View Full Version : Why does no one understand..

10-11-2011, 08:53 AM
It seems like no one understands when you tell them you have anxiety. I use to have a friend who would try and trigger my panic attacks or deliberately scare me. When I would have to leave the group and hide in her room because that's where I felt comfortable she would get angry with me. I don't get what part of anxiety do they not understand?

10-11-2011, 08:36 PM
yes to be honest your friend sounds like a bitch if she is going to do that to you! no offense! try getting some friends who have anxiety and they will understand! it is awesome when you meet someone with the same problems!!

10-12-2011, 08:43 AM
I suppose it's like trying to describe colours to a blind man. If you've never experienced it, it's very unlikely you'll be able to truly understand it. Most people think it's a self brought on illness, suffered by weak or stubborn people. Mental symptoms have always been neglected, it's only finally now that society is beginning to at least recognise the suffering it inflicts upon people.

Personally I can only say that support got me through my dark times. If I didn't have the support of my family and friends, I would have probably gone into a hole never to come out. I agree with nervous (and forwells, naturally), that your friend doesn't sound the most helpful of people. If possible, explain how you're feeling, and try to stay around supportive people. :)

10-12-2011, 10:36 AM
Yes,she was not very nice. We are no longer friends and thankfully she is leaving me alone. I have never had an easy time making friends. I was always the outcast and it is even harder with anxiety because no one understands what is going on with me. I feel like they think I am just being pathetic and get tired of dealing with me.
It's not like I want to be this way and I am struggling to pull myself back up but,I end up just falling back down again.
Right now I am going back up and doing pretty well but,I wonder how long it will be until I fall back down.

10-13-2011, 03:24 AM
hey lunabell, people think that if its in your head then its easy to just throw away and forget. if it were that easy why would be fighting for our lives?! i mean really. your friend didnt sound like much of a friend :/ friends dont treat friends that way. my therapist told me that i have to remember that not everyone is like me and its true. not everyone is like you and you have your beat to dance to. in the process of recovery theres going to be falls but whats important is that you get back up and never stop trying! you will rise from the ashes of this fire!