View Full Version : How to overcome performance anxiety?

10-05-2011, 12:22 PM
I'm 19 and I'm quite a nervy person in general. I get nervous in most social events but my anxiety is extreme when I have to perform. I think I get it off my mum as she has anxiety problems and is on some kind of medication for it. I'm in college studying music so this involves alot of presentations and live performances which I find really difficult. We did a class presentation today, nothing important but I could barely speak because my throat went so dry and I was shaking - I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my face was burning up. It's like this whenever I have to do presentations. I did my first live gig about 3 or 4 months ago and I was singing. I didn't have any problems during rehearsals but when it came to the actual performance my throat went dry and my voice was unbelievably shaky which ruined the performance. I hate it. Every time I just take deep breaths and tell myself that there's nothing to worry about but it doesn't make a different because I'm not in control of it. I really want to do something about it because it's ruining my life to be honest. Does anyone know of any effective solutions?