View Full Version : Is it possible to overcome?

10-17-2011, 12:22 PM
Is there anyone who has completely overcome their anxiety? I spend a lot of time wishing that I could be normal again and I was wondering if anyone has been able to reach a state of normalcy after dealing with anxiety for so long.

10-17-2011, 02:01 PM
Hi :-) i noticed this post (http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8601-My-Panic-and-Anxiety-CURED!-How-May-I-Help-You) a few days ago : might help
I think that everyone will always have some degree of anxiety, as it is normal, but i guess that we can learn to control it to a managable degree/ I have noticed a lot of changes over the time i have been dealing with it, it does take a lot of hard work, and time, but it can changexx

10-17-2011, 02:49 PM
Well after 17 years I can say yes. I haven't had an attack for 7 months now. I still get the occasional rush of fear, like when you you are driving along and a police car starts it's sirens behind you but within moments the feeling subsides as I know there is no threat to me.

Why has it taken so long you might ask, well I just hadn't found the right technique that worked for me. Being a scientist and engineer I am very analytical and stubborn. I would believe what I was being told but my anxiety mind didn't believe what i was being told if that makes sense.

I found the ACT therapy and mindfullness has worked the best for me and a book called "the Happiness Trap"

As for wishing you were normal again, well you already are normal. I always thought that normal was being happy all the time but really as humans we are meant to feel all emotions from happiness, sadness, anger and empathy and you can feel all these in one day. Once I stopped trying to be happy all the time and accepted that I can feel a full range emotions and that the weren't anxiety things certainly started to get easy.

So really we are the same as everyone else. Everyone gets anxiety whether it be from a new job, public speaking, the dentist, getting on an aeroplane, being confronted by someone. We are just more sensitive to the feeling and blow it out of proportion in our minds.

You will get better, I know you will.