View Full Version : Why do I allow this?

10-03-2011, 10:01 PM
I'm currently 6.5 weeks pregnant and have suffered from GAD for a few years now. I recently found out that I may have a rare blood disorder which can increase the risk of thrombosis. This combined with the fact that I know pregnancy elevates that risk as well has made for quite an emotional day. I have had chest pain (common with my anxiety) off and on all day. This pared with some dizziness (common in pregnancy) and shortness of breath (common in anxiety) and what do you know...I've diagnosed myself with a pulmonary embolism. Why do I allow my brain to do this to me? These negative and panicky thoughts have ruined my day and stressed me out. I'm sure I'm fine!
Can anyone relate?

10-04-2011, 02:59 AM
I can totally relate, i dont know why we do it to ourselves! A few weeks back me hubby and kids were going away for the weekend and all morning id been rushing round getting everything all packed up and i streched for something then after that i got this funny pain in my back between my shoulder blades,i didnt think about it at first until we were in the car on the way and my breathing went funny (out of rhythem) then before you know it im hot panicky and ive got a collapsed lung!!!!! how one little pain can lead me to think ive got a collapsed lung ill never know but when your in it you cant think right can you, i ended up spoiling my weekend away for myself i didnt enjoy it at all. It really drives me mad!!


10-04-2011, 10:06 AM
We do this because the limbic system or more precisely the amygdlia has been maladaptedly hard wired through training to over respond to threats. For most of this it started in childhood.

The pathway to arousal no longer goes through the cortex so we can mull it over - it is a rocket shot to catastrophic conclusion - this is what CBT and meditation seek to do - retrain the system