View Full Version : my story

10-19-2011, 08:58 PM
Ive only been suffering from anxiety for a few weeks. It all started when my goat was attacked by dogs and i thought i had rabies. I went to several different hospitals they all told me that it was next to impossible and they did diagnose me with sinusitis.I ended up with my head feeling completely numb for about 2 weeks and now it just happens when i first get home from work. I have difficulty falling asleep and even worse i wake up gasping for air through the night. Ive tried a couple different medicines they all make me feel worse. So Ive decided to just deal with it on my own (not sure how smart that is) i still have the same fear that I am sick and they just havent caught it. I try to tell myself to be rational but its easier said than done. I literally feel like life is flying by without me. I find it hard to be intimate with my husband or to pay attention to my child. My newest symptoms are feeling like im drooling when im not or my eye feeling wet Im not sure if those are symptoms of anxiety or not so if anyone knows please tell me. I also fell like Im shaking when Im laying down to a point where i wonder ifits an earthquake. I feel like Im going crazy and I just want to feel normal again. I thought if i got on here and talked about it might help.

10-21-2011, 10:20 PM
i also need to add i have had migraines and excess saliva im concerned because thats not on the symptoms list is it a symptom

10-24-2011, 01:42 AM
ok so im just sitting on the couch watching tv with my husband no stress no panic then all of a sudden my throat feels tight and its so hard to swallow i know ive had test run and blah blah blah but i still feel like theres something very wrong other than anxiety help!!!

10-24-2011, 04:27 AM
Do you feel like you have a lump in your throat that you can't swallow, though nothing is there? If so that is from emotions or stress.

Have you felt before that something else is wrong besides anxiety?

10-24-2011, 07:23 AM
Welcome...Like me, it sounds like you have something that has built up over the years that you need to deal with. I strongly suggest finding a counselor, I did this last month and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. If you are afraid of what others might think like I was, then don't tell people, only my boyfriend knows. Take care of you so you can take care of your family :)

10-24-2011, 02:51 PM
ok so when i went to the doctor the last time they did every exam except an mri because i have metal in alot of my body. I had blood work ct chest everything about a month ago. since then ive been better some days and worse others. but last night when my throat started i was under no stress i had taken my vistaril which is what they gave me for anxiety and was really calm. they did all those test because i was convinced i had rabies. Now a month later im still convinced especially now with my throat im afraid to drink cause im scared i wont be able to swallow which is a big part of rabies. i feel like im going into another panic attack and im scared to death i cant talk to my family cause they are tired of hearing about it but im freaking out