View Full Version : I want my life back.... Anxiety or Illness..

10-12-2011, 09:36 AM

I am wondering if this is Anxiety or if it possibly could be. It all started 7 weeks ago I was walking out of a gym talking and started having a panic attack. I felt dizzy for a week or so after which got better. I then started getting chest pains and inflammation in my eyes. I was diagnosed with Pericarditis which has since went down (not feeling any pain) However I am still feeling very unwell, and when I walked out of work the other day I had another attack of dizziness which felt like I was going to faint. My breathing did not increase but my heart was racing. and again now I feel dizzy/offbalance immediately after this episode and have had another 'Dizzy' Episode happen again today. I have had an many ECG's, Chest Xray and standard blood tests all comming back normal.

Can anyone help me, I want my life back.

10-12-2011, 10:40 AM
I can't diagnose you. Maybe you should see a Psychiatrist and he or she could decide. I can tell you that I have felt dizzy,hot spells,inflammation in my eye and chest pains before when exercising. So,anything is possible.

10-13-2011, 02:57 AM
hey there! im new around these parts :) im sorry to hear you have to deal with this. i know exactly how you feel. i was always feeling as if id faint. if i stood for more than a minute in place id fall over. i was always dizzy and never wanted to leave the house bc i was so scared id faint. i was confined to a single small room for months. the dr took blood and did exams and said i was healthy. when i actually researched anxiety to its fullest i eased up. when i actually let the anxiety take over and i blacked out and saw that it wasnt so bad it actually dissapeared. i have been an anxiety sufferer for 4 yrs and it always seems a new crazy symptom emerges and i end up at the dr only to find its anxiety! chest pains, crazy hot flashes, blacking out, fainting, hyperveniliating, paranoia,dry mouth, tight throat, even pica! you name it i had it. still suffereing but not from fainting spells. if you can find a way to ease up you can probably knock them out :)