View Full Version : Full time jobs suck

10-11-2011, 01:42 AM
I just quit my second full time job because it has become too stressful.
My boss is an assh*** and i'm frighten I'll never be able to hold a job!!

They just told me they expect me to buy them drinks when I leave...

This is screwed up... also im about to statrt psychology for 6 weeks and then be reviewed by a doctor to test whether I meds

Im sick of having panic attacks that make me think im going to die...

They even make me wish I wasnt in a relationship because I cause trouble no matter how many times my bf tells me he doesnt care and he wants to help me.. whenever I have one I want him to leave...

What do I do??????

10-11-2011, 08:56 AM
I'm kind of on the other side of where you are. I wish I had a job because I think it will be therapeutic. Unfortunately anxiety is a chronic condition and won't just disappear. You have to find ways of coping with it. There's no magic cure. Believe me I know because I've looked everywhere for one. But,if it helps any we are all here for you and it sounds like you have a very loving and supportive BF who wants to help you.