View Full Version : Traveling solo in Europe

10-02-2011, 06:35 PM
Hey everyone. :)

I just joined this forum yesterday...I have a lot to share about my GAD, but one thing that is bothering me in particular is my upcoming trip to Europe for 4 weeks.

I leave a week this Wednesday. I should be extremely excited! I have never been to Europe before and cannot wait to experience it. However, I'm so terrified. I am going on a Contiki tour. I will be going alone. I am scared that no one in my tour group will not like me and I will have no friends. Contiki is known for being a party kind of tour company so I am worried that everyone on the tour will be drinking all night long. I am not a party-type person and I fear that I will not find someone like me (i.e. quiet and just wants to tour and explore Europe)

I went to Israel about two years ago this winter and this was a tour group too. Turns out, about 90% of the people on my trip were drinking every night, being so terribly loud and obnoxious. I knew a few people, but most of them were all strangers.

So because of my previous experience of Israel, I have a major fear that my Europe trip will be the exact same. Even though 4 weeks does not seem long, I do not want to trapped with drunkards and partiers for this long. I just know there will be sleepless nights. If I do not get my precious sleep, I get cranky and in a bad mood--hence, prevents me from making friends. I spend all my hard earned money for this trip and I want to enjoy it to it's fullest.

I joined a Facebook group for all the people on the trip. I pre-conceive of their personality and judge them right off the bat without even talking to them. I think that I'm extremely judgmental before I meet people. This could prevent me from opening up to people. I think that oh, this person will not like me. I suffer from low self-esteem and I just have this constant fear that no one will like me for who I am. I always try to be myself...that's all I can be. I hate putting on an act just in order to be liked.

I know that leaving for the airport will be the hardest thing. I know from past experience that once I arrive in Europe, at my hotel, and get settled, I am sure I'll be fine. But it's my negative thoughts that keep me from being positive and excited about this trip.

I have to make this trip the best for me and no one else. I deserve this trip. I must get over these silly little fears.

Has anyone been in a situation like this before? Anyone have any tips?

Thanks! :D

10-02-2011, 06:53 PM
wow good luck! you are so lucky you could even travel, let alone travel alone! You will find some people who dont like to party too much and will have a great time! Its hard not to have these negative thoughts before the trip and i bet even the people who dont have gad are having some fears about the trip as well.
Good luck, have an awesome time, and RELAX!

10-02-2011, 10:53 PM
Thank you! It was so hard to make the decision to go. I really need to get out of my comfort zone. And I just finished university...figured if I don't do it now, I'll NEVER do it.