View Full Version : Can Anxiety Actually *Cause* Symptoms of Prostatitis?

10-11-2011, 02:06 PM

I'm pretty new to the world of anxiety disorders (diagnosed about 4 months ago), but I can now say that it's the real deal ... and the connection between the mind and the body is quite amazing. And alarming. :)

Anyway, for you men out there -- I have seen info on the Internet about prostatitis causing anxiety (and rightfully so, cause it's painful and awkward!), but does it happen the other way around? That is, can anxiety actually *cause* prostatitis, or the associated symptoms? I've been having a bout of it lately and I think it's a direct cause of anxiety issues. I was prescribed antibiotics, but I don't think they helped. However, after taking a Clonazepam 0.5mg this morning (after resisting the urge for awhile), I have noticed that the symptoms have ... I dare say, almost vanished. Amazing.

Any other gentlemen observed this by chance?

10-11-2011, 03:29 PM
Hey SP,

I've never experienced this particular ailment, but I can testify as to anxiety's strange simulation of various symptoms. I've had so many vast and varied symptoms that would fit so perfectly into certain ailments, that I've been diagnosed with many weird and wonderful things, only to have them sort of vanish when getting a grip on anxiety. As you said yourself, the connection really can be astounding.

Hopefully some detective work will uncover some answers for you.