View Full Version : please help! feel like I'm going crazy!

10-12-2011, 02:18 PM
I have suffered from anxiety/panic attacks since I had my little boy 5 years ago but nothing major! For the past couple of wks pretty much every night iv had anxiety attacks and can't put my finger on what's triggered this! I lay in bed at night convinced my house is haunted by an evil spirit (I sound mad I no but I really believe in paranormal stuff) I can 'feel' whatever it is sitting on the end of my bed (my imagination).. I then start to get bad heart palputations and find it hard to breath! When I finally do fall asleep I often wake up 3 or 4 times a night and 'see' swarms of wasps/spiders/ladybirds in my bed.. I actually jump out of bed because I really believe they're there! I havnt had a good night sleep in wks and its really affecting day to day life! I was just wondering if any1 else has experienced anything like this? What can I do about it? Lots of people have said 'just don't think about it' but that's easier said then done! Thanks for reading this :) I hope some1 can help me

10-12-2011, 02:31 PM
Hey j23j

If you have a couple of spare pounds/dollars, I'd recommend The Anxiety and Phobia workbook. Theres also a cheap subscription site that a member forwells will post if you want, it has a lot of good information. The linden method is a pretty decent, complete, package if you're looking for an ebook.

Do you feel you need to take any medical steps? Maybe some therapy?

Don't worry about the bizarre thoughts, I would get them ALL the time, I would become convinced I had a green face etc lol. I can't really recommend doing anything about a particular issue, as the condition doesn't really work that way, and needs to be tackled at the root. I've found some meditation helped me pretty quickly, it allowed me to sort of ignore my unruly mind! All the various symptoms are manifestations of anxiety, and the treatment for them all is pretty darn similar.

Be well bud,

10-13-2011, 03:17 AM
omg!! im totally afraid of ghosts in my hallway! and i do monster/zombie checks because they could be demons in disguise. yes i am very serious.lol are you seeing things bc of the possibility of lack of sleep?? when i am low on sleep i will hallucinate mildly and i get paranoid BIG TIME! if you can allow your panic to just over come you for a minnute then they attack will run a quick course and leave :)