View Full Version : Anxiety Clinic advice

10-16-2011, 04:17 AM
Yesterday I drove past a local company that I hadn't realised existed, called 'The Anxiety Clinic'. It's in Staffordshire in the UK.

As I have suffered with anxiety most of my life I was intruiged to find out what they were offering. I found them on the following website...

From reading the web-pages it seems very interesting and tempting, but at £95 a session and at least four sessions I am being cautious.

Do any of you have any ideas on what treatment methods they may be carrying out here, and do you think it is worth spending my money on?

If it works then I don't mind, but I've spent lots on things that don't so am very wary.


10-16-2011, 05:22 AM
Maybe they work on hypnosis? I can't imagine them charging for cognitive therapies, as it's free in the Uk, and much cheaper even if you did pay.

10-16-2011, 04:18 PM
thanks Jessed03, I need to find out more about the company before handing over money, seems that they are not prepared to say what their methods are on the website, which makes me wary!

10-16-2011, 05:47 PM
thanks Jessed03, I need to find out more about the company before handing over money, seems that they are not prepared to say what their methods are on the website, which makes me wary!

Not to worry MB. I didn't know such a place existed in the UK. I'm quite curious what an anxiety clinic would be!

I've actually heard some good things hypnosis though, from some people with very serious anxiety conditions. It would be interesting if they combined that with other forms of therapy such as cognitive and relaxation. Sadly £95 is a bit steep to take a wild swing!

Any reviews online by any chance?

10-17-2011, 11:12 AM
Not to worry MB. I didn't know such a place existed in the UK. I'm quite curious what an anxiety clinic would be!

I've actually heard some good things hypnosis though, from some people with very serious anxiety conditions. It would be interesting if they combined that with other forms of therapy such as cognitive and relaxation. Sadly £95 is a bit steep to take a wild swing!

Any reviews online by any chance?

I'm still looking but can't find any anywhere yet but I'll keep looking. I have had hypnosis before and didn't pay anywhere near £95 so I would hope it's more than just that.