View Full Version : celitopram

10-13-2011, 01:56 PM
Hi guys, doctor prescribed me celitopram(20mg) to take once daily which i just started on monday there. I am 24 and like a drink at the weekend? Has anyone got any experiences of drinking well on celitopram? and side effects etc that i should know about before having a drink?

10-13-2011, 03:02 PM
It can affect everyone differently, my mother took it and drank wine at the weekend with no problem. Me however, if I had a drink it would really mess me up. I would definetly avoid it for a while, as the medication can take a while to settle. I would advise you not to drink at all while taking it, as apparently one drink is the equivalent of 4, worsens side effects, and also it's obviously a depressant. I'm a realist however, and people do drink, so maybe leave the medication to settle, and see how it effects you. Maybe get a non alcoholic lager if you can.

10-13-2011, 04:00 PM
Thanks for that jessed. I think i am going to leave it for a few weeks until it is fully in my system. then when i do just have a few and dont go over board

10-16-2011, 02:16 PM
Hey, my doctor has put me on the same but im on 10mg, i think i need a higher dose though as i dont seem to feel better(but i have only been on them for 2weeks) I also love to go out,love to have a drink or 10 on a saturday night and couple of shots with my girls but today had been the final straw for me and i am no longer going to drink or going to drink as much as i have done its just not worth it! the hole day after my anxiety is sky high and mini panic attacks happen through out the day. i was that bad that today i ended up called NHS helpline and they have said the same as my doctor and the same as other people...alcohol is the biggest trigger for anxiety! and it is i believe cos im at my worst the daty after the night before.

i no its hard and it sucks but to me if that guna stop me feeling like hell and in pure terror all day then thats cool with me.

maybe try cut down how mych u drink and dont mix drinks too cos diff chemicals etc.

lots of love x x

10-17-2011, 02:57 PM
hey worrier123, thanks for your comment. I would give them a few weeks as they do take a while to get into your system. I know it is an ackward situation because i like to drink when im out as my anxiety disappears when i am drunk but it does come back to bite me the next day. I am going to try and just have a few beers when i go out, just to settle my social anxiety and hopefully not feel the effects the next day. it is sooooo hard not to get mashed though after you have had a few beers, especially if your friends are away to partys etc lol
