View Full Version : Any tips on tackling anxiety on a hangover?

10-09-2011, 05:47 AM
My friends and family threw me a surprise 25th bday party last night, it was great but so unexpected and of course i felt obliged to have a few drinks and shots with my friends for the effort they had put in. My anxiety always seems to be so much worse they day after the night before, i know the lack of sleep doesnt help but its got to the point where as soon as im awake i straight away think oh no is it all guna happen again am i guna have a panick attack, racing thoughts of not wanting to panick and freak out, and the dread of that absolute fear that washes over you! some hangover days are worse than other, sometimes i wish i had a really strong sleeping tablet that i could take so i could knock myself out for the day and not have to feel so awfuly anxious and scared(could i do this by the way)

Does anyone else here feel 10 times worse the night after some drinks? i love going out with my friends and having fun but latley im too scared to drink cos i anticipate the worst happening. is there anything you guys do in this situation that help you not freak out and fear panick and going crazy? and do you think that its posible to actually die or go crazy from your thoughts making you feel so much that it feels real?

any advice would be great


10-09-2011, 07:01 AM
Hey Kelly, I know exactly how you feel I actually stopped going out with my mates etc because of this! I'm 18 and at university so you can imagine the amount of times you drink at uni I started to avoid them but I found drinking one type of drink, in a minimal amount just to get you to the point of having a good time is enough and leave enough time to sober up and drink some water before going to sleep works, as well as getting a good nights rest and a good breakfast the morning after! I hope this helps!

10-09-2011, 12:10 PM
alcohol in excess just increases anxiety, Booze is a depressant. I never drink in excess anymore because of anxiety issues I have.

jon mike
10-09-2011, 04:21 PM
Hey, I replied to your message on another page, you sound so much like me, or how I used to be for about 15 yrs! Alcohol does up anxiety but it dosent mean you can't drink and go out, it was my biggest thing with alcohol, I found out I literally just linked it to that, just like i did when I didn't eat at the right times, i felt like that was bringing on anxiety, it's all so easy to control when 'the penny drops' it took me 15 long yrs, i don't want that to happen to anyone, did you read my post I mentioned on your other post? Trust me all this can disappear, message me if you need any advice , Jon :-)

10-10-2011, 10:02 AM
I found and still do find myself in this situation from time to time. I helped myself by realizing that it's not the drinking itself that will cause me to feel that way. Once you start to relate things to anxiety, it will happen all the time. The fear of anxiety leads to anxiety, so you have to know that it's ok to have some drinks ( of course I recommend in moderation ) from time to time. Don't correlate the two things together, it only leads to more stress and fear, enjoy yourself and have fun instead.

10-11-2011, 05:22 AM
Thanks for your comments guys, its nice to know im not the only one, I have realised after reading this post that i suppose i do anticipate feeling anxious on a hangover day, its as if as soon as im awake straight i think oh no its guna be awfull today im guna be a panicy mess and feeling so crap etc and its as if im waiting for it to happen cos i expect it to, im not a massive drinker anyway to be fair but iv cut down even more just out of fear of being like it all day. I have found that if im out and about doing something and being with people im actually alot better becuase my thoughts dont have my full attention.

Oh and Jon im having my CBT assesment this thursday to see if and how long i need therapy for...fingers crossed!!


jon mike
10-11-2011, 03:51 PM
Cool, I'm glad, realisation is so much a part of it, it's like admitting you've got a drink problem, when you accept it, it's sooooo much easier, the cbt will sort you out im sure,let me no :-) Jon