View Full Version : The Linden affect and panic away.com??

10-09-2011, 07:17 AM
has anoyone tried these methods? they are on you tube and claim to be the´cure´to ridding anxiety, thing is you have to buy the softwear and its not cheap. should i give it a go or do you think its just a money making scheme?



10-09-2011, 07:42 AM
I've read through the book, and looked at the software, and it does seem to be a very complete method. It includes sections on diet, meditation and relaxation, thinking habits, breathing and posture etc. Even after being on a variety of meds, having done lots of therapies, and being at a very advanced stage in my anxiety recovery, I managed to pick up one or two useful tips from this book.

Sadly will it 'cure' anxiety? No, that's just marketing. What it will do, is allow you to gain a better understanding of anxiety, and implement things into your life which will lower your stress levels, and allow your mind to get some rest and do some healing. To be fair to the method, this is the best anything can really give.

My advice to you, from personal experience would be to give the Citalopram a month, just to settle down so you know how things stand. In the meantime, I'd go to your doctor, get enrolled onto a CBT course. Once you've completed the course (which is free in the uk) evaluate how things stand. Theres a good chance you will have made a lot of progress, and life will look very different. You can then use books like the Linden Method, to take your knowledge one step further, and maybe change a few things to suit you.

If you want to save some money, I would recommend The Anxiety and Phobia workbook, it's a green book, that you can probably get off of Amazon for a fiver, maybe less. I would say it's as in depth as the Linden, but you have to do slightly more yourself.

Hope you're having a good weekend :)

10-09-2011, 10:45 AM
Both these methods are very helpful methods...And yes they do work if you follow them precisely..And about the claim of curing...Yes both these methods will cure you of Panic attacks, Coz i tried it and have been cured of Panic Attacks (Its simple understanding of what to do when you start to panic) But both these methods will not Completely cure you of The core Anxiety issues as that can only be done by your own understanding and how you accept and make your life Stress free( This is the only key to getting your anxiety levels down)...

Cheers and best of luck!!!! God bless:)

10-09-2011, 12:52 PM
Thank you both for your responces

much love xx

10-11-2011, 05:40 AM
Thanks Kev thats really helpfull, im going to see how i get on with my CBT sessions(its free for me as im in the uk) and hopefuly after that i shouldnt need to purchase anything else....fingers crossed!
