View Full Version : Is anyone here emetophobic?

10-09-2011, 09:48 PM
Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting or others vomiting. Naturally, because of this fear, it causes my anxiety to rear its ugly head. I feel nauseated all the time (due to anxiety) and it is really hard to cope with. I am 19 years old and I have had this fear for as long as I can remember. I am not sure what caused it. I honestly feel sick every night. My body feels really hot and my cheeks flush although I am unsure of the initial cause of that as well. Does anyone else here have that problem? I am reaching the end of my rope...

10-11-2011, 05:36 AM
I also feel sick alot of the time due to my anxiety and i loose my appetite completely to the point where i hardly eat a thing all day and the thought of having to eat makes me feel sick. I dont fear feeling sick however it is very unpleasant, it seems the only thing to do to stop the sickness is to stop the anxiety and fear of feeling sick and i think this comes from seeing a therapist, im starting to have CBT sessions soon to basically help me CHANGE the was i think about my fears.

are u having any counceling or anything?


10-13-2011, 03:32 AM
hey guys :) dead inside it sounds like the flush face and hot body is just a symptom of the anxiety.i get it bad. its sorta like being stuck in between a panic attack and being ok. when your constantly feeling sick due to the anxiety the hot flashes will accompany that. misery loves company! do you know what your afraid of? are you afraid the act itself? the sick feelings that come with it? the vomit itself? the fear you may not stop?? worrier hows the cbt working for you?? im going through it now and it seems its not working so good

11-15-2011, 04:54 AM
Hey deadinside, I am emetophobic as well. I am so scared of going on public transport because of it, I tried to take a bus the other week and had to get off straight away because I had a panic attack i was so worried someone was going to be sick. I can't go out where loads of people are drunk either, it really affects my social life. I almost couldn't click on this thread it scared me so much. How are you coping? I don't want to go to someone about it because I know the treatment for phobias is exposure to the trigger and I'm not ready for that. I'm sorry it's making you feel so bad deadinside, have you got any medication for the anxiety? That would stop you feeling sick so would at least take away the short term symptoms until you can start working on the root of the problem. I take propanolol (beta-blockers), they basically just get rid of the physical anxiety symptoms which works for me in the short term. Goof luck!

11-16-2011, 02:23 PM
I starved myself before I have to go anywhere that may cause an anxiety attack, and always knew where the restrooms were so I could make a quick exscape. When I was in college my friends used to say i could throwup on command.