was always afraid if I went out I would drop and noone would help me, but in reality, you would probably be helped by lots of people if something happened outside. I had the most wonderful people come to my aid when I panicked in public. This brings me to:

14) You're not a freak! You're not weak! You do not need to be ashamed! I had a complete massive panic attack in a shopping mall all alone, where the guy from the juice bar came by and held my hand while I cried on the floor in pure agony. People gathered around and some thought I was having a heart attack. An ambulance came and there were people surrounding watching with cars going by watching. 2 strangers came in the ambulance with me for support. After hours at the hospital, they told me I am fine and can go home.

You know what? Who cares! That event sucked, but you know what? It's ok. Noone remembers and noone cares. I sure don't care. Now I just think like, "What the hell was I thinking?" Don't worry. Are you laughing at this story? You should be. It's funny. What a moron I was, right? haha, it's ok. My life is completely different now.

15) You must cultivate courage. I know how hard it is to be alone or go out sometimes. It's like you are frozen in fear. I know. I really know. But you must look fear in the eye and know it's just fear! Baby steps. But do the steps. Use your will to overcome fear. It happens slowly, but if you keep going for it, you will get there. I found getting the right amount of sun everyday helped my mood a lot. Don't get too much sun, but the right amount of sun on as much of your body as you can expose.

17) I highly recommend no alcohol whatsoever until you have recovered. I found the next day, my adrenaline is out of control and it brings on palpitations and anxiety big time. Just tell your friends you're taking a break. Getting healthy.

18) Reduce sugar tremendously. Don't drink caffeine. No black or green tea either. Your new drink is chamomile and/or mint tea.

19) F*CK IT! Sometimes you just have to smile, wink and say F*CK IT! There is much more to life than this. F*CK IT!

20) Fake it til you make it! You feel nervous out with friends or at the store? Do your best to keep your cool. Don't wait until you are all better before you go out. Going out and forcing yourself out of your comfort zone is the path to getting better. If you totally break down in public and freak out and lose it, hey, I did! I'm ok. I didn't lose any friends over it. If you see someone having a full on panic attack in public, don't you want to just help him? Will you judge him and laugh at him? No, of course not. You would wanna help the person.

Everyone has her or her own healing path. Stay on it. Create new pathways in your brain. Override these crapy ones with new ones. Instead of automatically wanting to stay in bed, force yourself to jump out of bed. Instead of being scared of enclosed spaces, force yourself to go there. Create new neural pathways.

Find a hobby to focus your attention on. Play an instrument, do photography, paint, draw, whatever! Take your focus off yourself and into something else.

Do charity work! Give to those in need. Take your mind off your troubles and help those with much worse troubles than you.

If you have kids to play with such as a niece, nephew or son or daughter, go outside and play fun activities with a kid or kids. I found playing frisbee with my 5 year old niece took all my worries about myself away. Watch how they just want to play play and play.

ALWAYS know that this takes time. It took me about a year. That year went by fast. If I knew then what I know now it could have been quicker. It doesn't matter. All that matters is you keep moving forward and don't look at the time. People get cured of cancer, hepatitis, stokes, heart attacks. You think you cant overcome anxiety? Or what Claire Weekes calls, "Nervous Illness".

Remember, the fight or flight response is a built in mechanism part of your biology. Your brain tells that you're dying so you are motivated to run from the saber toothed tiger. Look around you. Do you see a wild animal about to pounce on you? Your brain has mis-calculated the danger. Retrain it.

And most important, please smile. Don't take it all so seriously! And please, learn to say, "F*CK IT!"

Good luck!
hello. my name is cosmina and im from romania. i have some prbs with anxiety too and i could really use some help. my skype is cosmina_velcea. i know u are prolly busy and dont have time dealing or talking about my prbs, but its my first time on this forum and usually dont talk on forums so i could really use a friend on skype to talk about my prbs when you have time( anxiety problems and symptoms) . i would really really appreciate it .please can i use like 20 min of your time for some advices? thank you so much, i look forward on talking to you on skype. thank you

03-12-2012, 04:07 PM
hello. my name is cosmina and im from romania. i have some prbs with anxiety too and i could really use some help. my skype is cosmina_velcea. i know u are prolly busy and dont have time dealing or talking about my prbs, but its my first time on this forum and usually dont talk on forums so i could really use a friend on skype to talk about my prbs when you have time( anxiety problems and symptoms) . i would really really appreciate it .please can i use like 20 min of your time for some advices? thank you so much, i look forward on talking to you on skype. thank you

03-14-2012, 02:02 AM
I could not find cosmina_velcea on Skype.

03-14-2012, 03:08 PM
Good advice PanicCured... I think what you say about the nervous system being on high alert makes sense from a practical stand-point (especially when I consider that it feels like my anxiety and associated symptoms come and go in cycles of some kind.. that it feels to me like it builds up).

The part I wondered about -- I actually have anxiety surges / attacks caused by my breathing. What I mean is that I start "noticing" my breathing when in an anxiety state, and it typically causes more anxiety. By notice I mean I pay attention to it, scrutinize it even, which inevitably causes me to mildly hyperventilate (as you said, never feels like I'm getting enough air) making some symptoms worse. This is one of the reasons I've avoided deep breathing techniques... personal experience has taught me that not thinking about how I breath is better for my personal anxiety state in general. Can you relate to any of what I'm saying, and do you have any suggestions?

03-20-2012, 09:32 AM
So much GREAT info in all these posts!!! One thing that helped me a lot was understanding that the anxiety I experience is a symptom of an underlying cause(s) that causes a poor adrenal response to stress (good or bad...including physical activity too). Identifying allergy triggers and the accompanying adrenal/histamine response has helped me much!! Iodine seems to be a biggie...I've always been sensitive/allergic. This most likely caused my thyroid to malfunction many years ago. Now that I don't have a functioning thyroid gland, I have to be even more careful with iodine because I don't have a functioning thyroid to metabolize it...so it accumulates.

A simple test for iodine sensitivity is a skin patch test (and be ready to flush it off if you react). If one reacts badly to topical iodine, you will internally as well. I hadn't been careful and although the fish oil I had been taking was "shellfish" free...evidently there was still enough iodine in the marine fish that caused an allergic reaction. One way I realized that I was having an allergic reaction and mild anaphylaxis was when my blood pressure fell below normal.

I was getting most of the symptoms several hours after taking the fish oil so I didn't make the connection right away. And now I've also found out that iodine can be present in most any animal product (even milk, although it's not listed on the container) because iodine is in animal feed. Hamburger (whether cattle, turkey, chicken) is particularly bad because the animal's thyroid (where the most concentration of iodine would be) is ground up too. Iodine is in most multi-V's...so I have to be careful there and to watch out for "hidden" sources, such as kelp.

A couple of "quick fixes" for techniques I've use to temporarily ease anxiety symptoms are those that help to downbeat a quickening heartrate. Massaging the vagal nerve in the neck (carefully so it doesn't cause dizziness) and/or taking a deep breath, holding it and bearing down as if taking a poop. If you check your heartrate before and after....you can verify the slower heartrate.

For me, my docs kept over and under dosing my thyroid medication so I had to micro-dose and titrate into a normal range (it's a very narrow therapeutic range). I've also had to identify and treat all sensitivity/allergy issues and treat every single symptom caused by these as well as continuing to recover one my thyroid levels were stabilized (including low blood sugar, restoring circadian cortisol patterns).

I eliminated caffeine going on 2 years now and that's helped greatly! I'm careful about other stimulants such as those found in herbal supplements, etc. Although consuming low/no sugar by eating cruciferous veggies is supposed to help adrenal function and stabilize blood sugar....they're also goitrogens grrrrrrrrr!!

03-21-2012, 10:43 AM
HAHAH the sabre tooth tiger thing made me laugh felt nice :)

03-21-2012, 11:56 AM
A couple of "quick fixes" for techniques I've use to temporarily ease anxiety symptoms are those that help to downbeat a quickening heartrate. Massaging the vagal nerve in the neck (carefully so it doesn't cause dizziness)


A cardiologist told me if you are not a trained cardiologist this is not safe to do and it can cause a stroke if you do it wrong. I heard it from the cardiologists mouth. You are not a cardiologist so you don't know if you are doing it wrong or not. I don't mean you touch your neck and you have a stroke, so don't panic, but this technique you are talking about is dangerous and it should not be done.

03-21-2012, 01:53 PM
hi panic cured. i bought the buteyko book and have recently started reading and trying the exercises, what i am finding is that i can take a much bigger breath in through my nose but not really much exhaling through my nose, did you find this aswell?

03-22-2012, 02:34 PM
Hmmm. I am not sure what you mean exactly. My problem was I had this non stop feeling of not inhaling enough air, so I would continue to breathe more in a very anxious manner which would cause a whole series of events. By relaxing and slowing and calming my breathing, I was able to slow down the panic. Also, I felt I was resetting my respiratory center of the brain to be at a calmer rate.

03-22-2012, 09:09 PM
What has helped me is to reduce my stress levels in my life and that has honestly helped me immensely!

04-12-2012, 03:40 PM
Wow! that's alot of stuff but all very helpful. thank you so much for writing this!

04-12-2012, 04:13 PM
Great info man! I especially like how you describe anxiery and fear as just a Bluff, very true indeed.

04-28-2012, 09:19 PM
Thank you this helps alot!!! :D

05-13-2012, 11:17 AM
This is something I use:

When a fearful thought comes to mind.

Before you would react with anxiety try to force that thought out of your mind.

This time, however, say:

“That’s a fear of X. I could worry and even obsess over that but this time I’m going to do something different.

I’m not going to react to it. I’m also not going to try and stop it either. I’m just going to label the thought and not react.”

Then the thought comes again with more intensity and possibly with new ‘scary’ angles you never considered.

When this happens you do exactly the same. As if you were observing a cloud passing overhead, you simply

-Observe it,

-Label it e.g (this is a fear of crowds)

-Watch it as it passes by with no judgment.


-Continue your attention on to what you were doing.

Observe, Label, Watch, Continue

If you are a more indoors type of person then instead of thinking of the thoughts like clouds passing in the sky, you might try imagining a large cinema screen and the anxious thoughts are projected out onto the screen in front of you. Play around with this approach. Find what works for you.

05-23-2012, 06:12 AM
Is anyone meditation regularly three times per day for 10-15- minutes? Results? I am looking around to find my relaxation technique.

06-27-2012, 10:41 PM
I wish it was this easy.simply follow these steps and be cured. I've tried the majority of these through out my 11 year anxiety battle. Still pushin and fighting each and every day. If I never got properly tested how do I know there is not something wrong with me my issue usually result from.acid reflux.. and once they start .... Is over.

07-13-2012, 06:15 AM
This is really helpful. Thank you so much.

I have here in my computer a copy of "Pass Through Panic" by Claire Weeks and so far it has done wonders for me. If anyone is interested in having the files, PM me and I can send you the link. It's a 222MB file.

07-13-2012, 08:32 AM
This is really helpful. Thank you so much.

I have here in my computer a copy of "Pass Through Panic" by Claire Weeks and so far it has done wonders for me. If anyone is interested in having the files, PM me and I can send you the link. It's a 211MB file.

Would you be able to post the link here?. I'm new an cannot dm you yet. Just wondering. Thanks.

07-14-2012, 05:45 AM
Would you be able to post the link here?. I'm new an cannot dm you yet. Just wondering. Thanks.

I sent you a PM with the link. If I post here I'm pretty sure it will be deleted. Hope it helps.

07-26-2012, 05:02 PM
I have taken a few of these supplements. I have to agree with Melatonin sometimes I have to take them to try to get enough sleep so that I can be able to go to work because I work overnight and have a day job. The thing about Melatonin I have to take at least 2 and it put me to sleep but it just don't let me sleep longer than what I want to and waking up woo I do feel like crap to where i just stop taking them and just started drinking so that I would be able to get some sleep.

With fish oil I have taken them before but never felt any results from them so I never took them again.

08-22-2012, 07:50 PM
Excellent post ! Remember to take the thoughts captive and intercept them right when they start.

For example ... you get dizzy. A typical anxiety response to this would be "oh no" , what is going on. Then from there it spins out of control. "will I pass out?" "Am I having a stroke." " I better check my pulse" "Where is the blood pressure cuff" "I am panicking"

So one physical symptom of thought become a full blown panic attack.

I got news for you. You won't pass out. You aren't having a stroke. If your pulse is a little high then so what. Don't bother checking your blood pressure because there is nothing wrong with you.

Have you passed out before when you were dizzy ? Did you have a stroke the last time you were dizzy? Did any change in your pulse or blood pressure really matter anyway ?

When our nervous system and negative thought patterns are on overdrive, the thoughts dealing with anxiety and physical sensations will continue. You have to take the thought captive immediately. You have to tell yourself how ridiculous it is and how there is nothing to be alarmed about. Then you have to redirect your thoughts to something else or someone else.

Get your thoughts off of you. Get them off of yourself and your feelings. If you want to spend some time on yourself then post on this board once a day, see a counselor weekly or as often as you want, or confide in a family member or friend. But these conversations need to be limited and not go on for too long because then you get all wrapped up in it again. You have to redirect. Get your mind off of your anxiety and symptoms. Get the thoughts off of yourself and your body.

I have news for you! Anxiety is not going to kill you. All of the plethera of symtoms that come with it won't kill you. It is not that strong. It sure can feel like it sometimes, but it won't. Don't give it more power then it deserves. I just think of it as a short in a wire. You need to cut the wire and rewire it.

In regards to your thoughts once again, you need to take all negative thoughts captive. All negative thoughts. Not just those related to your symptoms and anxiety. For some people a lifetime of negative thinking has contributed to what is now an anxiety disorder.

It is hard. Very hard. You may have hundreds of thoughts a day to intercept and take captive and replace. I also recommend that you find a relaxing hobby and exercise. Try to find a hobby you are passionate about where you can take your mind and replace those negative, anxious thoughts.

08-29-2012, 10:11 AM
Great post. I'm getting there, but it's taken me 4 years. :) It's a day to day process and a goal I WILL reach. :)

09-06-2012, 12:35 AM
Thank you for the insightful advice. I hope to be cured from this darn anxiety

09-06-2012, 12:36 AM
To amneasy : Can i get a link too. It would be most helpful :) thank you..

09-12-2012, 04:30 AM
Great read and a lot to absorb. Wish I had the nerve to find a forum like this sooner. I was always embarrassed.

cat eyes
09-12-2012, 10:05 AM
Can u please pm me the link? Thanks!

cat eyes
09-12-2012, 10:05 AM
Excellent post ! Remember to take the thoughts captive and intercept them right when they start.

For example ... you get dizzy. A typical anxiety response to this would be "oh no" , what is going on. Then from there it spins out of control. "will I pass out?" "Am I having a stroke." " I better check my pulse" "Where is the blood pressure cuff" "I am panicking"

So one physical symptom of thought become a full blown panic attack.

I got news for you. You won't pass out. You aren't having a stroke. If your pulse is a little high then so what. Don't bother checking your blood pressure because there is nothing wrong with you.

Have you passed out before when you were dizzy ? Did you have a stroke the last time you were dizzy? Did any change in your pulse or blood pressure really matter anyway ?

When our nervous system and negative thought patterns are on overdrive, the thoughts dealing with anxiety and physical sensations will continue. You have to take the thought captive immediately. You have to tell yourself how ridiculous it is and how there is nothing to be alarmed about. Then you have to redirect your thoughts to something else or someone else.

Get your thoughts off of you. Get them off of yourself and your feelings. If you want to spend some time on yourself then post on this board once a day, see a counselor weekly or as often as you want, or confide in a family member or friend. But these conversations need to be limited and not go on for too long because then you get all wrapped up in it again. You have to redirect. Get your mind off of your anxiety and symptoms. Get the thoughts off of yourself and your body.

I have news for you! Anxiety is not going to kill you. All of the plethera of symtoms that come with it won't kill you. It is not that strong. It sure can feel like it sometimes, but it won't. Don't give it more power then it deserves. I just think of it as a short in a wire. You need to cut the wire and rewire it.

In regards to your thoughts once again, you need to take all negative thoughts captive. All negative thoughts. Not just those related to your symptoms and anxiety. For some people a lifetime of negative thinking has contributed to what is now an anxiety disorder.

It is hard. Very hard. You may have hundreds of thoughts a day to intercept and take captive and replace. I also recommend that you find a relaxing hobby and exercise. Try to find a hobby you are passionate about where you can take your mind and replace those negative, anxious thoughts.

Can you please pm me the link? Thanks!

09-17-2012, 11:41 PM
Thank you for sharing.

11-30-2012, 01:38 PM
Thanks for sharing this, make me feel positive that I can overcome this! By the way when you took all of them tablets did you take them all together at the same time as I don't want to reduce the effects of them if that makes sense. :) and thanks again

11-30-2012, 08:08 PM
Hi Kieran. Sometimes I'd take them together, separate, and sometimes I'd take this supplement and not this supplement. I think I will post a Supplement thread. After it's all said and done I recommend this:

All at the same time 2 times a day:
Passion Flower Extract. 2- 350 mg pills- 2 times a day
Eastern Easentials Calm and Relaxed Formula- 6 pills 2 times a day
Pharma Gaba- 2 capsules 2 times a day
Suntheanine. 1 150 mg capsule 2 times a day

Before sleep take 2 more Passionflower Extracts pills with 2 cups of chamomile tea. 2 tea bags, use the tea bags twice for a total of 2 cups.


Take Milk Thistle Extract- 1 250 mg pill 2 times daily

1 scoop a day of this incredible green drink.

2000-5000 mg Vitamin D3.

400 mg of Magnesium Glycinate 2 times daily

I'll post links for these in another thread.

12-15-2012, 09:12 PM
I never thought of it that way please pm this. I'm new here. Ty in advance

12-18-2012, 09:33 AM
I never thought of it that way please pm this. I'm new here. Ty in advance

Hi. Can you explain what you mean?

12-20-2012, 08:46 PM
This is really helpful. Thank you so much.

I have here in my computer a copy of "Pass Through Panic" by Claire Weeks and so far it has done wonders for me. If anyone is interested in having the files, PM me and I can send you the link. It's a 222MB file.

Please send file for panic attack and anxiety

Thank you

Stressed Papa
12-29-2012, 10:13 AM
PanicCured, I wish more people had this mindset. People need to know that it is possible to correct these symptoms that cripple so many of us. It takes work, but it is all about retraining your body and mind.

12-30-2012, 01:31 PM
What did you think of Panic Puzzle? Did it help??

12-30-2012, 01:35 PM
This is really helpful. Thank you so much.

I have here in my computer a copy of "Pass Through Panic" by Claire Weeks and so far it has done wonders for me. If anyone is interested in having the files, PM me and I can send you the link. It's a 222MB file.

Can you please send it to me?

12-30-2012, 02:18 PM
How do you pm on here. I would like the file too:)

Stressed Papa
12-30-2012, 08:04 PM
Can you please send it to me?

You guys can find anything about Dr Claire Weekes just by a Google search. This woman saved me from myself. I bought her books through Amazon. I can say that I had to put the book down at one point because how she described exactly and I mean exactly how I was feeling and it was such an amazing feeling to know that I was not alone.. Such a selfless person and I wish to this day I can thank her face to face for what she has done for me.

01-11-2013, 12:48 AM
thank you!

Other Side
01-18-2013, 08:08 AM
I sent you a PM with the link. If I post here I'm pretty sure it will be deleted. Hope it helps.

Could I have a copy of the link as well?


Other Side
01-21-2013, 02:34 AM

Can anyone send me the link to this? I cant seem to PM people at the moment.


Other Side
01-25-2013, 04:32 AM
Hi Panic Cured,

How long was your acupuncture treatment before you noticed a difference?


01-25-2013, 04:37 AM
Hi Paniccured,
thanks for all the info, this seems very helpful :)

01-25-2013, 10:48 AM
My pleasure!

For me, acupuncture wasn't key in my healing. It is great medicine, but I started getting it way later on when I was almost better. I don't know if it helped or not, but it is healthy and does help a lot of people. I just did every technique I could get my hands on and just attacked anxiety like I was going to war. That is the most important thing. You are totally determined and you just do all that you can every day and keep moving forward, and then the right stuff comes in your path. Definitely the herbs and supplements I listed in the Suplements Thread are great, Buteyko breathing was a huge help for me, and really forcing myself to change bad habits and bad thinking patterns. Regular yoga was great. I never had a panic attack in yoga class and it kept me healthy and released muscle tension because when you're anxious you are all tense. There was also this thing I did called Alpha-Stim. I rented this device from some website online for 1 month. I first went to this Naturaopathic doctor who hooked me up to a big one. Then I ordered a small one for 1 month. You put these clips on your ear and it sends alpha waves to your brain. It doesn't hurt or anything. I did this about 20 minutes a day. I noticed progress from day 1 to 30 days. This was towards the end of my healing and I recommend it. Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula is a great way to help heal the sensitized nervous system too.
The best thing is to know you will be healed and to do whatever it takes to get to that goal. Being miserable with others having a pity party and just being in fetal position in your bed complaining how your life sucks, doesn't get you anywhere. And just know panic attacks and all these dumb anxiety symptoms feel incredibly weird, but they can't hurt you so just let them be and wash over you. Don't expect a doctor to cure you either, unless you have a diagnosed physical problem. I didn't list everything here, but this is some of the things you can do.
Onwards and upwards!

Other Side
01-25-2013, 01:48 PM
My pleasure!

For me, acupuncture wasn't key in my healing. It is great medicine, but I started getting it way later on when I was almost better. I don't know if it helped or not, but it is healthy and does help a lot of people. I just did every technique I could get my hands on and just attacked anxiety like I was going to war. That is the most important thing. You are totally determined and you just do all that you can every day and keep moving forward, and then the right stuff comes in your path. Definitely the herbs and supplements I listed in the Suplements Thread are great, Buteyko breathing was a huge help for me, and really forcing myself to change bad habits and bad thinking patterns. Regular yoga was great. I never had a panic attack in yoga class and it kept me healthy and released muscle tension because when you're anxious you are all tense. There was also this thing I did called Alpha-Stim. I rented this device from some website online for 1 month. I first went to this Naturaopathic doctor who hooked me up to a big one. Then I ordered a small one for 1 month. You put these clips on your ear and it sends alpha waves to your brain. It doesn't hurt or anything. I did this about 20 minutes a day. I noticed progress from day 1 to 30 days. This was towards the end of my healing and I recommend it. Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula is a great way to help heal the sensitized nervous system too.
The best thing is to know you will be healed and to do whatever it takes to get to that goal. Being miserable with others having a pity party and just being in fetal position in your bed complaining how your life sucks, doesn't get you anywhere. And just know panic attacks and all these dumb anxiety symptoms feel incredibly weird, but they can't hurt you so just let them be and wash over you. Don't expect a doctor to cure you either, unless you have a diagnosed physical problem. I didn't list everything here, but this is some of the things you can do.
Onwards and upwards!

Thanks for all your advice.

Based on this I've:

1) Quit drinking, 4 days in. Was a heavy self medicator.
2) Had a first session of acupuncture, next one on Thursday
3) booked some yoga classes with my other half
4) drinking chamomile by the bucket load at the mo

Next I'm going to read some Claire Weekes books, research the breathing technique and order some kava kava.

Time to put this horrible ordeal which has ruled me most of my life to bed.

Anyone has any success with hypnotherapy?

01-25-2013, 03:30 PM
My pleasure!

For me, acupuncture wasn't key in my healing. It is great medicine, but I started getting it way later on when I was almost better. I don't know if it helped or not, but it is healthy and does help a lot of people. I just did every technique I could get my hands on and just attacked anxiety like I was going to war. That is the most important thing. You are totally determined and you just do all that you can every day and keep moving forward, and then the right stuff comes in your path. Definitely the herbs and supplements I listed in the Suplements Thread are great, Buteyko breathing was a huge help for me, and really forcing myself to change bad habits and bad thinking patterns. Regular yoga was great. I never had a panic attack in yoga class and it kept me healthy and released muscle tension because when you're anxious you are all tense. There was also this thing I did called Alpha-Stim. I rented this device from some website online for 1 month. I first went to this Naturaopathic doctor who hooked me up to a big one. Then I ordered a small one for 1 month. You put these clips on your ear and it sends alpha waves to your brain. It doesn't hurt or anything. I did this about 20 minutes a day. I noticed progress from day 1 to 30 days. This was towards the end of my healing and I recommend it. Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed formula is a great way to help heal the sensitized nervous system too.
The best thing is to know you will be healed and to do whatever it takes to get to that goal. Being miserable with others having a pity party and just being in fetal position in your bed complaining how your life sucks, doesn't get you anywhere. And just know panic attacks and all these dumb anxiety symptoms feel incredibly weird, but they can't hurt you so just let them be and wash over you. Don't expect a doctor to cure you either, unless you have a diagnosed physical problem. I didn't list everything here, but this is some of the things you can do.
Onwards and upwards!

Could you tell me abit more about the alpha stim? Please sounds very good

01-25-2013, 06:25 PM
If you are going to an acupuncturist and he/she also is an herbalist, have the acupuncturist make you a custom herbal formula that you can take. This will treat you at a very deep level specifically for you.

I did hypnotherapy for panic attacks MP3s. I cant remember what it was called. See if you can find one online by a certified and qualified hypnotherapist. I would lay down and put on the headphones and follow the CD. Look for one specifically made for anxiety or panic. I also was doing a Buteyko breathing method CD. Patrick McKeown's book Anxiety Free came with an MP3 download. Breathing was big for me, because I was always trying to breathe more because I felt I couldn't breathe. I felt I was going to die or pass out so I would breathe more to get air into me. Then I learned how to breathe less and it was a huge milestone. I knew that breathing more actually created less oxygen.

There was yoga at my gym, and at the time it was hard for me to do cardio or weights, but yoga I was always able to do. I mean, sometimes the class was hard, and I couldn't do everything, but yoga you go at your own pace anyway. All that matters is you feel it internally. But the environment of a yoga class is so positive and healing. I was pretty agoraphobic, so sometimes I would jog in place inside my home, or just jog around my small one bedroom apartment. Jumping jacks and stuff like that. You have to get the blood circulating and move. When your anxious you are tense. You are probably tense right now. At one time I was doing yoga 2-3 times a week. I even ended up going on a date with one of the yoga teachers one night.

The Alpha Stim was the Alpha Stim 100: http://www.wavemedicalcorp.com. I can't remeber the company I got it from but I rented it for one month for around $100 I think.

I think it was this company but it looks like they have a newer or different model than I used. A brand called Alpa Stim M: http://www.alleviahealth.com/rental.htm

It was relaxing but it was subtle. I went to this naturopathic doctor and he had this huge one that had a band to your head. When I went back to him after doing the Alpha Stim 100 on my ears once a day, I remember being a lot better. I was also doing other stuff. I mean was attacking anxiety from every angle I could think of. At the time I was going through Klonopin withdrawal too, which made everything worse. If I remember correctly, the Alpha Stim is also used for drug withdrawal. Read the info on the links and see for yourself.

I can't understand people who just submit to anxiety and think doctors are their saviors. Organize their lives around anxiety with no drive to overcome it. I just don't get it.

Keep me updated.

02-09-2013, 08:13 PM

Thank You sooooo much for your post. i am having such an awful time going through panic and anxiety and i fear that I'll never feel better again. Its a horrible feeling and its causing some severe depression as well. Your post gave me some hope.... I go to a great doctor but I'm on so many different meds. Ive been going through this for about 7 months now and somedays are either pretty bad or just terrible. I hope I can overcome this too :*-(

02-12-2013, 08:09 PM
A B12 deficiency is usually would vegans suffer from.

04-21-2013, 08:58 AM
When you were getting better, did your anxiety symptoms vanish just like that, overnight, or it took some time even when you felt you overcame your anxiety completely?

So I've had anxiety for some time but lately I've been feeling a whole lot better every day - I don't have panic attacks for some time, no derealizations anymore, I also don't feel anxious almost at all. Even though, when I'm completely relaxed and not stressed, I still experience muscle twitches some 10-15 times a day (fasciculations) or headaches. Is it something to worry or just the fact that I consciously feel alright doesn't mean my nervous system is back to normal and I should just wait longer?

04-22-2013, 01:26 AM
When you were getting better, did your anxiety symptoms vanish just like that, overnight, or it took some time even when you felt you overcame your anxiety completely?

So I've had anxiety for some time but lately I've been feeling a whole lot better every day - I don't have panic attacks for some time, no derealizations anymore, I also don't feel anxious almost at all. Even though, when I'm completely relaxed and not stressed, I still experience muscle twitches some 10-15 times a day (fasciculations) or headaches. Is it something to worry or just the fact that I consciously feel alright doesn't mean my nervous system is back to normal and I should just wait longer?

Yeah one night I looked up at the sky and I wished upon a star that I would be anxiety free, and woke up with it totally gone!

I'm joking obviously, but did you actually read what I wrote here? I did tons of stuff over some time. Healing is a process. I don't know about your muscle twitches as I didn't have this symptom. Other people here do though so maybe they can help you. I don't think there is ever a need to worry. You just tale care of what you got to take care of and that's it. Worrying or panic never helps anyone with anything.

04-25-2013, 12:18 AM
thank you>>>>>

05-03-2013, 10:09 AM
Hey, thank you and one more question, if you could: when you were finally on the right path to curing your anxiety, was it a constant uphill or you still had days when you felt as if you made a two steps backwards rather than another step forward? Cause I was getting better and better for a few days and then suddenly yesterday and today's morning felt somehow as if I took my symptoms to a month ago when they were a lot worse. The only difference was I knew what they were so I was far from a panic attack - still, I was really anxious for these almost two days even though I thought it won't ever be back to this state. Now it seems as getting back on the right track from three days ago. Did you also experience such fluctuations when everything seemed fine and suddenly one or two days were really bad?

05-09-2013, 09:03 PM
Careful with Biotin if you are acne prone, that stuff will form some monster zit-welts.

08-19-2013, 04:13 AM
This is great. I have anxiety for more than two years now. I had counseling for a little bit. It helped a little. They prescribed lorazepam and sertraline and I don't take any of it because I'm worried about the side effects. I will look into taking those supplements you mentioned. I now just take a multivitamin (centrum) every day or when I remember. Before anxiety I loved coffee. And now don't drink it as often, but yes I should stop. I also drink alcohol, I also need to stop for now. I know I can be cured. Thanks so much for this. I will look for chamomile tea next time I'm at the store. "Fck this anxiety". :) Best regards

08-24-2013, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the useful information..

10-20-2013, 07:19 AM
thank you for the post. well written

10-26-2013, 05:13 AM
This seems to be a useful article cheers to contributors!

10-26-2013, 05:14 AM
Has anyone read that anxiety lie book? It seems really intriguing but expensive

01-05-2014, 08:57 PM
Great Post. Congrats to you as well. Thank you. Peace to all.

01-28-2014, 08:44 PM
Has anyone read that anxiety lie book? It seems really intriguing but expensive

I have not... Try Been there,done that, Do This! by Sam Obitz it's short inexpensive and easy. It is based on CBT and if you use the exercises you will likely have success. The TEA form exercise in it has changed my life for the better.
Best wishes :)

02-01-2014, 10:55 AM
Thank you all for the information and things you've posted

Fight the stress
02-02-2014, 10:04 PM
He was certified by Buteyko himself so its a good read and it came with a meditation mp3 I used to practice 2 or more times a day. Basically, you breathe less and create a tolerable air hunger. It is contrary to what we've been taught of course. That is why it works! Breathing too much makes this whole fight or flight mechanism much worse! In some way or another, look into Buteyko breathing for anxiety. I basically used to use the MP3 that came with the book or I would just do as a meditation relaxing my mind little by little, trying to get my breathing less and less. Until I felt a slight but tolerable air hunger. I would keep that for as long as I could. Usually about 30 minutes. After some time, the CO2 would get rebalanced in my blood, and Oxygen would get delivered to all my cells I would get warm and feel incredible. I would feel my body nourished by oxygen like never before. It is always important to breathe through your nose! I Would do walks with my mouth closed and breathing through your nose. That helps to rebalance the carbon dioxide as well. There's a bit more to it, so I hope you tale some time to research it yourself.

02-02-2014, 10:13 PM

The buteyko high feels amazing!!! One of the nicest feelings I've ever felt. It was like an opiate high!

02-03-2014, 04:19 PM
Thank you all for the information and things you've posted

YW! That was sweet of you to be so appreciative. I'm a big believer that if any of my posts help one person even a little it is worth the effort :)
Thanks for making my day Buffy!

Fight the stress
02-03-2014, 08:25 PM
YW! That was sweet of you to be so appreciative. I'm a big believer that if any of my posts help one person even a little it is worth the effort :)
Thanks for making my day Buffy!

Aloha beachgirl it is sweet of you to acknowledge that as well. We are all here to help each other. Blessings all

Fight the stress
02-03-2014, 08:26 PM
How often do you do it, Im new to the technique

02-04-2014, 11:20 AM
Thank You Panic Cured. There are some really good bits in here. Lord knows I need all the help I can get right now.

02-04-2014, 11:22 AM
How often do you do it, Im new to the technique

Good luck getting everything into gear TSH79!

@FTStress: I did the exercises everyday, 3x for a year. Then I bought a frolov device off of eBay for 20bucks, which you just breathe into and it does to buteyko for you :)

02-06-2014, 05:17 PM
Aloha beachgirl it is sweet of you to acknowledge that as well. We are all here to help each other. Blessings all

Thanks FTS :-) Mahalo!

02-17-2014, 04:57 AM
I used meditation to overcome panic attacks and mild depression mainly. Going in for sports, breathing exercises, emotional control, acceptance of fear and panic, long walks, quitting bad habits, self-improvement, yoga, contrast shower, healthy food, good rest... These things also provided great help. But meditation was the main thing which has helped to implement all other healthy things in my life.

03-04-2014, 10:40 AM
There are some real useful advices in this thread.
I will try some of them out.

Mark A. Camacho
05-06-2014, 04:24 AM
Hey everyone my name is Mark and I am really tense from the problem of anxiety and i wanted to eliminate this problem because panic attacks are becoming cause of social anxiety for me.Recently in a restaurant i suffer from panic attack and it become the cause of embarrassment in front of al my friends and public. These panic attacks are leading to stress and are becoming the cause of severe stress for me. Therefore i need suggestions for everyone

05-08-2014, 05:51 PM
Thank you! It was very comforting reading this! I'll definitely reread your post over and over when I am feeling like my anxiety is taking over.

05-20-2014, 07:38 PM
Looks like a lot of you took my Buteyko advice. I'm impressed! Patrick McKeown's book and a Skype conversation I had with him definitely was huge in helping my anxiety. A lot of the advice I got that was also tremendous in helping me overcome my anxiety was from the Eastern Essentials founder that makes the Calm and Relaxed Remedy. I just received an email that he now has a complete Heal Anxiety Package and there is a free video he made on the web page now with some incredible advice. I thought I would let you guys know. I am still anxiety free after a few years now. His product and methods were some of the keys in helping me get there.

Check out the free video:

05-21-2014, 01:01 PM
Looks like a lot of you took my Buteyko advice. I'm impressed! Patrick McKeown's book and a Skype conversation I had with him definitely was huge in helping my anxiety. A lot of the advice I got that was also tremendous in helping me overcome my anxiety was from the Eastern Essentials founder that makes the Calm and Relaxed Remedy. I just received an email that he now has a complete Heal Anxiety Package and there is a free video he made on the web page now with some incredible advice. I thought I would let you guys know. I am still anxiety free after a few years now. His product and methods were some of the keys in helping me get there.

Check out the free video:

You're back! Didn't think you'd come back again after last summer.

Hope you're doing well

05-21-2014, 02:37 PM
Panic cured welcome back :)

05-21-2014, 06:23 PM
I still am anxiety free and I still never get panic attacks. My methods do work. But I received an email from the Eastern Essentials guy, since I am on his email list, about his new video and Heal Anxiety Package, so I decided to post it here for you guys.
Good Luck!

05-23-2014, 02:37 AM
Wow well thats great... i love reading success stories and love reading threads that tell how people come over the bad anxiety, and are able to get over it from within. It seems hard to do so... and at point one feels so down, but i know need to keep trying...Overall am doing better am glad... I just cant seem to learn the breathing techniques thing...

Wish u all health and happiness...and keep posting positive threads and tips too... :)

05-31-2014, 12:41 AM
I was hoping people would try out some of the stuff I did, but really, get an idea how to approach anxiety and to go full speed healing mode. Also this can help people not waste time on some of the trial and error I did already,

06-14-2014, 10:50 AM
I used meditation to overcome panic attacks and mild depression mainly. Going in for sports, breathing exercises, emotional control, acceptance of fear and panic, long walks, quitting bad habits, self-improvement, yoga, contrast shower, healthy food, good rest... These things also provided great help. But meditation was the main thing which has helped to implement all other healthy things in my life.

Those are all great tips! Glad you found something that works for you and I use many of the things you suggest as well in concert with the CBT thought countering exercises like the TEA forms etc. Keep up the good work!

06-15-2014, 02:07 AM
I read the first set of the original posts and this is such a wonderful thing to hear. The title had me skeptical at first (I thought it was pinned up as an ad) but I'm glad to see this was honest and not a flimsy attempt to sell something. Thank you for sharing :)

I have been so wrapped up with thinking I'd never get better, and that I need medication or treatment for the rest of my life even though I'm still relatively young and it seemed kinda hopeless. This feels like a very humble and honest success story and it gives me hope. Maybe I can be functional again in one year.

I'll have to read through some of the pages and garner some more of these good feelings.

06-16-2014, 09:33 PM
I read the first set of the original posts and this is such a wonderful thing to hear. The title had me skeptical at first (I thought it was pinned up as an ad) but I'm glad to see this was honest and not a flimsy attempt to sell something. Thank you for sharing :)

I have been so wrapped up with thinking I'd never get better, and that I need medication or treatment for the rest of my life even though I'm still relatively young and it seemed kinda hopeless. This feels like a very humble and honest success story and it gives me hope. Maybe I can be functional again in one year.

I'll have to read through some of the pages and garner some more of these good feelings.

I am still anxiety free and this is how I did it. I left some things out as it was already a long post. I was trying to show my path so others can form their own path based on what I did. You do not have to be 100% without fear, or even be 100% free of anxiety, but you want to be 100% anxiety disorder free. I mean, if you are in a burning building you won't sit down and say "Oh well, I am not scared." You will use the anxiety-fight or flight response to give you extra powers to get out. That is the fight or flight mechanism in its correct form not as a disorder.

Read it again and get on a similar path of ANXIETY FREE NO MATTER WHAT!

07-11-2014, 12:17 PM
Loved your post, I will definitely start drinking more chamomile and start facing my fears.

07-11-2014, 03:29 PM
Thank you so much!

I am bookmarking this!

07-22-2014, 01:32 PM
Great tips! It's quite difficult to find chamomile in where I'm living now though (Singapore)

07-24-2014, 06:17 PM
Yeah I had an awful lot of trial and error myself at the start, but I think that is just the way of it. I kinda think that you have to go through with these kinds of things yourself in order to learn and prosper.

I wish that were true, but most people will not go through this trial and error on their own. One of my main points in my post was if you get in the mindset of full speed ahead and you will be anxiety free no matter what is so key, yet most people are not willing to do that, spend the money I spent, time I spent, put in the effort I spent, so I lay out a template they can use to make it easier for them. The goal here is really to create a healing path not exactly, but based on what I did. But some programs along the way I want to encourage such as that Eastern Essentials Heal Anxiety Package, the Buteyko breathing book by Patrick McKeown, Chamomile tea, passionflower extract, yoga, etc.

07-24-2014, 06:24 PM
Great tips! It's quite difficult to find chamomile in where I'm living now though (Singapore)

I find that hard to believe. It may go under a different name there. You can order from iherb.com which they ship around the world, and if you buy the Eastern Essentials Heal Anxiety Package it comes with it and they claim to ship around the world too.

09-10-2014, 05:03 AM
Thanx a Mil for such an Inspiring Story of success, And a great knowledgeable resource for people suffering from Anxiety & Panic Attacks !!!

But do you still follow the Buteyko exercise, Chamomile tea drinking & other healing practices everyday ??

10-31-2014, 08:14 PM
Thanx a Mil for such an Inspiring Story of success, And a great knowledgeable resource for people suffering from Anxiety & Panic Attacks !!!

But do you still follow the Buteyko exercise, Chamomile tea drinking & other healing practices everyday ??

Hey what's up? Since I do not have anxiety anymore, I don't drink chamomile unless it's late at night or need to relax. I drink more green tea, black tea, coffee and other herbal teas now since I do not need to reduce anxiety anymore. I think herbs for thicker hair is probably what I need now. haha Usually I just drink water now. Buteyko exercises I do occasionally, but should do them more as it is good for health, but I always focus on breathing through my nose and try and never overbreathe. I have taken the Eastern Essential Calm and Relaxed remedy I have left over for general stress management and well being. But really, I do nothing now to heal anxiety since I simply don't have it anymore. There is nothing I need to do now to keep it under control. I've moved past it.

11-24-2014, 01:16 PM
ANXIETY, Somebody help me!! Author: Sara Burillo.
EXCELLENT!!! Fully Recommended! This book saved me... What book saved you? :)

11-29-2014, 09:50 PM
Good Post, thank you

Pete Jorkowski
12-30-2014, 02:45 PM
Very encouraging post, thank you. I've been in a state since April. Don't get panic ''attacks'' as such, just a complete wash of dread and despair which makes my heart race and sweats. I'm in a constant state of what feels like shock, and feel like I'm losing my identity, the world and my life just feels so different. Anyway, gonna try a few things you have suggested, namely the magnesium. I will beat this thing.

01-03-2015, 07:11 PM
Happy New Year everyone! Good to see so many new people posting :)

01-07-2015, 04:30 PM
Can i just ask... what are TEA forms?

05-28-2015, 10:05 PM
wow im so proud and happy to read this!! it gives people like me so much hope!!! Thanks a hole heap! :)

05-29-2015, 07:20 PM
[QUOTE=PanicCured;36147]UPDATE- May 22, 2013:
"Benzos are incredibly addicting. I know. I became hooked on Klonopins."

1st off, this was a great read. Thank you for taking the time to post! I am looking forward to an anxiety/panic/med free life such as yours.
How long were you taking Klonopin and how bad was the "tapering off" period?
I have been taking 3mg Klonopin (or the generic clonazepam) daily since 1988.
At this point I haven't a clue as to whether or not my tolerance is so high that it is doing nothing for my anxiety/panic and I am just feeding an adiction!
I doknow that the Klonopin doesn't have the great effects that it had in years past.
Thanks for any imput.

05-29-2015, 09:14 PM
[QUOTE=PanicCured;36147]UPDATE- May 22, 2013:
"Benzos are incredibly addicting. I know. I became hooked on Klonopins."

1st off, this was a great read. Thank you for taking the time to post! I am looking forward to an anxiety/panic/med free life such as yours.
How long were you taking Klonopin and how bad was the "tapering off" period?
I have been taking 3mg Klonopin (or the generic clonazepam) daily since 1988.
At this point I haven't a clue as to whether or not my tolerance is so high that it is doing nothing for my anxiety/panic and I am just feeding an adiction!
I doknow that the Klonopin doesn't have the great effects that it had in years past.
Thanks for any imput.

I am not a doctor but I will give you my opinions. Your brain is addicted to Klonopins. You have been consuming 3 mg since 1988. My guess is you are getting very little from it besides maintaining your addiction. If you stopped taking them for 1 week you would most likely go into withdrawal. In which, you will just go pop another 3 mg.

If you want to get off them, and you get approval from your doctor, you wold need a very careful tapering period. I would sign up at Benzo Buddies website and have them assist you and support you a bit. Remember, a doctor may not believe you are addicted.

What you would do is get a razor blade and cut a tiny portion off. I am not sure the exact amount to take off, but I will give you an example and you can find the best amount.
Example: So lets say 1 pills 3 mg, cut into 1/4 which would be .75 mg. Cut that into 4ths. Take that piece out. That's about .18 mg. Take the rest of the pill minus that tiny portion. Do this for about 2 weeks so your stable. If you get some serious withdrawal you may have cut too much so maybe do even less of a taper.

Let's say .18 mg worked, Then take 2 .18 mg pieces off and go 2 weeks.

The 3 pieces and go 2 weeks. Keep doing this until you get to a small portion and then you do the jump. How small? Maybe like .10 mg or something.

Now since 1988, a .18 mg cut every 2 weeks may be too much. I would start cutting with less.

This is an example, but you see the process. There is simply no way to not feel like shit and to not get withdrawal symptoms, but this method will reduce is greatly so you go through some discomfort, but it won't be hardcore.

I hope this helps!

05-30-2015, 09:37 AM
Thanks for the reply.
My new primary care physician is not thrilled that I am popping 6 x .5 mg of klonopin a day and asked me to consider other options, so I will talk to him about getting off of it.
I will also check out Benzo Buddies!

06-03-2015, 05:06 AM
Wow ! That was good

Vincent Miller
06-04-2015, 02:36 PM
has anyone tried to use natural cure for anxiety?

Sam Garner
06-25-2015, 02:46 AM
has anyone tried to use natural cure for anxiety?

This guy did
healthmad .com/health/anxiety-and-how-to-overcome-it-3/

07-24-2015, 11:39 AM
Thanks for taking the time to write it all, it's really useful!

10-13-2015, 01:17 AM
Nice post! It'll help many guys...

12-25-2015, 11:49 PM
I love how you put together a systematic way for overcoming panic disorder. I am also a recovered agoraphobe (over 20 years free) and did many of the things you employed in your recovery. I worked for 17 years as a mental health social worker after I recovered and then wrote a book - Un-Agoraphobic - on amazon. I am amazed at how similar our approaches are for getting out of prison. I hope many have and will read your suggestions, for they are the right-on path to defeating panic attacks. I maintain a facebook page - unagoraphobic - to pass along suggestions and tips to folks with panic disorder. I'd love to link your article to that page, but want to ask permission first. You have a conversational, inviting style of writing that really brings the reader along. I hope to hear from you... best wishes, Hal Mathew

01-03-2016, 05:49 AM
I'm a recovering alcoholic. Is there any alcohol on any of these supplements?

01-07-2016, 06:12 AM
There's a lot of Claire Weekes stuff in the original post I thought.

01-29-2016, 05:25 AM
Wonderful post! Great information to understand anxiety symptoms and helpful to find your own power to fight with.

02-10-2016, 02:36 AM
I'm on b complex.. I'll try stopping it for a week and see what happems

02-17-2016, 03:21 PM
Great info, thanks1

James Waide
04-11-2016, 06:03 PM
I am coping with anxiety with the Natural pen. It has been a God Send.
I got tired of the "happy pills" and knew there had to be a all natural remedy for anxiety.
Try it 1687

04-16-2016, 12:54 PM
thanks for sharing

07-26-2016, 10:22 PM
Man the spam is here!

10-10-2016, 01:14 PM
What an outstanding thread. I myself have not had a panic attack in 11 years and my anxiety is in check 99% of the time. Many of your methods I notice I used to overcome and also have some of my own that helped me. Maybe with your permission I can add in what I did, or maybe3 I should start my own thread on how I over came. What would be the best way? Either way great thread and congrats

11-19-2016, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the share PanicCured

03-26-2017, 12:30 PM
All members of the forum should read this :)

03-27-2017, 01:37 AM
It does have 83,713 views! Pretty cool huh?

05-05-2017, 01:39 PM
The Hypnotist Man, Robert Hisee is the only cure you need. he is amazinggg. he has cured my anxiety in just one session. i truly cannot recommend enough


10-27-2017, 11:48 AM
Thanks for this post. I used to black out during public speeches. Especially during work. The panic was unbearable and I thought I wouldn't be able to continue living my life as a successful female lawyer. I was on medication but it made me feel weird so now I use Mantra Magnets. They're earrings you clip on that vibrate as a neuro therapy tool and reset your amygdala. I love them! They really help. Now when I public speak, I'm focused on the vibrating instead of the panic.

10-27-2017, 01:03 PM
Thanks for this post. I used to black out during public speeches. Especially during work. The panic was unbearable and I thought I wouldn't be able to continue living my life as a successful female lawyer. I was on medication but it made me feel weird so now I use Mantra Magnets. They're earrings you clip on that vibrate as a neuro therapy tool and reset your amygdala. I love them! They really help. Now when I public speak, I'm focused on the vibrating instead of the panic.

Do you think they can help me cure my anxiety?

It started when a man in a tractor told me the world was about to end. His name was Farmer Geddon.

10-27-2017, 02:02 PM
The power of belief is in indeed a very powerful thing. It can be as healing as it can be destructive. What looks like total BS to one person can be totally real to another. I say whatever works man.

10-27-2017, 03:51 PM
True that!

I wonder why they're called mantra magnets? Do they vibrate "Om Mani Padme Hum" over and over again in Morse code?

10-27-2017, 07:58 PM
Of course they do. You just need a finely tuned heart to hear them. :) BUT definitely not Morse Code, more like distinctive intuition that brings about a sense of peace through heart felt knowing. Like crystals, the magnets are more like a amplified receiver/transmitter where those using them practice the art of tuning in like someone clearing the static that's typical on an old crystal set radio back in the days of WWII. Once you clear the static and find the right frequency you receive the code, or in this case; the vibes. Perceiving the vibes is totally subject to the user's intention and state of being.

Of course that's just my take. Does that make sense to you? I use a singing bowl, but have considered using crystals and now that I think about it ... magnets may very well be an option to. Bio electric fields of individuals are affected by many things. Especially in today's world of massive amounts of projected radio waves and like radiation all over the planet 24/7. Being out of sync via processed, plastic and constituted foods not to mention medications also greatly reduce a users ability to tune in to their own bodies let alone picking up vibes from the likes of crystals and magnets.

The latter of the above brings back into perspective just how far the power of belief can go Vs the degenerative state of most peoples body this day and age. In short, most of today's life style choices keep the majority of peoples bodies out of sync from it's natural state. The body and mind affect the spirit. So it is crystals and magnets can only do so much. Most of the power is within ... but only accessed when all other elements are finely balanced. OR at least well cultivated to some degree.

In some sense whilst the placebo affect of belief may work in the short term ← (something I myself utilize often), sustained long term gains come from first working on the body and mind before engaging on aids primarily meant for finely tuned states of being.

... and then ... after all that ... you have to be wise enough to decode the message that comes in. lol :) narrrrr ... if your thinking like that, you'll never feel the vibrations to begin with.

I'm off to go get burnt like a crisp. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/summer/sunscreen-smiley-emoticon.gif

Adios. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/fighting/hair-on-fire.gif

11-06-2017, 12:09 AM
I think it's the vibrations more than the magnets that really help to just make me feel mindful and in the moment so that my stress melts away. I'm telling everyone about them they have truly been a miracle for my anxiety and panic disorder.

01-28-2018, 12:26 PM
Good thread! A lot of value here :)

01-28-2018, 01:35 PM
Thank you for this post, it helps just by reading about it :)

01-30-2018, 01:01 PM
Thank you!

02-09-2018, 01:58 AM
I have learned a few techniques to deal with the social anxiety and stress associated with public speaking.

1. Recognize that stress or social anxiety is a natural reaction. Tell yourself this is to be expected and many presenters, even after years of presenting, still get the jitters. It’s OK.

2. Front it. If you are nervous sometimes it is best to tell your audience, “I am really nervous;” It’s OK. Remember, your audience wants you to succeed and they will understand. So let them know; they will smile back to make you comfortable and that alone often helps.

3. Prior to going on stage drink water. Anxiety causes our mouths to dry so you want to be hydrated and have water available on stage—just in case.

4. Stretch before going on stage. I often see professional speakers stretch their neck forward and back as well as side-to-side and this helps them to deal with their anxieties. Others will open their mouth really wide several times—they tell me that helps. Others move their shoulders up, hold, then lower them slowly. Each person has his or her own go-to favorites—see what works best for you.

5. Try the push away—it is easy to do and one of my favorites. Stand about two feet away from a wall and do push-aways much as you would do a push-up. Five quick push-aways is often just enough to lessen anxiety.

6. Our subconscious deals with threats or potential issues so often we tend to focus on those in the audience that seem unhappy, displeased, or disinterested with our presentation. Override this survival instinct by forcing yourself to focus only on friendly faces—even if there is just one in the room—that will go a long way to help you relax. Once you find one then look for another and skip the unhappy or those that are disinterested—they are needless distractions.

7. We spend all day pacifying ourselves by engaging in hand to body touching (rubbing our nose, touching our faces, rubbing our hands together, biting our lips, etc.). When we are stressed we do more of these things (blink rate also goes up, hand-wringing, hand massaging, playing with wedding bands, etc.) and on stage these can be very distracting. Acknowledge to yourself that you do these things and that it is normal. On stage repeat to yourself, “I will still do these things, only this time I will do them more slowly and gently.” You still get to have your favorite security blanket/pacifying behavior—it just won’t be as distracting.

8. Learn to accept that the stage is your friend. It is there for your benefit: to focus attention, to reach a broader audience, or to enhance your presentation—it is not your enemy. Reframe your thinking—it will reduce your anticipatory stress level.

9. If you still find yourself struggling on stage, take a deep breath and exhale really slowly, longer than you would normally exhale—repeat if needed. Don’t hesitate to let the audience know this is hard for you—they understand and will admire you for trying.

10. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. I often find great speakers in the green room quietly rehearsing outloud the same lines they have delivered many times. Why? Because it helps them to relieve stress and they can hear that all familiar voice; their own voice, and that alone helps them to calm down.

02-09-2018, 02:11 AM
1. Recognize that stress or social anxiety is a natural reaction. Tell yourself this is to be expected and many presenters, even after years of presenting, still get the jitters. It’s OK.

This one actually helps in panic / anxiety attacks in general. If you recognize anxiety as a natural reaction, a chemical reaction of your body, it gets easier. If you sit and calm down knowing that this attack will pass in few minutes it's much more easier to cope with.

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02-19-2018, 09:21 AM
Thank you for these incredible techniques.

02-20-2018, 08:51 AM
Point 4) You must use your WILL to overcome FEAR
Point 13) Learn to laugh at yourself. This is all a very bad joke, but nonetheless, it is a joke.

In other words; willing to laugh at yourself, knowing that it's joke anyway. Liking that one a lot.

See if conversational hypnotherapy can be added to that list. It's about the choices you make in life that make things worse or better.

04-17-2018, 01:57 AM
wow great information! thank you so much for taking the time to post all this for us

Matthew Tweedie Anxiety
11-05-2018, 10:08 PM
nice post, very useful and informative thanks

01-26-2020, 08:42 PM
I wanted to just mention there is a new Magnesium supplement on the market that is supposed to be the only one or at least the best one to penetrate the blood-brain barrier called Magnesium L-Threonate. I have no way of knowing if this is true, but I purchased this to try it out and the one I have been using is by Jarrow Formulas called MindMag.

02-25-2020, 03:02 AM
was having severe panic attacks multiple times a day, was scared out of mind, and I could barely leave my home. I remember how hard it was to just walk outside of my apartment building to buy water. I couldn't get into an elevator I was so scared. I had to have someone in my living room waiting for me, just so I could take a shower. I remember thinking walking from my bedroom to the toilet, was a huge deal and I was scared to do it. I was in more hospitals and ambulances I can count.