View Full Version : No interest in sex?!

10-05-2011, 05:09 AM
I dont know if anxiety has a role to play in the lack of sex drive that i have, in a way im hoping it does as iv only been with my partner for about 7 months and i do love him but latley i have no interest what so ever in having sex, infact the thought of it creaps me out, i dont even like being that affectionate anymore but he is and its a problem, he does understand what im going through and he doesnt pressure me at all but now im starting to feel quilty because hes a man and has needs and im not giving it to him, its probably been about a month since we had sex, we cuddle on sofa and stuff but thats about it because i dont want to do anything else. weve recently moved into a flat together and so far all is ok(except the sex part) is it normal to loose your sex drive complety when faced with high anxiety or is it that im just loosing interested in my boyfriend but havnt realised it yet?



10-05-2011, 11:20 AM
It's definetly normal!

Thank god this is an anonymous forum, I remember many months ago, I was on holiday with my very attractive girlfriend, who I cared for dearly. As we got more intimate, I just had absolutely nothing going on whatsoever. I couldn't even feel my lips as we kissed, I was that disinterested. It was really sad to see, I cared so much for her feelings, but I felt about as sexual as a wooden wardrobe lol! This went on for about 5 months on and off, and assuming I wouldn't get better, I broke up with her, when all I needed to do was truly let go of the desire to force things to work.

The good news is, as time went on, and I made conscious decisions to lower my anxiety levels, my sort of numbness lifted, and I slowly began to enjoy things again, including relationships and being intimate. During periods of high anxiety or stress, I still get it even now. I've just learnt to put a spin on it. It gives me a great advantage in the dating scene, women sense I'm far more genuine as I don't always have sexual motives haha!! :P

10-05-2011, 06:43 PM
omgsh i have this majorly! it sucks because i am only 20 and used to love love love sex! i have been with my boyfriend for over 4 years now and we only have sex like once a week! i just dont feel like it at all and sometimes when we do i dread it! i can still orgasm though which is awesome because i am on zoloft and had trouble with another med i have tried! i wish this side effect would go away because i hate it!!!! i wanna want it !

10-06-2011, 11:40 AM
I want to want it again too, but right now its not happening....id rather do the ironing lol!

Thanks for your comments guys!!

kelly c

10-07-2011, 07:40 PM
The opposite is a huge libido-- sex is such an anxiety release for me.