View Full Version : Only getting worse. help.

10-03-2011, 04:26 PM
I feel empty.. I constantly feel like i am dreaming. I feel so hopeless. I have gad, depression, and anxiety. I feel like i am never going to get better or that i wont even know what feeling better feels like.I just want to get better and i feel like i am so alone in feeling like this.I also just developed the fear that i am going to snap and go crazy.Everytime i leave my house the feeling of being unreal gets worse. The days i think i am starting to feel better make me think that because i feel better i am actually insane because insane people dont know that they are insane. My concept of time sucks. Things that happened an hour ago feel like they happened five hours ago. I have dreams every night and i always remember every detail, that also freaks me out. I don't know what to do. I am in therapy and i take medicine

10-03-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi carol3792,
I feel the same as you, the feeling of wanting to explode, of going insane the constant feeling of anxiety and will it ever end, I'm also in theropy(CBT) and on medication which hasen't worked so far, Its hard to get people to understand what is wrong with you without them thinking your a nut job, I was actually put in a mental home trying to explain what was wrong with me, I know i'm not insane just struggling to live a normal life, your not alone.

10-03-2011, 09:14 PM
you are not alone !!!!!! you will get better eventually! you will never totally get rid of anxiety but you will one day live a normal life and maybe even a better life than most people! there are going to be times where you feel completely hopeless! you are gonna feel completely insane but you are not! there are times where i get so anxious and feel unreal that i cant even hold down food and just everything doesnt feel "right". I am on medication and in therapy as well. I have nightmares everynight that someone is trying to kill me! it feels so real and when i wake up i feel like it actually happened and sometimes i forget if it was a dream or reality it is scary! i get paranoid that im becoming schizophrenic! you are not alone!

I wish all of us anxiety sufferers could just live close to one another so we could all hangout and talk about how we think we are "crazy" (but actually arent) that would be great! IT can feeel like nobody else understands!