View Full Version : overactivite sympathetic nervous system

10-16-2011, 11:29 AM
hi. i have did a bit of research and i think this is exactly what i have. does anybody else feel they have this? also does anybody have any tips or guidance on how to make this less active? thanks

10-17-2011, 11:41 AM
thanks for taking the time to post back in such depth kev. i have been suffering from anxiety for over 3 years now also, my first couple of panic attacks i was completly unaware of what was happening and visited the docs numerous times aswell as a+e only to be told that is was completly fine that i was just hyperventilating, that the random palpitations were normal , that the chest pain was possibly a pulled muscle ( actually had 2 weeks off work diagonesd with this) . it really just went on and on , came and went out of the blue with my only thing to pinpoint was the day after drinking i would feel worse, uptight and have palpitations. basically i diagnosed myself as having anxiety and my doc got to me to go to a counsellor, went for 4 sessions and she basically said to go back to the doc to check there was nothing medically wrong with me, doc said i was fine but sent to cardio specialist for my own peace of mine, 5 mins with him and he said not a cardio problem but i asked if i could have a stress test he said yes so i had one and it came back normal. so this was me in full assurance there was nothing wrong with me but i just couldnt shift the anxiety. i have lost track of time really when this was but i was really up and down all the time with my main symptom/ biggest problem to me was palpitations even though i truly believed there was nothing wrong with my heart but when i was in a situation where i was nervous then my heart would beat really fast and in a situation i wasnt that nervous only a small bit it would beat really fast! this is what really made me think that it must be some kind of anxiety that i already have so when i feel nervous i am like extra nervous hence the rapid heart rate. anyway had my first panic attack in months , went to a+e (know i shouldnt have but couldnt help it) and the doctor here told me he thot i had a heart murmur this sent my anxiety sky high and i was treading on eggshells not wanting to do anything, went back to my normal doc and he said that doc at a+e had made a mistake and i didnt, got sent for an echo and test results came back normal , this was a relief for me. anyway went back to doc for test results and he said about putting me on beta blockers to help me but i said i didnt want them as kind of afraid to be on meds and told him i was going to pay for hypnotherapy and see if that helped . after 2 £65 a hour sessions she told me i was fine and didnt need to go back , i was shocked as i felt she hadnt helped at all and was expecting to really be "cured" but just because i understood what anxiety was it was like anything she told me i knew/understood and she said she couldnt do any more for me! major dissapointment. so now i am where i am today and basically i feel that i have overactive nervous system because really of the palpitations and muscle tension and what i realy want is a natural way to get myself back to normal. anyway i might of went off track here and kind of rabbled on but thanks