View Full Version : Has anyone experienced this? Intense Head Pain -Going through it right now

10-18-2011, 02:21 AM
Hello, I'd appreciate any feedback or info regarding this.

I've had anxiety and depression on and off for 4 years. The biggest issue happened 3 years after finishing college and going to grad. school. When I started grad school out of nowhere I felt like my head exploded and intense pain in my head and anxiety I never felt before. I felt like I was going crazy and just came as soon as I started grad school 3 years after finishing college (in those 3 years were very stressfull and full of craziness trying to get my life together and wondering what is going on/the next stage of my life)

So I went to the counselor on campus and she described exactly what I was feeling. Intense anxiety and depression.

++But she also mentioned that this being a new chapter of my life (starting grad school)/and a new developmental life stage from the psycho/stressfull 3 years since graduating), that these certain new chapters of one's life or developmental stages (mentally-just going forward) can trigger the anxiety and can actually intensify over time without medication. So I was taking ativan for 6 months and everything was fine for the most part.

Out of nowhere,I had a class with a person I thought I could start getting to know/have a relationship with it seemed like we had a close connection. More specifically, I hadn't dated anyone in 4 years and saw this as a way to FINALLY move forward from the depression I encountered with the end of my last relationship 4 years before. I was so happy because I could just tell it would be nice. I believe it/he/the idea of having another relationship was some kind of trigger because to me it was about moving on to a new stage/development from the 4 years of just being alone and wondering if I was going to meet someone again that I would want to be with.

Out of NOWHERE I started experiencing the exact same symptoms as when I started grad school Intense head pain which I'm still experiencing but this time the anxiety was so intense I think it led me into a deeper depression. I thought the ativan was supposed to be working.

Has anyone else experienced this? It seems that whenever I start thinking about future things, starting a relationship even POSITIVE stuff I feel intense headaches not because they are bad things but I truly think because they are developmental/new life stuff. The depression became so intense I'm taking prozac now and just been taking xanax the last few days. I'm hoping the prozac and xanax will make me feel fine like before without this craziness in my head.

The ativan had been working fine initially but I don't know what in the HECK happened its like seeing this person, and visualizing a relationship with them/way of moving on FINALLY from the past was some type of trigger just like when I started grad school. I've been feeling like crap so bad and everyday is a battle. This whole thing started 6 months ago, head pain, anxiety, depression. I start getting depressed everytime I feel the head pain because I know somethings wrong but no other therapist I've spoke to knows what I'm talking about (the Initial therapist moved away and doesn't work there anymore).

I'd SINCERELY APPRECIATE ANY INFORMATION. I'M JUST TRYING TO GET THROUGH THIS TO GET BETTER. I'd still like to date that person and know something nice could happen but I'm so out of it I don't even know whats going on. I feel like I lost my way to move on because of this stupid thing. I just want to live my life without having to go through this all the time and need the proper treatment. Thankyou so much.